Expansion And Colonization - What's The Difference?

Expansion And Colonization - What's The Difference?
Expansion And Colonization - What's The Difference?

Expansion and colonization - what's the difference?

If we consider expansion and colonization from the point of view of biology, where the first term is taken from, then the coexistence of organisms during the expansion of living matter occurs subject to the full provision of the one who was added to those who were added. Colonization can be called the parasitic existence of one country at the expense of another …

When one country expands its territory, endows another with equal rights with it, this is called expansion. And when one state turns another into its raw material appendage and a source of cheap labor, this is colonization. Today, on the world stage, expansion is characteristic exclusively of Russia, other countries are capable only of colonization. And the third, as you know, is not given.

Expansion or colonization. Processes should be called by their proper names

If we consider expansion and colonization from the point of view of biology, where the first term is taken from, then the coexistence of organisms during the expansion of living matter occurs subject to the full provision of the one who was added to those who were added. Colonization can be compared to the parasitic existence of one country at the expense of another.

Some people find it convenient that others do not fully understand what is happening, get confused in the interpretation of events, misunderstand the meanings of words and finally leave the truth. One striking example of this is the use of the word "expansion". In the historical literature, it is called any extension of the territorial boundaries of two or more states.

For example, the expansion of Alexander the Great with the subsequent civilization of the barbarians, the establishment of a law and a new standard of living among them, and the "expansion" of the Third Reich as the seizure of neighboring territories in order to destroy and subjugate the peoples inhabiting them are brought under one line. The word "expansion" refers to the atrocities of British colonization in India, America, and the capture of the scattered peoples of the Asian steppes by Russia.

In this concept, for a contemporary, reasons, motives and, more importantly, the consequences of this phenomenon for the life of entire nations were mixed. The result of such misconceptions today is an increase in the number of statements about illegal seizures of territories by the "evil empire" by Russia and full justification of the US subordination to Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia, "expanding" the values of democracy and a market economy there. Whereas everything happens exactly the opposite.

Expansion or colonization. Looking back in history

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the mentality of the peoples of the planet is determined by the lower vectors, and the interactions between them are determined by the olfactory policy of survival. The cultural framework does not work here, there is no place for justice, humanity and lofty ideas.

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Countries with a skin mentality - England and other European countries - according to their rational thinking according to the principle of benefit-benefit, quickly realized that the lands that appeared on the world map after the great geographical discoveries are usable. Despite its own rather high standard of living and the production of added value from high yields, a society with a skin mentality strove for even greater wealth.

For this, predatory wars and the colonization of all possible territories were carried out. According to the skin's pragmatic plans, the local population was not given the opportunity to acquire the same education, culture and standard of living as the British, French, Portuguese themselves had. The local population completely obeyed and ended up in slavery (used as a cheap labor resource), minerals were exported, crops were sold and enriched the colonialists living on the other half of the planet. Thus, the conquered countries were exhausted and found themselves in living conditions completely opposite to those of those who annexed them.

Countries with a skin mentality in pursuit of added value did not want to lose the lives of their own people because of the resistance of the indigenous population, so the aborigines died en masse from incurable diseases (smallpox, measles, fever), which had never been sick before the arrival of the colonialists. As a result of epidemics, 50% of the population of Haiti, 95% of the American Indians, 50% of Australian aborigines, 70% of the Mexican population, 100% of the natives of the Canary Islands, etc. became extinct. There have been deliberate poisoning and infection of American Indians by immigrants from the Old World, known to history and have confirmation.

After the weakening of the population, intensive use of all the resources of the new lands began. A striking example of this is the British Empire, "the sun never sets over it," and India colonized by it. It is believed that the plus of colonization is cultural exchange and improved technology. But the Indian population did not receive education (although they were forced to speak English for the convenience of the colonialists). Indian culture and literature were persecuted, and in terms of technology, India, and four centuries after the arrival of the British, 70% of its production is provided by manual labor (while in England manual labor is 3%).

The desire to raise the skin rank at the expense of successfully colonized lands is also confirmed by the incredible amount of jewels obtained from the colonies, which have become attributes of the power of the British crown, which they are proud of to this day, indicating where and how each precious stone came from.

Democratization today - colonization always

There are no colonies in the modern world. But only in form, in fact, they are.

Many territories that were once colonies that recently gained independence (for example, India only in 1947) have turned into "third world" countries. Noting their backwardness and lack of organization in development: high child mortality, poor medical care, low per capita income, developed countries "help them survive" by providing tranches, loans, loans, for which they are required to provide them with positions of consultants, ministers and etc. Not a single monetary budgetary operation and the signing of contracts for the sale of minerals can take place without clear control from their "advisory" side. Naturally, this is done from the same “benefit-benefit” position of the skin world - Europe and the United States, often to the detriment of the colony country itself.

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The status of a colony as such disappeared from the map of the world due to the fact that almost all the minerals of the colonies of that time had already been exported, and the labor potential of these lands began to be used differently: through the provision of jobs in factories of corporations of developed countries for ridiculous payment. The modern skin colonizers solve the issue of minerals by means of predatory seizures of territories under the guise of a change of political regimes and the establishment of a new "consultative" government in countries rich in oil and diamonds.

In addition, a worthy opponent of skin colonization appeared in the world - the Russian Empire (then the USSR), a country with value systems opposite to the West, a urethral mentality, which managed to defend its territories during predatory wars and annex nearby territories, taking them under its protection.

Internal urethral values (the urethral vector sets the potential of the leader, the highest natural rank) do not allow the Russian population to be enslaved and used by the skinheads who are lower in the natural hierarchy. But today this does not negate the fact that Europe and the United States want to destabilize the situation in Russia, using Crimea and Ukraine as a way to weaken it.

Expansion and colonization. Expansion as protection and a new standard of living

While the British colonized new lands, the Russian Empire expanded its borders at the expense of undeveloped territories in Asia and the scattered indigenous peoples who lived there.

During the reign of Catherine II, Russia's borders expanded by an average of three kilometers a year. But in contrast to colonization, the annexed peoples were not exterminated by disease and wars, they were provided with protection and funding by the will of the emperors and empresses more than the Russians themselves. The local population never lost its own culture, while the newcomers assimilated locally (as a result of such assimilation in Yakutia, a special type of Russian appearance arose - an old-time Siberian) without imposing their own rules.

Initially, all peoples that do not have a urethral mentality are hostile to strangers, but here it is the other way around - we welcome them and meet them with bread and salt. Only thanks to a special, outward-oriented mentality, Russia has become 1/6 of the land, having absorbed more than 180 indigenous (!) Peoples.

So the expansion of Russia to Crimea took place less than 250 years ago during the reign of Catherine the Great. Prior to this, from the end of the 15th century, the mountainous parts of the peninsula and coastal cities belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and the Crimean Khanate, a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, owned the peninsula itself. From here, the Russian southern steppe was constantly raided by the Turks, whose purpose was to capture slaves and sell them in Turkish markets. Catherine "plugged this hole", and built 200 cities on the territory of Novorossiya. The Russians, Germans, Greeks, Jews who began to populate the desert steppe were given huge lifting - cattle, exemption from taxes, etc.

Today Crimea has been returned to Russia, and again the attitude of the state towards it is extremely attentive: the amounts provided from the reserve funds are 100,000 times higher than the provision of the peninsula by Ukraine. And 90% of them went to social benefits: salaries and pensions were raised, health insurance and security became completely free. The branches of the Crimean production receive preferences and subsidies, a record amount of investments is planned for the renovation of the sanatorium-resort infrastructure for the next year.

The same expansion can be observed in Russia and three to four centuries later, when the Baltic republics, as annexed territories, receive funding from the USSR, much more than the rest, and more than enough to develop and maintain their own sectors of the economy for years.

For many, this remains a mystery: why does not Russia solve its internal problems with the help of colonization, as the West does, but only spends on them? And why expand your territory on such a large scale if you don't use it? On this issue, Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology intersects in the closest way with the theory of passionarity of L. N. Gumilyov.

Explaining the essentially unreasonable (there is no need for land to live or there is economic superiority) expansion of some steppe peoples of the time of Genghis Khan, Gumilev linked this with the excess of biochemical energy of living matter of a large number of representatives of a particular people. An irresistible and constant desire to change one's life, one's position and give due to shortages to other people, sacrifice in relation to them, distinguishes passionaries from the rest. All this, including the system of values outside cultural restrictions, concerns the properties of the mental urethral vector, which are described by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. And all those who grew up in a country with such a mentality.

"The sphere of Russia's exclusive interests is within the ancient kingdom of Genghis Khan" I. S. Aksakov

Russia does not and has never had colonies and enslaved peoples. It is the only country in the world that has carried out the expansion of border territories by protecting neighboring peoples and ensuring their survival. If you look closely at the financial relations of the CIS countries, you can see that such support from Russia comes after the collapse of the USSR, when “it’s not sweet ourselves” either. We always provide help to those who need it - this is the peculiarity of urethral mercy.

180 nations were able to form a single state due to the unique combination of urethral and muscular mentality, and expansion, as giving a sense of security and safety to others, allows you to feel a special responsibility for everyone. Unconsciously, every Russian feels that Russia has a special destiny. But it is important not only to feel it, but also to realize it, taking responsibility.
