Healthy Bodies In A Healthy Mind! All About A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Bodies In A Healthy Mind! All About A Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Bodies In A Healthy Mind! All About A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy bodies in a healthy mind! All about a healthy lifestyle

Will a healthy lifestyle help me stay healthy? “It's a strange question,” you say. - A healthy lifestyle is intended for this! " Now, as never before, mankind has gotten into the taste of preserving health and prolonging youth. This is a massive phenomenon in the West. Everyone, regardless of age, is jogging or Nordic walking. Fitness clubs and spa centers grow like mushrooms. Various diets, healthy food are of interest to literally everyone. It seems that humanity has finally found the answer to the question: "How to prolong youth as much as possible?"

However, not all so simple. Not always and not for everyone, a healthy lifestyle, as it was understood until now, becomes a salvation from numerous diseases and aging. It would seem that it is based on the scientific principles of physical reality. Why don't these laws always work? People have been sick and continue to be sick. Moreover, diseases appear that were not so common before: cardiovascular diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and many others.

The fact is that at the present stage of human development, the very concept of a healthy lifestyle has radically changed. Not “in a healthy body - a healthy mind”, but “in a healthy mind - a healthy body”. The System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan tells us about this.

What comes first - spirit or matter?

Humanity develops from its animal form, gradually increasing the volume of the psyche. For a considerable period of its existence, 50 thousand years, the importance of its mental component has grown significantly. And if quite recently, some 60-70 years ago, our health was determined to a greater extent by physical factors, such as food, physical activity, hardening, work and rest regime, now this is not enough.

Today, the first place comes to the inner state of a person, the state of his psyche. Whether he is in balance with the world around him, whether he is satisfied with life, how much he knows how to cope with stress and negative states - these are the factors without which it is impossible to maintain health in the current conditions.

The desires of modern man are too strong. And therefore, their non-fullness creates too much discomfort, which is quite sufficient for the development of diseases, regardless of whether a person jogs in the morning or not.

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Of course, movement in line with the natural properties of the human constitution, and proper nutrition, which is not always exactly what it is customary to imagine now, are necessary (recommendations are usually standard for everyone, differ little depending on the individual's personality).

But it is the knowledge of oneself that allows one to find one's own individual approach in nutrition, in motor activity, and even in changing the wakefulness and sleep regimes. Knowledge of how to build your physical life, what to eat and how much to move, becomes natural after undergoing training in System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Although this is not specifically taught at the training. After all, this is not the basis of health. The main thing is a balanced state of mind, which is achieved through the realization of its properties.

The basis of mental health is the realization of properties

According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, the human psyche is divided into eight groups of desires, properties, values, which are called vectors. In the modern world, a person, on average, has 3-5 vectors, each of which leaves its mark on his activity and lifestyle. You need to be able to understand your desires in order to find the way of life that will bring pleasure and, in the end, lead to productive longevity.

Systems Vector Psychology explains that a person with a cutaneous vector, naturally flexible and active, will benefit most from a healthy lifestyle because that is its value. He loves everything that is good for health, is able to restrict himself in food, eats often and little by little, as nutritionists advise, so as not to gain weight. But he won't get well anyway, because he has an excellent metabolism by nature. He does not need to be forced to count calories, he already does it with pleasure. He does not need to be forced to move - this is natural for him. He lives with movement, changes, constant adaptation to new conditions.

Needless to say, a passion for a healthy lifestyle will become an effective way of maintaining health for him? After all, when a person does what he likes, his psyche is in a balanced state.

For a person with an anal vector, who is naturally overweight, does not like to move, eats rarely, but a lot, the lifestyle of a skin person is not suitable. Of course, following the general fashion for a healthy lifestyle, the anal guy will go to the gym to lose weight, pump muscles in order to achieve perfect harmony, but he will never achieve such a result as a leather man, but will only get stress from these activities.

And then the periods of a hungry diet will be replaced by the absorption of any food indiscriminately, but especially sweet. He will seize stress, and all his attempts at a healthy lifestyle will only result in new kilograms. And a person would follow his natural program - he would feel natural in his weight and his complexion.

And heart problems in representatives of the anal vector are not always associated with excess weight. Now their cause is most often the lack of realization of the properties of anal people in a consumer society, the values of which are determined by the skin vector and are opposite to the internal attitudes of the anal.

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If an anal person could fully realize his abilities for high-quality performance of work, professionalism, bringing things to perfection, if he were not rushed all the time by skin people and the requirements of the skin era, he would not have seized constant stress, he would not have gained extra pounds. He would not die so massively from heart attacks, the cause of which is very often a failure of the natural rhythm of life, which is reflected in the heart rhythm.

Therefore, Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology allows us to conclude that the realization of the properties of the innate vector is the most important prerequisite for maintaining health. When this is not the case, the basis for the development of psychosomatic diseases arises. As a rule, they are associated with the most sensitive area of the vector.

In the skin vector, these are various skin diseases (itching, acne, eczema, neurodermatitis). In the anal vector - cardiovascular diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome). In the visual vector - vegetative, immune, hormonal disorders, vision problems. The sound vector includes headaches, mental illnesses (such as, for example, depression, schizophrenia), autism spectrum disorders.

Healthy mind - healthy body

Awareness and realization of their properties is a guarantee of health for a modern person. This is noted by those who have completed the training in Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. When a person is in an unfulfilled state, he not only does not experience the joy of life, but even experiences physical pain. After realizing one's mental properties and the possibilities of their realization, not only pain goes away, but also many chronic diseases. Moreover, this is not the direct goal of the training, but just a pleasant side effect.

All those problems that have tormented people for years and which neither doctors nor a healthy lifestyle have been unable to cope with are gone. You can read about these results here:

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives us a new understanding of a healthy lifestyle: the understanding that mental health is primary. A person is already ripe to improve himself - this is evidenced by the general passion for a healthy lifestyle. But so far he only improves what is evident, what can be "touched". The unconscious is hidden from us, but it is it, like the base of an iceberg, hidden under water, but much more significant in weight, and determines everything that happens to us.

You can register for free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by following the link:
