Laughter through tears. Deadly poison for sound and sight
The hangover after being intoxicated with laughter is gaining momentum, everything inside you seems to dry up, you do not feel life-giving feelings and emotions, you wither without them, like a plant without water in a desert scorched by the sun …
The dim light of everyday life often lacks bright colors and emotions, as well as lightness, carelessness and fun. Fatigue knocks you down, you want to rest, relax and forget. Let everything go to hell, and all questions disappear and stop worrying! Down with problems and worries! Long live unbridled fun and laughter!
I want to laugh and relieve emotional stress, swing and soar above the ordinary. Remove from yourself all the conventions, restrictions of society and burst into unrestrained laughter. Laugh to the loss of pulse, to hysteria and tears, until he twists and shakes from convulsions of laughter. It's so good that it's even bad, you need to catch your breath, come to your senses …
At first you feel lightness and carelessness, and then suddenly everything becomes indifferent. No worries, no problems. But life without emotions turns into a sluggish, colorless, tasteless, like grass, existence. What's happening? Who jinxed, brought damage? Where did emptiness and apathy come from? I want to shake them up, to shake them with strong emotions, to feel the exciting excitement of communicating with people, at least the simple joy of a trip to another city, from a shopping trip, but nothing happens … and this is the worst thing.
The hangover after being intoxicated with laughter is gaining momentum, everything inside you seems to dry up, you do not feel life-giving feelings and emotions, you wither without them, like a plant without water in a desert scorched by the sun …
A callous rusk cannot cry. On the wreck of a sunken emotional ship
At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, it is said that there are eight sets of innate mental properties of a person, which are called vectors. The visual vector gives a person the desire and ability to experience strong emotions and get incomparable pleasure from this. This is manifested in the behavior and character of the owner of the visual vector. We perceive him as a deeply emotional, sensitive person with sudden mood swings. Life for him is measured not in the number of years lived, but in the number and brightness of emotions experienced.
The scope of the emotional amplitude of a visual person is truly enormous and lies in the vast expanses between the fear for one's life (fear of death) and love. In every next minute of life, the viewer wants to experience an even stronger, more vivid emotion. He can fall with horror into the abyss of his nightmares and with each heartbeat experience more and more fear or tremblingly sway on the waves of love, open new depths of wonderful feelings for people. In both cases, the visual person feels pleasure from the emotional serpentine. Why else is life given, if not to whirl in a whirlwind of emotions!
A visual person does not always cope with an avalanche of feelings and emotions. When they overwhelm and pour over the edge, and the psyche cannot cope with the intensity of passions, tears help relieve tension, do not allow to burn out and explode. Tears are naturally born under the pressure of strong emotional experiences in order to change past states, cry, experience, let go and make room for new feelings and emotions. “I have no tears left to cry,” the spectator sighs resignedly. He was left alone with his pain and even tears cannot wash it away, help to survive the suffering and leave it in the past.

When a visual person cries with laughter, he artificially, forcibly causes tears. He does not shed tears from the overwhelming happiness of love, compassion and empathy, and does not cry from fear, trying at least physically through tears to push him out and get rid of him. The nature of the visual person is forcibly cut off by laughter, he no longer feels the connection between strong emotional experiences and their release along with tears. The spectator receives a blow below the belt, after the persecution with laughter, he knocks out of life. A raped soul does not feel emotions, cannot relieve its suffering with tears, it needs a lot of time to move away from stress and be able to give birth to new feelings, experiences and emotions.
Thought vaccination. How to stop thinking and focusing?
If your work is related to mental activity, then inevitably there comes a time when the brain is ready to explode with stress. Now the steam will fall from the ears from the effort. The tension builds up, causes internal discomfort, you can't stand it anymore. You get angry and irritated, you give up everything, you want to take a break from the tension of the mind, to defuse the situation.
The easiest way seems to be just to watch humorous programs. It seems like a little laugh will not hurt. On the contrary, it will relax and lift your spirits. It's good that the choice is large, Comedy club, Comedy battle, Comedy Woman and many other funny programs are available at any convenient time on the Internet.
It's nice to laugh at the same thing with other people, because this way you feel closer to them, as if laughter unites. A small break stretches for several hours and you don't want to go back to work. In the head - lightness and emptiness, not a single hint of tension. Carelessness is addictive, you always want to feel it, but when it's time to return to work, you suddenly realize that you can't concentrate. Thoughts do not disturb and do not bother you, do not rush outward with various solutions to problems and tasks. You strain so that your head hurts, but all efforts are in vain. You feel lost. What's the matter, what's going on? Why can't you get back on track?
Man with a sound vector - it sounds focused
At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, it is determined that not everyone is able to do hard mental work, concentrate, create thoughts, but only special people with a sound vector. Why special? Because they have a powerful abstract intellect, which gives rise to an incomparably larger number of thoughts than other people.
Each of the eight vectors has its own desires. The volume of desire is the largest in the sound vector, much stronger than in the other seven vectors. The owner of the sound vector is one who wants to know the meaning of life. When a sound person does not fill his desire with a search for meaning, he experiences emptiness of dissatisfaction, intense suffering, which are called depressions.
Scientists say that mental work is the hardest. It is easier to do manual labor all day than to concentrate and think. During mental work, a person burns the largest number of calories, it is so energy-consuming and laborious to think. However, all difficulties are covered by the tremendous pleasure that a person receives from the results of mental activity.
When a person with a sound vector gets tired of concentrated work, wants to rest and relax, an outwardly harmless, but very dangerous, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, a desire to laugh awaits him. Laughter spreads out, relieves mental stress, deprives the ability to solve tasks and create new thought forms. The soundman “knocks out” from active life, he loses balance, cannot realize himself and feel the pleasure from the realization of innate desires and abilities.
Why do we love to laugh so much?
The greatest pleasure in life is brought to us by other people, and our perception of the world and the outlook of life depends on how successfully we create our relationships with others. We are pleased to meet a person with the same values and goals in life as ours, because in this case we feel the community, we understand him, and he - us. Laughing with other people at jokes gives a false sense of unity, community. But this is an illusion, a myth, because the jokes end, and we disperse as strangers, people who do not understand each other. How to interrupt the hateful loneliness?

Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology" proposes to change the angle of view of the people around him and see them not as a gray, faceless, homogeneous mass, but to consider behind the shell of each person his real essence, hidden from prying eyes. Take a fascinating journey of focusing on others and feel their desires with the understanding and acceptance of the fact that for someone they are different from ours, and for someone on the contrary. And this discovery of human nature hidden from us every time overwhelms and at the same time makes you feel that we are not alone in this world.
Formatting the memory. Erase the problem and sleep restlessly
Is the brief moment of unconsciousness from laughter worth the complete devastation after it? Do we want to hit our talents and abilities, put ourselves under stress, lose fulfillment in society and fall out of life? Of course, it is important to rest and relax after strenuous work, but there are more adequate, than laughter, useful and harmless ways to relieve fatigue. Making fun of our problems on TV screens makes it impossible for us to find solutions. We find ourselves in a world where the problem is no longer a problem, and so - a harmless funny joke, a small misunderstanding that is not even worth thinking about it. Better to just throw it out of your head and forget.
The problem is overwritten in our minds, ceases to exist for us, we do not feel it as a threat, we do not solve it here and now. We feel bad, anxious, hard to live, but we do not understand what the matter is, we do not find the ridiculed and erased source of suffering. A person wants to be happy and does not want to suffer. When he feels the mental pain that he cannot stand, thoughts ripen in his head and how to solve the problem and stop suffering.
If we ridicule a problem, we are not aware of it, we lose tension and we do not have thoughts that will help solve it. We continue to wallow in the sea of ridiculed problems and sincerely do not understand what our trouble is, we do nothing to end our suffering and live happily.
Attention! After 5 minutes, the humorous program begins
Nobody warns us about the dangers of laughter, on the contrary, the popular belief that "laughter prolongs life" plays a cruel joke with visual and sound people. It's time to start writing warnings on television in humorous programs: “For persons who do not have visual and sound vectors”, “The program may contain scenes that cause an uncontrollable fit of laughter”, “In 5 minutes, a humorous program begins. All audiophiles and viewers, please change the channel. " Unfortunately, television does not protect or warn us, so let's take care of ourselves. Let's stop letting ourselves be bullied with jokes.
Who would have thought that harmless laughter has a destructive effect on people with sound and visual vectors. How many more dangers and secrets does our psyche keep? Countless! And all of them are considered at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
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