How to stop being jealous of a guy: three effective steps to solving a problem
Your fits of jealousy are plaguing you and your boyfriend. And you seem to understand that he is not a thing, that you cannot keep him near you, chaining him to the battery for reliability, but how to give him freedom and at the same time not be jealous?
Does he have a corporate party, or did your boyfriend just decide to sit out with friends in the evening? Or maybe not with friends at all? Or maybe not sit at all ?! So, it's time to drink motherwort again, because while waiting for him to come home you will be jealous and go crazy … There is, however, a more effective remedy than soothing herbs - to understand the causes of jealousy with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology and understand how stop being jealous of a guy in order to learn how to truly enjoy happiness with your loved one.
Is it possible to stop being jealous of a guy?
Your fits of jealousy plague both you and your boyfriend. He walks around in slippers at home, and your imagination is already drawing scenes from German films. Jealousy eats up from the inside.
And you seem to understand that he is not a thing, that you cannot keep him near you, chaining him to a battery for reliability, but you do not know how to give him freedom and at the same time not be jealous. Therefore, you just regularly take out his brain, and the guy suffers for the time being.
How to stop being jealous of a guy - advice from a psychologist to help you
To begin with, you need to admit to yourself where jealousy comes from in you.
Let's highlight the main reasons for jealousy:
- A sense of ownership towards a partner
- A rich imagination with nowhere to put
- Lack of trust in a couple
Once you understand the reasons, you can already determine how to fix it.
Step 1. Realize your proprietary ambitions
You repeat like a mantra: “He's mine! My! My! . System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that one type of people - with a skin vector - has a particularly reverent attitude towards property. From a car and earrings to your own boyfriend. Own, do you hear ?!
This inadequate failure of the usually clear and logical throughout the skin vector occurs in a person from insufficient implementation of his rational, engineering, organizational potential. And then he wants to get his hands on everything, including his beloved.
You may be interested in this:
- www.yburlan.ru/biblioteka/realizovannij-kozhniy-vektor
- www.yburlan.ru/biblioteka/chelovek-dobyvajushhij-ili-kak-nakopitelstvo-stanovitsja-prioritetom-v-zhizni
Step 2. Find a way to fill your life with vivid emotions without tantrums
Imaginary scenes of a guy cheating on you reach the point of absurdity. Such bright, soul-hurting pictures are composed by the visual vector in your emotional head. Like water, he needs feelings and experiences, that is, we can say that visual people seem to be fed from jumps of emotions.
If the natural range of feelings is not enough, the owner of the visual vector, hungry for emotions, gives birth to them herself and often not very skillfully.
Throwing a tantrum in a fit of jealousy is one of the ways to shake your nerves and get a portion of emotions.
It is much more effective to learn to bring your emotions out through compassion and empathy for other people, through the creation of emotional connections with others.
Compare the feelings of satisfaction after a tantrum and pleasant calmness after you watched the film and sympathized with its characters, or especially after you sincerely emotionally helped or supported someone. I saw a return smile or tears, and something sank inside so sweet and pleasant.
Creation of sincere relationships, empathy, participation and help to those who are worse off than you - this way of realizing the visual vector will bring you a state of inner comfort, which means that quivering emotionality will prevail in a couple, not barbs. And the question of jealousy will become irrelevant for you.

Step 3. Strengthen the emotional bond of the couple
It is precisely because of its lack of strength that mistrust arises. And you are responsible for the emotional connection. The guy just picks up the wave, and the girl always sets the tone for the relationship. How can you guide them from emotional gains to mutual understanding?
Talk to him. Share not with your friends, but with your beloved your feelings and experiences, children's and adult secrets.
And gradually he will follow you on this exciting road of emotional closeness, which will naturally allow you to stop being jealous of a guy. No one can replace you with him, and you will be sure of it.
Systemic vector psychology has helped many to stop being jealous and keep relationships:
Just imagine how great it is when even the thought does not arise that he can be carried away by another! By understanding yourself and your boyfriend, you will learn to trust him, and there will be no trace of jealousy. Then the advice of a psychologist is no longer needed in order to cope with any life questions. You will be able to do it yourself.
To stop being jealous once and for all and strengthen the relationship, register yourself and bring the guy to the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.