How To Forgive Betrayal And Let Go Of The Past

How To Forgive Betrayal And Let Go Of The Past
How To Forgive Betrayal And Let Go Of The Past

How to forgive betrayal and let go of the past

Learn to distinguish people so that there are no more offenses and betrayals. Live every second and not be afraid of the future. Restore trust and build happier relationships. This is possible if you master the knowledge of vectors …

How to let go of the past if it does not go away? Bumping into him on the street, at work, in a dream, and you can not think about anything else. Everything around him is poisoned by his betrayal. A dull, aching splinter in the heart does not allow you to breathe deeply, trust life and go forward.

Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps to restore peace of mind and the ability to build relationships.

Why did this happen to me?

Not all people are equally sensitive to the family. Everyone has their own values - and not because someone is bad, but someone is good, it's just that our psyche is arranged differently.

There are people for whom loyalty and honesty, a strong family and strong relationships are of particular value. These are the owners of the anal vector. And they are the ones who suffer the most if the family cracks. It is difficult, almost impossible for them to forgive and erase from memory a betrayal or lie, insult or betrayal. Why?

All the "fault" of their natural phenomenal memory and inner desire for justice. The human psyche with the anal vector is built in such a way as to accumulate knowledge and preserve the experience of the past for future generations, precisely and unchanged. So that we do not reinvent the wheel every time. It is for this that the best memory is given, in which everything is stored in shelves, in all details. And it is not forgotten.

What about justice? In the understanding of the owner of the anal vector, it is fair - it means equally. To me with kindness - and I will thank you. And if with evil? Internal balance is disturbed, an insult settles in the soul against the one who was wrong, caused pain. The dependence on the fact that everything was even, equally, makes the psyche rigid, clumsy, a person hardly adapts to everything that does not correspond to his ideas about "correctness".

How to forgive betrayal picture
How to forgive betrayal picture

Sometimes an apology is enough and we forgive from the bottom of our hearts. What if the abuser did not apologize? What if you did something that you can't fix with an apology, caused pain that you can't make up for with anything? Trampled on the most sacred: loyalty, love, relationships? Violation of the sense of justice torments, focuses on oneself, on pain, over and over again returns to the past.

This is how a good memory and a feeling of resentment do not allow psychologically to end the relationship, to let go, which means they do not allow to fully live in today’s day and create new relationships.

Realizing your nature, understanding what prevents you from moving forward is to take the first step on the path to liberation from the pain you have experienced. We can take this step together at Yuri Burlan's free online training, which starts on 23 August.

How could he do this to me ?

The partner of a person with an anal vector often becomes the owner of the skin vector. And its properties, desires are completely different. Flexibility in everything. Benchmark for benefit. He can easily change his mind if he sees that it is more dear to him to remain true to himself. His life tasks are different. Introduce changes to society, engineering thought, create laws, extract and save resources - if a person is developed. If not, he can steal in a petty way, look for the desired novelty in sexual relations at one time.

Why does he become like this? The reason may be trauma received in childhood - humiliation from parents or beatings, an attempt to grow out of him someone who he is not. "My father studied with only A's, and what a fool you are - he flies into one ear, flies into the other!" He has no perseverance, no desire to study, like a parent with an anal vector, but he has a talent for organizing and optimizing, a quick thought aimed at prey in any form.

Without developing his innate properties until adolescence, a person can then use them only at a primitive level. And this, of course, affects the relationship in a couple.

The reasons for cheating can be different. You can deal with them in more detail by learning a little more about vectors at the training "System-vector psychology". Once you understand what kind of desire motivated your partner, the pain will release and the endless question "For what and why?" will cease to torment the heart. It's like realizing that a dog cannot meow and there is no sun at night.

But this is not the most important thing. The key is that by learning to understand the other person, you can avoid bad experiences later on. Do not be afraid and avoid relationships - but find someone who can actually share your dreams with you. The training results show that this is an absolute reality. As well as the fact that, having understood your husband, you can revive the relationship at a qualitatively different level.

How to let go of the past picture
How to let go of the past picture

Spring-cleaning. We put things in order in life

We begin to breathe with confidence when we systematically analyze what happened to us. Why did our partner behave this way, what led him. A clear, clear psychological understanding of the situation, reasons, motives of behavior of all participants in the conflict evens out the internal imbalance that arose as a result of the betrayal of a loved one.

It's like reformatting a hard disk: these folders are here, and we don't need these - we will put others in their place: new, clean, beautiful, necessary. Remove these programs, but update these. In the same way, we consciously, with a full understanding of the matter, put things in order in the soul and in thoughts, and therefore in life.

From scratch

The next step is a conscious, correct realization among people. We can use any of our properties in plus or minus.

A good memory is not given to us in order to live in the past, which can no longer be corrected, to remember injustice and to carry resentment behind us. It is given so that we get joy from its realization in society. Maybe a phenomenal memory is necessary in your professional activity or hobby?

Our priority of the past can be used for its intended purpose - to connect generations, to transfer experience and knowledge to the future. When we thus shift the focus of perception from ourselves to people, when we use our innate properties not only for ourselves, but for everyone, for solving important problems, it is easier for us to survive any difficulties. Thought stops running in the circle of its own experiences, it has an application that brings real pleasure.

This is how those who were able to leave past relationships in the past and start a new page of life say about it:

Learn to distinguish between people so that there are no more offenses and betrayals. Live every second and not be afraid of the future. Restore trust and build happier relationships. This is possible if you master the knowledge of vectors. Come to free online trainings "System Vector Psychology" and try it for yourself.
