Black Hand From Under The Bed - The Horrors Of Fear Of The Dark

Black Hand From Under The Bed - The Horrors Of Fear Of The Dark
Black Hand From Under The Bed - The Horrors Of Fear Of The Dark

Black hand from under the bed - the horrors of fear of the dark

When we learn about our innate nature, about our purpose, we can optimally realize it. The conquered fear of the dark is just the beginning of this amazing and exciting life-long journey. All this - at the trainings of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


Clicking a switch is like a point blank shot The darkness pours in, suffocates, the heart breaks out of the chest. Pull the blanket over his head, wrap his legs tighter so that he doesn't notice, that he doesn't find, so that he doesn't tickle the heel with his terrible sticky fingers … Dig a hole for breathing and - sleep, sleep! The stuffiness under the covers is nothing compared to the nightmare when the fear of the dark digs into you with its tentacles. He steals your breath. He catches your dreams. He is always here, you just have to turn off the light. Who is there? You goggle and … you see nothing! So, he can be very close! So he's already here! Obsessive fear of the dark, from which there is no escape. Fear of death.


Well, Mom? Mom is sleeping and you are asleep. When you have calmed down, my grief. Come on, come on, otherwise the wolf will come and take you, okay? A gray wolf-o-k will come and grab the barrel-o-k …

Mom has not been singing about the top for a long time, and lying on the edge is somehow scary. It is better not to turn off the light. Children's fear of the dark is now called the beautiful word "phobia". It is customary to be treated from it. So the pills were given sleeping pills. From them you fall asleep. Immediately. You see nightmares in a dream, but you have no strength to wake up - the pill works perfectly. Now you won't even wake up!


We try to figure out how to get rid of fear, and tickle our nerves with horror movies, we try to look into the future and rummage in the past, lay out tarot and do not step on cracks in the asphalt … Nothing else during the day. But at night … Fear of the dark (nymphobia) is the most common obsessive fear today. Every tenth Russian admits: in the dark it becomes uncomfortable even in his own bed. But none of them found the answer how to get rid of the fear of death.

In psychology, it is customary to associate the fear of the dark with the instinct of self-preservation. Psychiatrists admit that the causes of obsessive fear are not well understood. Indeed, the instinct of self-preservation is inherent in all living things, and not everyone is afraid of the dark. What's the matter? Who are they - not sleeping with fear? Neurasthenics? Dreamers? Or our guards?


System-vector psychology makes it possible to clearly differentiate people and this differs from its predecessors in attempts to cognize the mental. At the trainings, we learn how to get rid of fear on our own without resorting to pills, hypnosis and self-hypnosis. But first let's try to understand which of us is subject to obsessive fears.

Fear of the dark or its stable form, phobia, are possible only in the visual vector, they are inherent in people whose species role is the daytime guard of the pack. In the dark, the day guard, whose main sensor, vision, is powerless and useless, so he has every reason to fear for his life. If a predator does not eat it at night, tribesmen will eat it in the morning, a blind guard is ballast for the flock.

For people with a visual vector, the fear of darkness is equal to the fear of death, it is root, lies deep in the unconscious. That is why many people, who do not even note traumatic situations in their past, are nevertheless afraid of the dark. The fear of darkness is imprinted in the psychic unconscious of each spectator by the fear of death. One who does not have a visual vector through himself will never understand why an adult does not turn off the light at night. Therefore, it is so difficult to talk about some kind of night fears even to close people. You cannot tell, in fact, that Death is waiting for you under the bed.



The entire human flock moves in the natural corridor of life between birth and death, between procreation and murder. And only the visual measure is different. All men are hunters, except the visual one. All women give birth, except for the visual one. All sleep peacefully at night, and these have a phobia of darkness. Why are they needed at all? System-vector psychology answers this question with certainty: so that we do not tear each other apart in an attack of our primary urges.

Protecting himself from being eaten by his fellow tribesmen, the visual person protects the entire flock from cannibalism. The visual measure limits the animal in us to culture. "Thou shalt not kill" from here. This commandment has shaped the culture in just 2000 years, and now we are talking about humanism as the main achievement of Mankind. Human life as the highest value is recognized by all people.

But if you look deeply, all the ideas of humanism, ultimately, come down to the original anti-cannibal visual limitation - do not eat your neighbor. Our security hangs on a thin thread of cultural prohibition, and we don't know …


Oddly enough, but the very understanding of what fear is, helps many get rid of the fear of the dark. This is described above. When this understanding becomes an inner awareness of a person, the fear of the dark simply disappears, and the question of how to get rid of the fear of death becomes completely irrelevant. It's like being scared of a monster lurking in the dark, and then realizing that it's just a pile of clothes on a chair. It's not scary anymore. The power of fear is in his anonymity, in the unknown.

If the fear of the dark is persistent, if it is a real phobia, you will have to work on yourself longer. We often say: there is only one step from hatred to love. And we are mistaken. There is no connection between hate and love. But with fear, love is inversely related. The more fear, the less love, the more love, the less fear. Unclear? I will try to explain.


See how a frightened child hugs his favorite teddy bear. He creates an emotional connection with him to get rid of the fear. I would like the child to have such an emotional connection with his mother. This is not always possible. And the little spectator endows his toys with the properties of the living, creates emotional connections with them, he loves them. You will say every child is attached to their toys. Of course. But only for the viewer, the loss of a favorite toy is a real tragedy with tears and sobs.

Grandmother threw out the old tattered Bunny, and she also said that he “just went for a walk in the forest”! It's dark there! There Wolves! For a visual child, his toys are not only valuable, they are alive. That is why one should pay great attention to the emotional sphere of such a child. Any casually thrown word can leave a deep mark on the psyche of a little person and lead to serious problems in adult life, one of which, the eternal search - how to get rid of the fear of death.

Many adult phobias are based on childhood fears at night. When an adult realizes that fear is an indicator of the archetypal state of the visual vector, he understands how to deal with it, how to "educate" his vision to a state of complete absence of fear. All states of the visual vector are analyzed in detail in the classroom. The teddy bear is not suitable. You need to learn to create an emotional connection with people gradually, or, in other words, gradually bring your fear into love. After all, as already mentioned, fear and love are two poles of the same vector, the visual one.


The fear of the dark, like any other fear, is always directed inward. We are afraid for ourselves, we are worried about our lives, for our integrity. By changing the direction outward, we first get empathy for another person, then compassion for people and, finally, love as a feeling completely devoid of fear, its opposite.

The goal - love for people, near and far - justifies the effort expended and answers the question of how to get rid of the fear of death. On the way to love, night fears dissipate like a pre-morning fog. And that's not all.

When we learn about our innate nature, about our destiny at the trainings on the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we can optimally realize it. The conquered fear of the dark is just the beginning of this amazing and exciting life-long journey.
