Vector Brothers - Sound And Sight

Vector Brothers - Sound And Sight
Vector Brothers - Sound And Sight

Vector brothers - sound and sight

The visual vector is the first in the knowledge of the physical world. Having the most sensitive sensor for comprehending it, he observes the external world visible to him. The sound engineer, on the other hand, is inclined to look for hidden causes, roots of what is happening behind all external phenomena, trying to comprehend the very essence of things, as if to see the mysterious seamy side of the external world.

Only after getting acquainted with Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, people often confuse the manifestations of sound and visual vectors. Both of them belong to the quartels of information, naturally and complementarily complement each other, move, as it were, in one direction, while being like a mirror imprint of one another.

In everyday life, we very often come across people with sound and visual vectors. Most people who come to the training carry both or at least one of these vectors. And of course, they want, firstly, to learn about themselves, and secondly, to understand their acquaintances and friends, who often have the same vectors. This is not surprising, because our environment is largely made up of those who are close to us in spirit, and we are always sympathetic to those in whom we recognize ourselves.


When we try to differentiate people close to us, we especially run the risk of attributing to them the properties that we want to see in them: “He thinks interestingly, thinks deeply, is interested in the same thing as me. Well, he can't be without sound! No … he definitely has sound …"

Let's look at some of the common areas of confusion and the reasons for it.

So, how can you not confuse the visual and sound vectors?

Essentially, the confusion arises from a lack of understanding of what is sound and what is the visual vector. Both vectors are from the same quartet, quartels of information, where sound is its internal, introverted part, and vision is external, extroverted. The properties of these vectors complement each other. The visual vector is the first in the knowledge of the physical world. Having the most sensitive sensor for comprehending it, he observes, explores and evaluates the external world visible to him. Here there is a clear border between the sound and visual space: if the viewer explores the external world, then the attention of the sound specialist, the extreme introvert, is focused on himself, on his inner world. His element is an abstract, immaterial world, and behind all external phenomena, he is inclined to look for hidden reasons, secret roots of what is happening, trying to comprehend the very essence of things,how to see the mysterious underside of the prosaic outside world.

Spectators are people who are open to others, they are always ready to share with all that is happening in their life, their feelings, fantasies, emotions. As true extroverts, they literally or figuratively expose themselves to their interlocutor. A developed spectator is able to open his soul, his experiences to another, counting on the same response from him. Exhibitionists are also spectators, but those who, failing to develop emotionality, bare not the soul, but the body.


An undeveloped visual person easily breaks into tears, can be hysterical: visual people have the highest emotional amplitude. Spectators can be thrown from laughter into tears, and tears generally stand very close, ready to shed at any moment. The people around are amazed at this behavior: just the spectator, for example, was laughing, and now she is already crying, but after another five minutes she laughs again …

The sound people, communicating with you, are constantly, as it were, in their "shell", they are thoughtful, immersed in themselves. The sound engineer, even experiencing intense excitement, shock or depression inside, may not feel the need to share this with someone. For him, these are internal, very personal feelings. He listens to his states, this reflection, his constant inner monologue is enough for him, and he does not have a need, like a spectator, to bring his feelings out.

When an audio engineer talks about suicide, it's always serious. Even if such a desire has not yet fully matured and he will not do it here and now, nevertheless, this means that he, at least, is considering such an option for himself. The spectator uses suicide only as a way of emotional blackmail: "If you leave me, I will drown myself", "When I die, and then you will understand everything!" and so on in the same spirit.

The mimicry of the spectator is mobile, expressive, expressive. For sound specialists, the face looks rather amimic. The viewers have an open gaze, they literally look at the world with all their eyes, while the sound specialists, on the contrary, in such frequent moments of inner concentration, the gaze is directed to one point, and even that he hardly examines and studies - after all, he actually looks deep into himself yourself …


Often mistakes in determining what a particular person feels now are made “through ourselves”: after all, we inevitably judge by ourselves, not knowing and not understanding at what angle reality is refracted in the perception of a person with other vectors.

For example, when a sound engineer confesses his love, inside he, of course, experiences a real storm of emotions that, like a true introvert, will never find external manifestations, remaining inside - he will make his confession without a visible shadow of emotion, in an even voice … and the viewer will consider such a confession false!

Spectators, especially women, often breathe gracefully. At the training, beginners often define Renata Litvinova, who is often cited as an example of a realized skin-visual woman, as a sound person. The reason for such a mistake is most often precisely her manner of talking with a breath and being, as it were, above everything that happens. But visual sensual elevation, even snobbery in extreme manifestations, has nothing to do with sound arrogance and detachment. Many audiophiles may appear arrogant, self-centered, and superior to others; in their speech the word I often appears. On the other hand, visual people, presenting to everyone their culture and a large amount of knowledge, seem to be snobs. Advanced visuals are also prone to irony as a way to show others their intellectual superiority.

The soundman, not welcoming the noise and any loud sounds, often speaks quietly himself, and, as a rule, it is they who have complaints about the sound of their voice.

Visual people are able to experience the fullest range of experiences and emotions, this also makes them able to empathize and compassion. Developed visuals are always very good at determining the state of mind of another person: "Vasya, something happened to you, I see you somehow strange today?" They are generally very observant of everything that happens around them. The sound engineer, on the contrary, may not notice anything around him, but when he turns to him he will ask again: “Huh? What? Is it you for me? " - and not even because I didn't hear! He hears perfectly, but the sound engineer always takes a kind of time-out in order to get out of the state of concentration on his thoughts and, so be it, be distracted by what is happening outside.

Vision is the younger brother of Sound

Spectators are eminently capable of sensing the emotional states of others, they are always the best psychotherapists, feeling and understanding, providing emotional relief. A developed visual person is filled through empathy, letting other people's emotions through himself.

The soundman also seeks to know the mental person, but for a different reason. He is looking for the roots of behavior, thoughts, desires, wants to look beyond the unknown in the unconscious. If the viewer's gaze is directed outward, into the external world, then the sound engineer looks at the whole world through the prism of himself, his gaze is directed inwardly to his own psychic. His search for answers to questions about human nature is in the only primary desire to know himself, to realize what is hidden in himself. Zvukovik is more often engaged not in psychotherapy, but in psychiatry. To investigate human nature, he does not even need emotional contact with the subject of research. After all, in the final analysis, this object is itself.

Poetry and drugs

Spectators always accompany their older brother in all his endeavors.

Real poets are always sound people who, having perfect hearing, are capable of catching the melody in the murmur of speech, in the stream of words, and creating a real symphony of rhymes. First of all, they are enjoyed by their vector “brothers in mind” - the spectators who internally let poetic meanings pass through themselves. And of course, in this case, the younger brother does not lag behind the older one: the most prominent admirers of sound poets (often urethral-sound) are visual women who admire their poetry, seeing love experiences in every line.

Vision follows sound both "uphill" and "downhill". Real drug addicts are sound addicts who, with the help of drugs, try to get away from the suffering that arises from the failure of sound desires to be fulfilled. In such severe sound states, they invariably go up, gradually increasing the dose and not even thinking about quitting someday, because this would mean a return to suffering. Many spectators can relax with light drugs all their lives, but the sound engineer will definitely go further.


And the sound addiction in itself would not be so miserable: even in this way, the removed suffering as a whole relieves the general conditions of the sound part of the whole. But after the sound people, the spectators, as in everything else, pick up this movement, spreading it further - as it was, for example, in the heyday of the hippie culture. The visual children of flowers altered the sound desire to expand the consciousness with a drug, to comprehend the unknown and at least in this way to reach a person hidden from consciousness, trying to swing emotions to the limit in a narcotic euphoria, to enter the exaltation of the propaganda of typically visual values. “All you need is love” or “Make love not war” - notice how fully this motto expresses the very essence of the visual vector: Love and Anti-Death!

The hippie ideology is the flourishing of visual culture, saving the world with love and legalizing soft drugs; vision extends this phenomenon even further to representatives of other vectors, making drug addiction a common problem.

In the same way, the spectators follow the sound people in all their ideas, for them any sound currents are interesting, mysterious and attractive. In the same way, the leaders of the sects are the skin sound specialists, and their followers are not only their sound comrades who share a common idea, but also the spectators in states of fear who come to the sects precisely in order to dispel their fears with the various mysticism that the sound specialist provides in the sect.


This article is an attempt to consider sound and vision as separate vectors, to show all the fundamental differences with all their one-pointedness and complementarity.

A separate analysis requires a combination of both of these vectors in a person. In this case, the overall picture will also depend on the degree of their development, content, and, first of all, on the state of sound, which is dominant and therefore decisive.

When an audiovisual person, for example, talks about suicide, their conversations may look like visual blackmail and not be taken seriously. The danger lies in the fact that behind the seemingly typically visual swells of emotions, we risk overlooking a true sound crisis, leading to a successful suicide attempt …

Knowledge about each vector separately is only the beginning, only the “alphabet” from which the volumetric systemic thinking is formed. The confusion that occurs at the beginning decreases with each lesson, turning into deep knowledge at the level of sensations and unmistakable definitions. The states of a person are read in the "presentation hieroglyph", it is possible to distinguish between a visual and a sound person even by voice, by handwriting, by look, past mistakes seem ridiculous, but so necessary and inevitable on the way to development!