Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis: a new look at an old problem
Treatment for autoimmune thyroiditis is hormone therapy. And no one - neither doctors nor psychologists - can explain the reasons for the development of the disease. Why did the body suddenly take up arms against some type of cells? Why does the immune system, whose function is to resist harmful external factors, becomes a punisher for the native organs?
In medicine, there is a whole group of diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with a malfunction of the immune system. In this case, the body, for unknown reasons, begins to attack its own organs, damaging cells and tissues. These are autoimmune diseases. The treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis, like other autoimmune diseases, is based on immunosuppression and hormone therapy. An autoimmune thyroid disorder, autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), is one of the most common autoimmune diseases.
Symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis can be different, sometimes it is manifested by a feeling of a lump in the throat, impaired swallowing, weakness, fatigue, dry skin. Diagnostics, in general, is simple. Ultrasound, detection of abnormalities in the thyroid hormones and the appearance of specific antibodies in the blood helps.
Treatment for autoimmune thyroiditis is hormone therapy. And no one - neither doctors nor psychologists - can explain the reasons for the development of the disease. Why did the body suddenly take up arms against some type of cells? Why does the immune system, whose function is to resist harmful external factors, becomes a punisher for the native organs? Specific warrior cells - lymphocytes, created to suppress infection and cleanse organs from damaged cells, turn into aggressors, as if they were zombified and turned to the enemy side.
Causes of autoimmune thyroiditis. When nerves are to blame
To this question in mainstream medicine, there are vague general answers. Medicine suggests that psychological problems are the cause of these diseases. The body reacts to stress, external influences and rebuilds. But in psychology there is no unambiguous answer to the question of what are the specific causes of autoimmune thyroiditis.
Here I would like to share my observations obtained in my work with patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, in particular, with autoimmune thyroiditis (hereinafter AIT). Using the knowledge about the human psyche, obtained at the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, for work, I was able to see the psychological root of the disease, explain to patients the basics of their problem and achieved excellent clinical results.
Let's consider a few cases from my practice
Maxim, 45 liters. I fell ill with autoimmune thyroiditis with hypothyroidism 4 years ago due to a stressful situation. It all started with the fact that a few years ago he began to suffer from erosive gastritis and excellent work on a rotational basis was under threat. The doctors recommended that they refuse to work on a rotational basis, associated with night shifts and the inability to follow a diet. A man - the head of the family and the only breadwinner - not to work? He experienced both physical and mental anguish. At the same time, it was actually hard for him to leave home, leaving for the shift each time exacerbated his symptoms, and it became easier for him only upon returning home. Against this background, the apparent hopelessness of the situation and there was an autoimmune thyroiditis with hypothyroidism. At the same time, traditional treatment of hypothyroidism was ineffective.

Lena, 42 g. The symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis were found in adolescence. She would have to play with dolls, exchange secrets with her girlfriends, get fives, and mom and dad gave birth to a live Lyalka and threw the girl up for education. "Parents! Are you out of your mind? You gave birth to a child for yourself, not for me. Why should I nurse this constantly screaming creature? " Then I worried about my mother.
Julia, 47 y. Suffering from autoimmune thyroid disease for about 20 years. She fell ill acutely after trauma. When he recalls a difficult divorce, which entailed separation from his only beloved son, he cannot hold back tears. A young, beautiful stewardess breaks up with her unloved husband. He takes the child in revenge. It is very difficult to imagine yourself in the place of a woman who has lost her child.
My clinical experience and systemic observations have suggested that people with the anal-optic ligament of vectors are ill with autoimmune thyroid disease. Analyzing the cases described above, relying on the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, I was able to trace the psychological causes of autoimmune thyroiditis in my patients and was able to help them themselves understand what was happening to them.
I am the best, so I am ill
Each of the patients described above is potentially the best of the best - the best family man, husband and father, the best daughter, the golden child, and the best mom. Representatives of the anal vector are somewhat slow by nature and always strive to do their job efficiently. If rushed or unable to do what is bestowed upon them, they tend to feel resentment and guilt. This heavy burden in the psyche is carried through life only by representatives of the anal vector, which often leads to various kinds of diseases.
It is the carriers of the anal vector that need constant approval from the mother, and then from loved ones, in confirmation of the high quality of the work they have done, in recognition of their merits. I am good, I am correct. Mom should be happy with me, should be proud of me. In the future, this is transferred to loved ones and even to work leaders. We want to be praised. We want to be marked on the honor board. We want others to recognize our authority and respect us.
The visual vector gives its owner a huge emotional amplitude, rich imagination, sensuality, the desire to love and be loved. That is, anal-visual people are docile, diligent, strive to be "the best" in everything. With a good development of both vectors, their internal measure of the correctness and incorrectness of their actions is very precise, and it does not allow them to go against these internal guidelines, requires compliance, and if not, shame arises for an inappropriate act. And of course, the emotionality of the visual vector multiplies all the experiences of the anal vector at times.
Shame and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Lacking the ideal, good people fall in their own eyes, slip into a sense of guilt and shame. "They hoped for me so, but I did not live up to expectations." "I thought I was good, but it turns out I am not."
It becomes so embarrassing that you want to punish yourself. The program for the action of T-suppressors is included. This is how I saw the main cause of autoimmune thyroiditis in my patients.
Time passes. Situations are improving, children are growing up. But still, under any stress, extremely painful memories that I was guilty and should have received the punishment I deserved, emerge and re-launch the program of feelings of guilt.
Exceptional memory for both good and bad is also the scourge of the anal vector.
I am bad, and then I was, a century ago, and now, but I really want to be the best in everything. And it gnaws at me.
The feeling of guilt, mixed with shame and seasoned with the desire to be punished in order to even out the imbalance that has arisen, is not this stress for the body?
A world in dark colors
And the visual vector, the carriers of which are all the patients mentioned, is able to color any feeling, any emotion with bright colors. They have the richest range of emotions: from wild fear to tender love, compassion and empathy for all living things. And it is the spectators who can make an elephant out of the "fly," inflating their experiences to exorbitant values. They actually feel this way, this is their reality.
Feelings of guilt, coupled with shame, evoke the darkest palette of emotions - as through a magnifying glass, their self-flagellation intensifies at times. Everything is bad! This emotional pressure makes the situation worse. The hormonal background suffers, and all the symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis are present.

Shame is a natural feeling that a person should feel when overstepping a taboo. Does what is forbidden. For example, a married woman has a relationship with another man. This is wrong, therefore it is a shame. In this case, shame contributes to the preservation of the human species.
It is bad when shame does not appear where it should be, but appears where it does not belong. In my experience, the psychological causes of many diseases are associated with shame and guilt.
My patients' victories
My first patient, who helped me understand the causes of autoimmune thyroiditis, received eutirox in a large dose without the desired effect. When I helped him to systematically understand the situation and his experiences, which became the trigger in the onset of the disease, he realized the causes of his illness and calmed down, came to a state of psychological comfort. The result amazed me: his hormones are normal, he no longer needs treatment.
After him, a woman came on the same day, she has severe autoimmune thyroiditis, hormones "dance". We discussed her situation, I helped her understand what comes from what - also systemically, from a psychological point of view. Hormones were changed after 3 weeks, she did not take any medication. Hormones bounced back simply from understanding the causes.
Naturally, I am not urging you to stop drinking hormones, treatment is necessary. There is simply an option to look at the hidden causes of this ailment with the help of knowledge of system-vector psychology, to realize the stress factors that could provoke the disease. It often happens that the reasons are hidden in childhood, the online oral training of Yuri Burlan can help to understand them. My patients were lucky to have received the training, and it was interesting for me to solve this medical problem with them.
After improving their condition, they all signed up for Yuri Burlan's free online lectures in order to deal with all their other questions and certainly not have any more psychosomatic health problems. This is necessary for the consolidation and stability of the results obtained. After all, it is a deep understanding of oneself and others that becomes the basis for stress resistance and for well-being.

The parable of the weary traveler
Any person with a load of numerous old problems, who cannot see them, let alone get rid of them, resembles a traveler from an old parable.
Patients who have realized the reasons for the formation of their diseases, are able to get rid of negative feelings and emotions, are like a traveler who has dropped old loads. My patients did it. Every day I research new cases, and, thanks to system-vector psychology, I manage to find the very deeply hidden psychological cause, the realization of which by the patient determines the recovery.
A deep understanding of oneself and others, an awareness of the causes of accumulated stress, which occurs during the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, helps to get rid of psychological problems and regain good mood, and with it health.
Already on free online trainings in systemic vector psychology, you can see your old problems in a new light, realize them and leave them in the past.
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