Smiling West And Gloomy Russia: A Knife In The Back Or An Honestly Black Eye

Smiling West And Gloomy Russia: A Knife In The Back Or An Honestly Black Eye
Smiling West And Gloomy Russia: A Knife In The Back Or An Honestly Black Eye

Smiling West and gloomy Russia: a knife in the back or an honestly black eye

The first thing that catches the eye of a Russian in the United States or Western Europe is … the friendly faces of passers-by. In contrast, in Russia, the average Russian person is more accustomed to hear from a passer-by: "What do you need ?!" - and cringe under a sullen gaze …

Everything is written on my face

The first thing that catches the eye of a Russian in the United States or Western Europe is … the friendly faces of passers-by.

In the West, it is customary to smile at a simple counter, for no particular reason, a smile as a sign of nothing to courtesy. To smile, to wave a hand even to a stranger is quite natural and does not carry any hidden meaning. On the contrary, a person who does not smile back arouses suspicion or at least is perceived as strange.

In contrast, in Russia, the average Russian person is more accustomed to hear from a passer-by: "What do you need ?!" - and shrink under a sullen gaze, rather than see a smile and a joyful face.


What's the matter? A simple smile for us is either a too frank compliment, or an unusually wide open door to the soul, or a direct mockery and a reason to put this insolent fingal under the eye.

Are these differences in upbringing, educational level, religion, cultural differences or folk traditions? Or, perhaps, this is how the difference in the standard of living, the degree of comfort and prosperity, and social protection affects people?

Or maybe the root of Western friendliness and Russian gloom lies deeper?

The most striking thing is that this is just the tip of the iceberg, a particular manifestation of the general psychological characteristics of Russian and Western people - two mentalities that have absolutely nothing in common: urethral and skin.

Yuri Burlan's "System Vector Psychology" for the first time explains the characteristic features, behavioral traits, the general psychological portrait of a particular people so clearly that every act, word, every gesture or look of both a Russian and an American becomes explainable, extremely understandable and even predictable.

Life is a smile's distance

The Hollywood smile has already become a global symbol of success, wealth and high social status of its owner - the most coveted values of the skin mentality.

It is in the skin phase of human development in a country with a skin mentality that all the properties of this vector are manifested in all their glory and at the maximum level of development.

The rule of law, standardization and consumption, rapid technological progress and the cult of a healthy lifestyle - this is how the needs of the skin vector are realized in limiting themselves and others. Everything is rational, logical and extremely productive, everything has its own price and legal rationale - the triumph of cutaneous logical thinking. Private property, personal space, resources, ideas, again protected by law - individualism in all its glory.

A polite smile in a skin society is a designation of the boundaries of access, the distance to which you can be admitted to the personal space of a single individual. If you respond in kind, it means that you are “in the know” and agree with the generally accepted rules of conduct. Any other reaction to a standard greeting causes misunderstanding, alarms and is perceived as a threat to violate established boundaries.


Within the framework of the skin mentality, mass culture is widely developed. Any manifestation of culture, be it music, literature, visual arts, theater or cinema, must justify itself both commercially and in terms of popularity among the population. In a dermal society, every movement should be appropriate and relevant.

It is this variant of the manifestation of cultural values that makes them accessible to the most diverse segments of the population. Culture is a direct manifestation of the properties of the visual vector, it is a means of secondary limiting hostility.

In the West, on the basis of skin law and standardization, culture is spreading generally, becoming mass.

Mass culture makes a smile a standard of communication, a legal mask that restricts access to a person's inner feelings or thoughts, a protection against penetration, an individual capsule.

The Western standard smile is a peculiar way to isolate ourselves from the other person against the background of the general growth of our collective dislike for each other. Such a smile is far from a sincere display of sympathy or empathy - smiling broadly, you can be robbed at the same time.

A lion's grin before the throw, or when the Russians smile

Formed in the geopolitical space of the former empire of the legendary Genghis Khan, a unique mentality manifests itself in all countries of the region. The urethral mentality is observed only here and is not repeated in any part of the world, therefore, certain traits and characteristics of the behavior of Russians do not find understanding among residents of other regions.

In the cutaneous phase of human development, all carriers of the urethral mentality have a hard time. All skin properties are sharply opposed to the urethral, therefore Western habits and behaviors do not fit into the urethral system of values of the Russian person.

The urethral vector does not tolerate any restrictions, laws or frameworks, for the leader there are no boundaries or prohibitions, he does not obey the law. The urethral person himself is the highest law, since only he is endowed from birth with such qualities as mercy and justice, and is completely deprived of the concepts of personal benefit or benefit, for the leader the highest pleasure is bestowal. Urethral animal altruism. Inborn, natural, he is a natural and integral part of his nature. Therefore, the law cannot be the main and only guide or support for making decisions in the life of a person with a urethral mentality.


The urethral is a clot of energy, four-dimensional libido, hot blood and tactical thinking. He is born as such to preserve the living matter of his flock and advance it into the future, the development of new lands and horizons. No fear, no doubt, no hesitation and no limits. Passion and fire.

The smile of an urethral person is a royal favor, condescending permission to be near or an animal grin as a warning that “I am not afraid of you,” and a readiness to rush into battle at the slightest threat to his flock. Such a smile cannot be a simple tribute of politeness or a mask-barrier that marks the boundaries of what is permitted, it is of a different kind, of a different origin, of a completely different nature. Not worse or better, just different.

Life wide open

It is almost impossible to meet a live urethral on the street, only a few are born and survive, but many generations of Russians have grown up in the urethral mentality.

Under the patronage of the urethral mentality, it was the elite culture that reached a high level of development, which contributed to the emergence of outstanding geniuses of Russian literature and poetry, the finest masters of fine arts, classical music, the birth of legendary theater and ballet stars, who formed a separate social class - the refined intelligentsia.

Today we are losing our elite culture due to its "illiquidity" in terms of skin values, we are losing our means of reducing collective hostility, and the degree of common hatred continues to grow steadily.

Such a sharp contrast between the properties of the skin era and the values of the urethral mentality poses obstacles in the search for opportunities for the full realization of the psychological properties of a representative of our mentality. Until recently, the generally accepted qualities of the anal vector, complementary to the urethral mentality, served as the main guideline and guarantor of realization in society. With the transition to the formation of a skin consumer society, they have lost their former value, and today the loss of the usual ways of social adaptation creates more and more stressful feelings and frustrations in this regard.

In Russia with a urethral mentality, we cannot be limited by the law, we bring everything out in a urethral way, our soul is always wide open, we have everything in common: there is one joy for everyone, and hostility. Therefore, the evil expression on his face is a consequence of the inner tension in hostility among the Russian people.

Enjoying the return

The unique properties of our mentality make it possible to begin the transition to the next, urethral phase of human development from Russia, because, having received a means to turn our hostility into our opposite, we will begin to bring out completely different states.


Recoil cannot be limited, recoil attracts, gives fulfillment, forming a self-organizing system around itself. A flock is formed around any urethral in a completely natural way. Thus, a new social formation will emerge around Russia absolutely naturally and harmoniously, the urethral altruism of which will no longer have an animal nature, but a spiritual root.

System-vector psychology is the tool of self-knowledge that makes it possible to understand the causes of general and private hostility, the reasons for any negative states of both individual individuals and the entire modern society, to understand and accept those implementation options that make it possible to transform the existing hostility into its complete opposite - empathy, involvement, interest, sincere sympathy and compassion, real enjoyment of one's life, the life of everyone around, of all humanity.

Today, hostility is growing all over the world, only in the West direct manifestations of hostility are covered up with a smile, and they are fenced off with it in an attempt to build their own happy little world, and in Russia there is a direct outpouring of everything that has accumulated in the soul, expressed with a heavy look and a frowning face.

We, by nature, like no one else, are inclined to sincerity and openness, but now, due to a difficult internal state of tension, we have a return of the hatred that boils inside. However, once we enjoy the return of those best states that the full realization of innate properties gives, we will never again return to the trap of hostility, which is not capable of giving any good sensations.

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