Adrenaline junkies. Crazy thrill on the tip of a knife
“You really live only on the brink of death … it is at such moments that you feel yourself, your life, your opportunities especially acutely. Every moment sharpens all the senses to the maximum - every cell of your body gives out everything that it is capable of. Such moments are life, the rest is just preparation, waiting, vegetation …"
“You really live only on the brink of death … it is at such moments that you feel yourself, your life, your opportunities especially acutely. Every moment sharpens all the senses to the maximum - every cell of your body gives out everything that it is capable of. Such moments are life, the rest is just preparation, waiting, vegetation …"
Extreme professions, extreme sports, dangerous travel, gambling - who are the people who live on the edge?

What kind of mindset consciously choose dangerous professions? And what happens in the brain of a person who risks his life day after day that makes him come back to it again and again?
What drives them?
Want to test yourself for strength?
Desire for death or a heightened sense of life?
The opportunity to experience that thrill again and again when their drug - adrenaline - gets into the blood …
Extremists, lovers of risk and thrill, gamblers - all of them have one thing in common: adrenaline pleasure.
Is it a drug? Is there an adrenaline addiction?
Let's try to figure it out using system-vector psychology.
What are they - those people who live on the brink of a foul? Blue-eyed blondes with a snow-white smile, flexing their muscles in front of Hollywood cameras? Not at all!
These are ordinary people living among us, often without any superpowers, but all of them are united by common psychological traits - the traits of the owner of the skin vector.
Fast reaction, high adaptability to new conditions, the ability to make decisions instantly, body flexibility and mental mobility. Usually, but not necessarily, these are thin, fit, slender people.

It would seem that the way of life obliges … obliges innate qualities, including the intensity of metabolism, and the way of life can both promote harmony and contribute to the accumulation of fat.
But the main psychological properties of extreme skin lovers are ambition, a propensity for competitive actions and an unconditional passion for victory. For them there is no second place - there is a winner and losers, there is no third place. Number one or "loser".
Any peak, slope, trough, depth, extreme situation, danger, risky business is a challenge, not responding to which is like losing.
Life is victory. Victory over the enemy, over yourself, your fears, doubts, opportunities, difficulties.
You are the very first, fastest, dexterous, brave, you can do what others cannot, and therefore you are higher than them all, cooler, more important and you can prove it!
Since primitive times, a person with a skin vector has been a breadwinner, a side hunter-alimentator, a mid-level commander in war and a creator and custodian of food supplies in peacetime.
His life was spent in the savannah, in war or hunting. He is in constant motion, makes decisions on the fly and organizes subordinate warriors. Only fulfilling his specific role, he received a balanced biochemistry of the brain, that is, pleasure, a state of satisfaction with his life.
Victory and prey provided the representative of the skin vector with what he aspires to most of all - property and social superiority.

In addition, the mental properties of the skin vector are supported by physical properties - good flexibility, accuracy and rhythm of movements, an unmistakable sense of time, an ideal ability to balance and generally control your body, an intensive metabolism that can provide the body with a large amount of energy during exercise.
All the listed properties, both mental and physical, are given by nature, they are inherent in a person from birth, but to what level they can develop is a completely separate question.
The development of vector properties is possible only before the end of puberty, that is, up to 12-15 years of age. Of course, dancing or sports give the development of the skin vector, however, this is not the highest level to which they can develop.
For 50 thousand years, the development of all mankind has been going on - constantly increasing and complicating. Each new generation, making the next step in development, leaves its imprint in the collective mental, increasing the general level of development and the level of temperament of the next generations.
Logical thinking and rationalization abilities, the ability to discipline oneself and organize others, high adaptability and the ability to work and make quick decisions under constantly changing conditions - all this makes it possible to implement the properties of the skin vector at the highest level, in jurisprudence and engineering. Moreover, the higher the level of realization of the properties, the more pleasure the realized one gets - the modern temperament obliges … Running on the savannah with a spear is already painfully small for the current skinner, while innate properties and high temperament require due satisfaction.

Not having enough opportunity for full realization or having received the development of skin properties exclusively at the level of the body, the modern skinner is looking for any opportunity to realize innate qualities more fully or more often.
If initially their choice did not fall on a profession that was obviously associated with risk, then dangerous hobbies arise - extreme sports or travel.
The high they associate with the release of adrenaline into the blood is nothing more than the achievement of a balanced state of biochemical processes in the human brain with a skin vector from the feeling of full realization.
How does adrenaline work on the body?
Getting into the blood, the hormone of the adrenal medulla brings the body into a “fight or flight” state (which, in fact, is the specific role of the skin vector) - there is a maximum tension of all body functions.
Heartbeat, breathing quickens, pupils and airways dilate, cerebral blood flow increases, glucose uptake by body tissues increases and fat breakdown is stimulated, favorable conditions are created for skeletal muscles to work, the body's adaptability and ability to concentrate increase.
There is a natural stimulation of the human body.
Is adrenaline a drug? This is a very controversial and unambiguous question. Adrenaline is a natural substance of the human body and, being produced by the body itself, cannot harm health. In theory, the body cannot produce enough adrenaline to be life threatening.

Adrenaline addiction is also an unproven term that is used mainly in the ranks of the same extreme. It is rather explained by the need for the realization of skin properties, and the so-called "dependence" is due to the fact that all extreme activities, no matter how dangerous they are, are the simplest way to realize innate qualities, which means that they do not bring full satisfaction to a modern complexly organized skinner with a high temperament …
This fact forces the leatherworker to compensate for the quality with quantity, that is, to repeat his feats over and over again, gradually getting to full realization, collecting bit by bit what he could have, being realized at a higher level in society.
Of course, everyone is free to live in the way he chooses for himself, but understanding the essence of what is happening, the true reasons for their desires and needs makes life more conscious than blindly stating any "dependence".
Awareness of one's own nature and mental processes allows, if desired, to find an alternative, but no less effective way to fulfill needs in order to receive maximum pleasure from each area of one's life.