Why Read To Children? From The Love Of Reading To The Happiness Of Living - One Step

Why Read To Children? From The Love Of Reading To The Happiness Of Living - One Step
Why Read To Children? From The Love Of Reading To The Happiness Of Living - One Step

Why read to children? From the love of reading to the happiness of living - one step

The direction of our thoughts, feelings, desires largely depends on the information that we consume. Reading classical literature as a child is like an inoculation against the bad influences that a child may encounter - in kindergarten, at school, in any company. Moreover, it is the habit of reading and getting great pleasure from it that was inherent in childhood that gives the child a good fate.

If your child is afraid to sleep alone, asks not to turn off the light at night; often cries, even for no reason, easily breaks down into hysterics; constantly bullying a brother or sister, then correct reading can help to cope with these problems.

Moreover, it is the habit of reading and getting great pleasure from it that was inherent in childhood that gives the child a good fate. What is it connected with and how to achieve such positive results, explains Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology".

A wealth of images, a wealth of feelings and … the ability to live among people

The written word awakens the child's imagination. When you read classical children's literature to him, images are drawn in his head, new words and actions of the characters are comprehended, feelings for them arise. Gerda with a warm heart, the brave Malchish-Kibalchish, Timur and his team - all of them stand before the eyes of the child, and now he identifies himself with good and courageous heroes, using the example of their actions he learns to separate good and evil. She cries out of empathy for the girl with Andersen's matches, dreams and overcomes obstacles with Ellie and her friends …

The main thing is to read with expression, sensually intoning the words, involving the child in the plot with all the acting skills that you are capable of. The choice of books is also important. Any violence, especially stories about eating (Kolobok, Wolf and seven kids and others), only provokes and aggravates the fears of the child and therefore is absolutely contraindicated.

Over and over again, reading good classics develops the child's sensuality, teaches him to think about the feelings of other people, to notice them, to take care of them. This skill is absolutely necessary for any person, because our whole life depends on the ability to interact with other people.

If a child has a visual vector, the primary state of fear with which he is born is replaced by a completely different range of feelings based on empathy for others. It is thanks to this that all kinds of fears go away, there are fewer and fewer tears about oneself, hysterics from scratch too. A visual child, so in need of vivid experiences, when reading, experiences them differently - much more positively.

Here's how a trained mom writes about the family reading experience:

Why read a picture to children
Why read a picture to children

It is the ability to empathize, developed as a result of family reading, that can get rid of conflicts between siblings. Vivid feelings experienced together unite better than any toy or teaching words. An emotional connection, empathy arises, and you no longer want to offend a person who has become so close. Empathy is the first step to love. This is the basis of culture - what makes a person human, helps to live among other people.

A child who reads with pleasure adapts easier and faster in any group. It will be much easier for him to find a common language with others - after all, he knows how to notice their feelings, think not only about himself. And with such a person everyone wants to be near.

How books affect fate

The direction of our thoughts, feelings, desires largely depends on the information that we consume. Reading classical literature as a child is like an inoculation against the bad influences that a child may encounter - in kindergarten, at school, in any company.

By avidly reading classical works, the child gets an idea of the beautiful. Even if his environment does not correspond to the pictures that appear in his head, an image of strong friendship, pure love, aspiration and ability to experience these high feelings is formed. This is the most effective protection against early sexual intercourse, vulgarity, pornography. Even with access to it (who does not have it in the age of the Internet?), A teenager will not want such experiences, they will naturally disgust him. No prohibition can work as effectively.

Another amazing property is imagination. Developed by reading, it becomes the basis for the further realization of a person. In any activity, whether it is related to creativity, invention, science, learning, communication, imagination becomes a starting point, a springboard for new discoveries, breakthroughs, and unification. Imagination is what allows the aspiration for the unknown to arise. This is what allows you to perceive life as beautiful, to feel a sincere interest in people, to see the best in them.

Investing in the future

It is never too late to teach a child to read, to involve him in this magical world, but, of course, it is easier to do this when the child is small, from the first years of life.

How to quickly teach a child to read - watch the training video:

So that your child can realize his abilities and talents, and your family was happy and free from conflicts, learn more at the introductory online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.