How to stop being lazy
We realize our desires and are filled with energy for new victories. And if you can't realize your desires? We expend energy, do something, but there is no result. Hands drop, apathy sets in, laziness grows more and more. A person does nothing, not because he does not want to. But because there is no strength, no energy, or simply tired of "beating like a fish on ice" without any result. Then desires also fade away.
The boiling cauldron of energy, which gushed with a key as a child, has turned into a stagnant swamp over the years. There is neither the strength nor the desire to do anything. A lot of things that have been abandoned halfway or even postponed are constantly accumulating. How to stop being lazy and start acting?
Why is a person lazy
You can overcome the problem of laziness only by knowing its causes. Sometimes serious psychological problems are hidden under this mask:
Procrastination, or life deferred syndrome. Are you by nature a leisurely, thorough person? It is always difficult for you to start a business - you want to do everything efficiently, think over every little thing, take into account all the details? With such excellent qualities, you can become a high-class professional, a master.
But it happens that such a person is pathologically incapable of acting according to the plan, even if the plan is perfection itself. Can't get started, get started Hidden from himself, he … enjoys postponing things: "Okay, I'll start from Monday …". I decided so - and phew, I felt better. Forcing yourself to give up pleasure once again “put it off” does not work. Therefore, it is also impossible to stop being lazy and start living actively. How to get out of procrastination, read the article I will do it tomorrow, or How to beat procrastination
Latent (masked) depression. Have you ever felt that you are a little "out of this world"? That the pressing problems of people are some kind of mundane, stupid? I wanted to understand why life was given in general, what is its meaning? Only those with abstract intelligence are asked such questions. If this talent is realized, a person can reveal himself as a scientist, researcher, programmer, translator.
But it happens that internal questions do not find answers. When it’s not clear why to live, you don’t want anything. Apathy grows, no strength for anything. A person is not just tormented by laziness - he is overcome by drowsiness, weakness, depression. Severe headaches can occur, and sometimes suicidal thoughts generally creep into my head. If this is your case, no standard methods and advice work, even pills do not help. The solution to the problem of laziness is secondary here, the main thing is to deal with depression.
"I started, I gave up." Do you consider yourself an active, mobile, ambitious person? Strive to make good money, achieve a high position in society? Such people have a natural talent as a leader, organizer, manager. Get up at 6 in the morning, do sports! - these slogans are very natural for the owner of the skin vector. He is inspired by new tasks, and if he knows how to organize himself, he achieves goals and then again sets new ones.
But it happens that the implementation does not add up. If you already have a bunch of ambitious projects abandoned halfway or even at the very beginning, then the question is not how to stop being lazy. The problem is deeper: the skill of self-organization and discipline might not have developed even in childhood, so it does not work out to complete the matter.
Didn't find yourself on this list? Is your laziness just laziness? Then we'll figure out what it takes to stop being lazy.

What is laziness?
Each person has two forces, two opposite drives. In psychology, they are called "libido" (attraction to life, movement, action) and "mortido" (the desire for a motionless state, peace). In childhood, the attraction to life prevails and the energy in us is in full swing. But with age, the strength is less and less, the energy decreases. And more and more the desire for peace, immobility overcomes.
The root of laziness is the power of mortido. I would like to lie on the sofa, save energy. When do we want to save it the most? When there is almost no energy anyway …
Today even young people ask themselves how to stop being lazy and start learning and working. Because they feel that the energy to live is sorely lacking.
Libido pushes people to achieve. We realize our desires and are filled with energy for new victories. And if you can't realize your desires? We expend energy, do something, but there is no result. Hands drop, apathy sets in, laziness grows more and more. A person does nothing, not because he does not want to. But because there is no strength, no energy, or simply tired of "beating like a fish on ice" without any result. Then desires also fade away.
To overcome laziness, you need the skill to achieve what you want. Only this allows us to constantly move towards the fulfillment of desires, and therefore, to be filled with energy to achieve them.
The reasons why we cannot achieve what we want:
- Psychological problems and trauma.
- False attitudes, following general stereotypes that do not suit you at all. For example, you went to study where your parents wanted, and now you are tormented at an unloved job.
- Low stress resistance. Around full of people sad, embittered, nervous. And we pick up bad conditions, get infected with someone else's negativity. If you are not resistant enough to stress, it takes the last rest of your strength.
But you can get to know your psyche, increase your resistance to stress and release a natural source of energy.
How to stop being lazy
Do you want to stop being lazy and start working, studying, living at full capacity? Expand your psyche, your unique talents, your path to success at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Get rid of any psychological problems and false attitudes. And then the energy hidden in the psyche will gush again.