Book, Meaning, Human The Importance Of Reading

Book, Meaning, Human The Importance Of Reading
Book, Meaning, Human The Importance Of Reading

Book, meaning, Human … The importance of reading

Our life will be happy as much as we are ready to make it this way. And we even have an amazing tool for that - books. In fact, we underestimate the importance of the written word. The one that is written with a pen and which cannot be cut down even with a sharpened ax …

Detroit boy, bully turned doctor-pioneer. Impulsive, harsh, rude - Benjamin Carson. When he was eight, his parents divorced. The boy lived with his mother and brother. He fought with his peers, and because of poor performance at school he was called "dumb." His mother was an uneducated woman, but she played a crucial role in his development.

She forced them to read. Together with his brother, instead of watching movies and TV shows, they should read two books a week.

Benjamin led a street life and was at risk with other guys. His life changed dramatically after one incident. As a fourteen-year-old boy, in one of the fights he grabbed a knife and almost cut his opponent. This moment became a turning point in his life.

Realizing and vividly imagining where the present would lead him, he revised his worldview and changed his position in life. Ben corrected his grades at school and decided to become a doctor. And reading the right books played an important role here. It is they who create the environment for which one wants to reach, and it is they who gradually and faithfully educate the Human in us. With his knowledge base and clear vision, Benjamin was able to follow the voice of reason in his heart. He wanted to get out of what surrounded him: poverty, drugs and fights. The desire to be useful determined his choice.

Assertiveness, determination allowed him to break through patterns and limitations, and already at the age of 33 he was the youngest manager of pediatric neurosurgery in the history of the hospital.

A few years later, a team of 70 doctors performed a successful 22-hour separation of Siamese twins. A new step in medicine. The desire to be needed pushed Ben into a reality filled with love and compassion inevitably present in the life of a doctor.

Among other things, he becomes one of the organizers of a fund that helps children from needy families. By helping, he filled all those desires that were given to him by nature.

Only being at the peak of human development, we are able to dissolve in the pain of a person and give him all our skills, knowledge and love. It is reading books that allows us to create within ourselves such a volume that can accommodate the feelings and needs of other people.

In this article, I wanted to tell you about people who have achieved success in different fields. These heroes, their fates were not chosen by chance, each of them has a love for books that goes on throughout their lives. Business, science, creativity are always people. Life is people.

Our life will be happy as much as we are ready to make it this way. And we even have an amazing tool for that - books. In fact, we underestimate the importance of the written word. The one that is written with a pen and which cannot be cut down even with a sharpened ax.

Importance of photo reading
Importance of photo reading

The power of the written word

The written word - classical literature - expands our consciousness. By reading, we enrich our vocabulary. The larger the volume of words, the more meanings, the more accurately a person can identify the essence of the phenomena in the world around and in the inner world. Only through the written word does the development of sensual and conscious forms of life occur.

Filling with feelings, the ability to experience emotions that are formed during reading are directly proportional to the ability to enjoy life, because it is the rightly directed and experienced emotions that make a person happy.

Consciousness is the birthplace of our thoughts. We can express them in a word. The meaning of all worlds is contained in words.

The word is history, the experience of people who lived before us. When we read books, we absorb the wisdom and knowledge of the past. And living the life of book heroes, we learn to empathize with other people.

Through me

She burst into the world of modern literature with vivid images, deep meanings and naked feelings. Russian writer - Guzel Shamilevna Yakhina. Since childhood, she was instilled in her a love of art, books and culture.

Both grandfathers are closely related to the word. One taught German at school. The second had an incredible imagination and a special gift for storytelling. He spoiled his beloved granddaughter with fairy tales of his own composition.

Reading is an integral part of Guzel Yakhina's life. Since childhood, she has been in love with books: classical literature, mythology, fairy tales, modern prose, science fiction.

The range of her interests in literature admires, her recommendations do not leave indifferent. Love for literature burns with a bright flame and has a huge impact on all of her work. Since childhood, she not only read, but also wrote in various genres.

Raised in an environment of books, the writer emphasizes the great importance of knowledge of history. Guzel emphasizes how important it is to give children a "sense of time" … For their daughter, she and her husband prepared diagrams depicting a time scale. History of the world, country, family.

Sensuality, imagination, accuracy of meanings speaks about the depth of human development. About the joy of knowledge and the ability to reproduce them sensually, giving the best to humanity - your impressions. Thanks to her passion for reading, Guzel was able to develop her talent and realize her main quality - to write. Write, passing on meanings from generation to generation, investing great love for people. Connecting here and now past, present and future.

Book, meaning, Man photo
Book, meaning, Man photo

Creating new worlds

A name that has practically become a household name. Windows creator - Bill Gates. One of the most successful people on earth. A man who changed the course of history and made a huge contribution to the development of computer technology.

Bill Gates has reached great heights in the intellectual and financial field. With significant business achievements, he has become one of the most generous patrons of the arts in the world. His position on philanthropy is highly respected. Earning fabulous sums, he returns a significant part back to people - in the form of good deeds. This is a good example of a person who has achieved success and knows how to live with his heart.

One of the billionaire's hobbies is books. Along with a love of numbers, there is a tremendous attachment to the written word. He considers reading to be the main secret of his achievements. Every day he devotes time to his favorite pastime, and he reads about 50 works a year. He started the Book Club, and his list of recommendations is incredibly varied.

A few years ago, Bill Gates came up with a new way to reboot: a week of reflection. This time he is alone with himself - he reflects, writes down his thoughts and reads.

Love for books, in his own words, plays one of the main roles in his life. It conveys the ability to feel the pain of another person. It allows you to find new ideas for business and develop in different directions, realize your capabilities to the fullest and be useful to the world at a high level.

Imbued with a passion for knowledge and the opportunity to do what he loved (computer technology), Bill Gates, through reading, created an excellent basis for success. His developments - the creation of a unique world of cyberspace - allowed mankind to step far ahead. And thanks to his generosity, millions of people found hope and a chance in life. The deep potential of sensuality, developed from childhood by reading fiction, pushes to great service to people.

Conquering space

The creator of the model of the first space rocket, a provincial intellectual, self-taught from Ryazan, is Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Inventor. A man ahead of his time. Out-of-the-box thinking and unbending spirit allowed him to express himself in science, philosophy, literature. He opened the door to Space.

At the age of nine, the boy fell ill with scarlet fever. The disease gave complications, and he began to go deaf. Unable to continue his studies at the gymnasium, Kostya switched to self-education. From the age of 14, he studied books from his father's library. At the same time, a craving for invention awakens in him.

When Konstantin was 16 years old, his father sent him to Moscow to study. Eating black bread and water, he spent almost all his money on the purchase of books and equipment for the laboratory. He spent all his free time in the free library.

His work is akin to a feat, because it was carried out in a completely new field. There was no database, communication with scientists was not possible. He could only rely on his own imagination and the knowledge gained as a result of his studies. The work required incredible costs and effort. His daring explorations are carried out with a broad view across the space of eternity:

Tsiolkovsky devoted his entire life to science. This is an example of a deep understanding of all responsibility to humanity. He could be called an eccentric and a dreamer, but his ideas became reality. Dreaming of space, he expanded the space of our perception. With his bold ideas, he allowed people to break into the future:

A book is a word. And a word is a picture and a meaning. Reading, we imagine what could be or is somewhere else in reality. While reading, we generate appropriate images, thought forms. It develops our imagination well.

Photo book reading
Photo book reading

When we learn to imagine, it costs us nothing to imagine the future, and therefore create it. Here, the main condition is reading literature. Watching cartoons as a child and reading comics do not have this effect. As we read, we imagine a new world from nothing. When there is a picture in front of our eyes, we have nothing to imagine, everything is already invented.

Thanks to his irrepressible love for books, Tsiolkovsky was ready to become a pioneer. Overcoming time and space, he strove to where there was no man yet. A passion for knowledge runs like a red line throughout his life. Reading books helped him develop his imagination to imagine things that he had never seen. The world of the future …
