Fear Of The Dark

Fear Of The Dark
Fear Of The Dark

Fear of the dark

Each return to his dark dwelling turns into almost a test of the strength of the spirit. One, two, three, took a deep breath, remembered the exploits of his fearless ancestors, turned the key and abruptly opened the door of his bachelor apartment. He coughed from the dust, but with a practiced motion he flipped a switch. Hands know their business! Fuh! He sighed heavily …

The night is near

When in childhood you run headlong from the toilet to your bed and bury yourself in a blanket literally to the very top of your head, asking you not to turn off the night light while you sleep, and go to bed exclusively with your teddy bear, as if he can actually protect the peace of your sleep, it can seem pretty and funny enough, especially from the outside. Children, well, what do you get from them?

And a completely different matter when it comes to an adult person. It would seem that consciousness has long been formed, and the picture of the world is more or less consistent with the scientific knowledge of the world: you studied at school, regularly attended biology lessons, selflessly depriving yourself of sleep for the glory of science on the night before the exam, in a conversation with friends you can deftly screw the topic pistils and stamens, quite sincerely rejoicing at your many knowledge, you well remember the name of a female dog, in general, more or less familiar with the flora, and most importantly, the fauna of the world around you.

And to hell with him, with this fear, when it comes to living in South America or Asian countries, really, where you don't know what will jump from a tree on you, crawl by the collar or soar out of the water in the next second. But you, being in a quiet provincial town somewhere in the central part of Russia, shivering from the cold and watching a cozy winter landscape through the window, are well aware that in an apartment in which you remember every corner by heart, you simply cannot physically live a living creature capable of causing even the slightest damage.

What is a real man afraid of

The situation is aggravated if you are a man. No, well, where have you seen that a man was afraid? And even more so darkness? A real peasant is not supposed to show these shameful shades of cowardice and cowardice, he must, on the contrary, by an effort of will at night, get himself out of bed and leave his apartment, heading straight into the forest - to hunt a wild boar. In order not to hesitate all of his masculinity.

It is even more paradoxical if you are not just a man, but also a healthy, large representative of your kind. In combination with the fashion of recent years, it is quite possible that he is also bearded. You just put an ax in your hands and you can immediately take on the role of the head of a large family from the era of wild capitalism, which lost everything, but promised to take revenge!

How is it possible, having such a set of characteristics, in the minds of a modern person located infinitely far from the feeling of fear, and even darkness, still be afraid of it, whether it is wrong!

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid

Each return to his dark dwelling turns into almost a test of the strength of the spirit. One, two, three, took a deep breath, remembered the exploits of his fearless ancestors, turned the key and abruptly opened the door of his bachelor apartment. He coughed from the dust, but with a practiced motion he flipped a switch. Hands know their business! Fuh! He sighed heavily.

The battle against darkness has been won, but the end of this war is still not in sight. The enemy is too insidious and is just waiting for a lone light bulb, located at the front line of the defense and holding back a circular attack with its last strength, does not crack, flickering exhaustedly for the last time. Then, you will have to move on to plan B and urgently announce an evacuation plan, rushing at full steam to your most reliable bunker - the bed.

Acceleration in a straight line, powerful jump, emergency pupation into a blanket. Years of long training make themselves felt, but what are there years, all life is on alert! But the heart, setting in a crazy rhythm, has not got used to this endless state of wartime …

Dawn is coming

How nice that, at least during the day, you can take a break and enjoy your main ally - the light of the sun. Indeed, the morning ray, tearing down the canvas of darkness, facilitates awakening and sets the mood for the whole day. At least for people with a visual vector.

In Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, a person is viewed through innate features - vectors. 8 vectors - eight groups of properties, desires, abilities that form the human psyche. It is the visual vector that can be in a wide range of different states, including the fear of the dark.

What is the point in having this fear? The fact is that the species role in the visual vector, that is, the task that he performed in the primitive community, is the day guard of the flock. This role took shape naturally. Admiring the beauty of the primeval prairies and still unclouded by the achievements of civilization by the waters of rivers and lakes, only the spectator could be the first to notice the predator lurking in the foliage. A frightened cry warning everyone of the danger.

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Nature has arranged so that any of our true, and not imposed from the outside, desire is always provided with the properties of the psyche, which, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, in turn express themselves with the properties of the body. After all, it's hard, for example, to imagine a history teacher who loves history, reads it all his life, but has a useless memory, or an ambitious, win-win runner who naturally has short clubfoot legs, right?

Therefore, visual people do not just feel the desire to constantly use their visual sensor to contemplate everything beautiful, they also have the best eyesight, able to distinguish many shades of different colors. And a huge emotional amplitude, sometimes throwing a person from one extreme to another.

What does darkness mean? That the visual sensor practically does not work, nothing is visible. In primitive times, this also meant that a visual person could not in time notice a creeping tiger or leopard in the darkness. This caused quite legitimate fears for his life, that is, the fear of death. Today, predators no longer hide in the dark, and the role of the visual person has grown incomparably, but we still feel the echoes of the primitive savanna.

Minus and plus

The good news is that a person cannot simultaneously be in a state of wild horror for his own life and at the same moment feel a surge of tenderness for his soul mate or empathize with a weak old man with all his heart. This is the key to getting rid of the fear of the dark. It is necessary to change the sign of the states in the visual vector from minus to plus. That is, to turn a naturally-given emotional amplitude from the inside - fear for one's life, outward - a feeling of empathy for another person.

How to get out in the visual vector? To shift the focus of attention from yourself to your neighbor, to bring this innate feeling of fear for your life to another person and, perhaps, even society. As an example, we can cite such outstanding representatives of the visual vector as, for example, doctors, who sometimes have to deal with the most impartial aspects of human life. A doctor who is sincerely worried about his patient, who cares for his cause with all his heart will not feel fear of life, darkness or anything, because all his rich emotional amplitude, inherent in all spectators, is directed not towards himself, but outward.

Long live the sun

As we can see, the concept of a visual vector implies not only various negative aspects, but also all the most beautiful things that human nature can demonstrate. The same wording can be applied to any other vector. And it is in our power to influence the vectors given to us from birth in a positive or negative direction. To carry out the right action, towards happiness, joy and satisfaction, or wrong, or even inaction at all. The adult decision is up to you. You can get acquainted with Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology at free online lectures, register here.
