How To Stop Crying - Psychological Recommendations How To Calm Tantrums And Tears

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How To Stop Crying - Psychological Recommendations How To Calm Tantrums And Tears
How To Stop Crying - Psychological Recommendations How To Calm Tantrums And Tears

Video: How To Stop Crying - Psychological Recommendations How To Calm Tantrums And Tears

Video: How To Stop Crying - Psychological Recommendations How To Calm Tantrums And Tears
Video: MY BABY WON'T STOP CRYING & IT'S BEEN A MONTH (Help!) | Dr. Paul 2024, October

How to stop crying and why "your eyes are wet"

It will not hurt any spectator to cry over a play or a book, and tears of compassion for living people will only benefit. What can you do to stop crying when it is destructive for yourself and destroys relationships with others?

Anything can make me cry: from a dramatic plot in a movie to a homeless kitten in a neighboring alley. And when there is also a real reason (for example, from resentment or jealousy) - in general, I cannot calm down for a long time. Sometimes tears turn into hysterics, I start screaming and stop managing my condition altogether. How to stop crying and constantly screw yourself up?

On the reasons for tearfulness: you can cry in different ways

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that among us there are 5% of people endowed with special sensuality and emotionality. These are the owners of the visual vector, for whom the eyes are a particularly sensitive area. It is these people who have "increased tearfulness." But you can cry in different ways: with a beneficial or destructive effect on the psyche.

How to stop crying for any reason

By nature, tears are always close to all owners of the visual vector. Such people have a huge emotional range, they can subtly feel the states of other people.

Due to such sensuality, both a tragic love story and empathy for the patient can really provoke tears in them. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if this story is real or unfolds on the stage - the viewer still reacts emotionally and sensually.

To stop crying completely for the viewer is the same as to stop breathing. His receptive area (eyes) actually needs such periodic stimulation. The most important thing in this matter is the reason for the tears.

When is it good to cry

There is nothing shameful in crying to a sensual song or a soulful performance. But by nature, the bearer of the visual vector is given a special emotional sensitivity in order to realize it in empathy and compassion for other people. Those who have experienced real trouble, who have experienced real grief.

We can see developed and realized owners of the visual vector among volunteers, working with seriously ill or disabled people. They help orphanages or are engaged in the delivery of humanitarian supplies to countries where there is a war. They are always exactly where their compassion and active help to the weak strata of the population are most in demand.

The spectator may well cry from empathy with his neighbor. But these tears are beneficial, and it is not difficult for a person to calm down in such a situation - he will quickly stop crying, switching to real help. Unfortunately, in conditions when the properties of the visual vector are not realized sufficiently, the situation is different.

how to stop crying
how to stop crying

When tears are destructive

With a lack of implementation, the entire huge emotional range of the viewer is closed on himself, in his experiences. This gives rise to constant tantrums and emotional buildup, makes a person break into tantrums and yell at loved ones. In this state, he sometimes cannot calm down and only winds himself up again and again.

Depending on the additional presence of other vectors, torment over a guy or a girl may serve as an occasion. A person can sob from jealousy, panic, or maybe from resentment towards loved ones and fate. The reason in all these cases is the same - the emotional range of the viewer is too large to be directed at himself and his troubles.

How to stop crying on a case-by-case basis

So, it will not hurt any of the spectators to cry over a play or a book, and tears of compassion for living people will only benefit. What can you do to stop crying when it is destructive for yourself and destroys relationships with others?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives the following recommendation to all carriers of the visual vector: to sensually focus on the experiences of another person. Not everyone will work with seriously ill patients, but there are plenty of people around who yearn for your empathy. It can be a lonely neighbor, a suffering girlfriend, etc. Bringing emotions out helps the viewer to remove internal emotional swings and tantrums.

These recommendations relate specifically to the visual vector. But usually, the very reason that caused you a storm of emotions shows that the lack and lack of implementation can additionally be in other vectors.

What to do to stop crying from resentment

The feeling of resentment is familiar only to the owners of the anal vector. It doesn't matter if you have grievances because of your beloved boyfriend, or you had a chance to cry out of resentment at the villainess-fate as a whole. The main thing is that your natural inner balance is disturbed: the desire for everything to be fair, equally. You tried so hard for people, and in return they did not give you love, attention, respect. There is no way to calm down.

The opposite of resentment is gratitude. Try to focus on those events, people and their actions for which you can truly be grateful to fate. Surely there will be many of them.

But insult is a reason to think about how the properties of the anal vector are realized in your case? These are perseverance, attentiveness to details, an analytical mindset, the need for purity and aspiration for family, home comfort, the birth of children.

What to do to stop crying with jealousy

Jealousy is the properties of the skin vector. Its owners are ambitious and strive to be the first. Are aimed at property and social superiority. How can such a person allow the thought that another will take away from him a loved one? However, the rich imagination of the unrealized visual vector continues to paint pictures of imaginary betrayal. Well, how can you calm down and not cry?

If the reason for your sobs is jealousy, you should think about how the properties of the skin vector are realized in your case. It is enterprise and logic, design and engineering talent. The flexibility of the mind makes such people excellent entrepreneurs and businessmen, and the flexibility of the body makes athletes or dancers.

Realization of the natural properties of each vector allows you to remove any negative conditions.

Stop crying and live with joy is real

Are you tormented by the question of how to stop worrying and crying? Many people who have undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan have already managed to stop:

Cry with jealousy

The owners of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors forever got rid of the need to mourn the imaginary betrayal of a partner:

Cry from resentment

The owners of the anal vector have taken off the burden of grievances and no longer cry from the fact that life is "not enough":

Cry with fears

All owners of the visual vector have forever forgotten about fears and tantrums:

Start living in joy at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, register using the link.
