There Is A Way Out Of Depression - Ways Out Of Depression In Systemic Psychology

There Is A Way Out Of Depression - Ways Out Of Depression In Systemic Psychology
There Is A Way Out Of Depression - Ways Out Of Depression In Systemic Psychology

There is a way out of depression

What kind of features become a prerequisite for complete hopelessness inside a person, and is there a way out? What methods of getting out of depression can work when you just want to powerlessly fold your legs on your chest and turn yourself off from this life?

According to statistics, in the 19th century 0.05% of the world's population suffered from depression, in the 21st - 25%. The numbers clearly demonstrate that the usual ways to get out of depression do not work very well. The volume of the human psyche has grown too much. But in our time, there is an effective way out of depression - the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan proves this with thousands of results.

The mechanism of occurrence of bad states is as simple as two or two: I want something, but I don't get it. The difficulty begins with realizing your "want" and identifying ways to achieve this desire.

Different vectors have different desires, which means they have different ways of fulfilling them. Ignorance of one's nature and how to realize it leads to bad conditions. The degree of unhappiness also differs in terms of vectors.

The ways out of depression should be laid according to the inner characteristics of a person - then there really is a way out. It becomes possible to cope with depression on your own without medication, having a systemic understanding of what is happening inside yourself.

There is no way out of depression if there is no understanding of its causes

Now we call depression any sneeze in our inner state, any mood jump, while real depression is more like pneumonia of the entire psyche. When it's impossible to breathe in this world. When it seems that it will be possible to breathe deeply only somewhere outside this reality.

According to systemic vector psychology, only 5% of people - owners of a sound vector - can be subject to such a painful ailment. It is they who experience the most difficult conditions - their suffering and are depression in all the depth of its pain.

What kind of features become a prerequisite for complete hopelessness inside a person, and is there a way out? What methods of getting out of depression can work when you just want to powerlessly fold your legs on your chest and turn yourself off from this life?

When the head does not bear fruit with thought forms, we feel bad

Yu Burlan

Patient profile 1

Name Genius Black
Complaints Life has no meaning, there is no way out of bad states, depression tortured
Symptoms Insomnia, apathy, silence, self-isolation, indifference to the material side of life, gambling addiction, a sense of one's own genius, coupled with a complete lack of understanding of other people
I tried such methods on my own and realized that there is NO way out of depression Hard rock, mind altering techniques, antidepressants, climbing Tibet, drugs
Duration of depression Protracted

The causes of depression in the sound vector

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that such internal suffering can only be experienced by the owners of the sound vector. This is a huge amount of desire to cognize reality, this is a colossal intellectual potential and this is the most burning pain inside, if these desires are not realized.

Why has life become unbearable for many sound musicians? Why did the hope for an independent way out of depression evaporate in mental anguish? Why are recommendations for getting out of depression from psychological forums, various psychotechnics and even consultations of eminent psychotherapists not working for them?

Because no one determines the true cause of their suffering, which means that they cannot find an effective method to heal their soul.

The principle of a happy life is the same - getting pleasure. When we do not enjoy life, we do not justify the fact of our existence. Then we really have no choice - depression does not allow us to live.

But what pleasure is there for a sound engineer? When his soul is in pain, his family and children are not a joy to him, work is like hard labor, meetings with friends are empty, dialogues with oneself on sleepless nights lead to a dead end.

there is a way out of depression
there is a way out of depression

A way out of depression when meaning is so lacking

The Soul Soul requires comprehension of meaning. This is her primary desire. Needs to eat, drink, breathe and sleep are no less important than for any person.

The agonizing question - what is the meaning of my life - may not be verbalized by the sound engineer and not even realized. But his knocking on his temples does not become quieter.

The sound engineer may forget to eat if, suddenly, in some book, scientific or esoteric article, a phrase in a random video or song, a thread leading to an understanding of the intention seems to him. He will swallow the entire volume, the entire series, the entire album in an attempt to dig up a whole ball of meaning - threads and hints are not enough for him. But the books came to an end, and the meaning in life was not added either by a gram or by a thought.

At the next stage, religious practices, philosophical research, antidepressants, drugs are used, and there is zero sense. And the sound engineer comes to the conclusion: there is no way out of depression, so why live in constant torment?

The ineffectiveness of different ways of getting out of depression for the sound engineer is only proof of his lack of understanding of his mental structure.

System-vector psychology, a way out of depression, opens up for all those who are looking for the meaning of existence without exercise in front of a mirror, light therapy, affirmations and drugs.

The only effective method of getting out of depressive states is awareness of one's own psyche and understanding of the general human nature.

This gives the sound engineer a limitless toolbox for new discoveries in the field of the human soul every day with every contact with people. And already from a meaningful interaction with others, the sound engineer is able to create ingenious thought forms within himself. The effectiveness of this method for hundreds of people allows us to say that there is a way out of depression.

Sound Depression Exit Plan:

  1. to begin with, admit that there is a way out of depression and give yourself another chance to save yourself from it;
  2. find out your inner characteristics with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology and realize the tormenting questions that prevent you from getting out of a prolonged depression;
  3. understand the purpose of the owners of the sound vector;
  4. to realize oneself according to inner desires according to the principle of pleasure from mental activity.

The role of the sound person is to help the whole species begin to live consciously, to bring humanity out of the darkness of uncontrolled unconscious reactions. To do this, you must first cope with such a task yourself.

After all, depression is the reaction of the psyche of the sound engineer to a lack of awareness, which he needs like water and food, and maybe more.

It becomes possible to acquire meaningfulness, overcome depression and find a way out of it thanks to the lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, which give us access to the unconscious. With this key, you can consciously, quickly and effectively find a way out of depression, without giving her the opportunity to continue to "puppet" with your life.

Methods for getting out of depression when love is so lacking

The owners of the visual vector think that they suffer from depression and are looking for a way out of it in psychology more and more often. Their problem seems to them no less painful and hopeless than the lack of meaning in life. For visual people, the main lack is little love and attention.

Patient profile 2

Name Nastyubasha Crying
Complaints Nobody loves me, the sun is not enough, I want the sea, I want Borya
Symptoms Tantrums, tears, mood swings, hot temper, fears, panic attacks, unreasonable sadness and longing
I myself have tried such ways to overcome depression, psychological exercises and practices Phototherapy, yoga for depression, treatment of depression with music, aromatherapy, positive psychology, watching a romantic video, "fall in love and forget" method - quick and easy flirting
Duration of depression Seasonal, as well as during periods of acute lack of love

Causes of poor conditions of the visual vector

System-vector psychology shows that the desires of the seven vectors (except for the sound one) can be realized relatively quickly and easily, knowing what exactly is missing. Therefore, these states can be called depression only conditionally, since they are incomparable with the torment of a universal scale in the sound vector, its hunger, which cannot be filled with anything earthly.

The way out of bad states is that they can be turned into good ones by realizing the reason and understanding your shortcomings.

In the visual vector, the main need is the creation of emotional connections. The viewer needs a constant vibration of feelings inside. If there are not enough of them, the owner of a hypersensitive heart takes them in useless methods. Often these are tears, mood swings, emotional leaps, hysterical claims of insufficient love. When there is no way out of emotions through empathy for others, depression (or rather, the lack of realization of one's emotions) is guaranteed to the viewer.

Objective reasons such as the death of a loved one or parting with a loved one can lead the visual person to nullify emotions and numerous fears for themselves.

Depression and fear prevent you from functioning normally in everyday life. I won't fly on a plane - I'm afraid of heights, I won't go into this house - suddenly there is a spider, I won't talk to this person - suddenly he is a villain, I won't stay at home alone - suddenly a monster will jump out of a dark corner. And I will never love again - it hurts too much. So a person tries to overcome fear and depression - he is looking for a way out to completely isolate himself from life.

There is only one way out of such a painful state - to recognize the reasons for your fear (no matter how it manifests itself) and learn how to turn it into its opposite. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the only way to cope with fear for yourself, tantrums and mood swings is to empathize with others.

The role of the visual person is to help all of humanity from being hostile to becoming an empathic species. And you can only start with yourself. Both the causes of depression and the way out of it are only within our psyche.

The stages of getting out of severe visual conditions, which are often popularly called depression:

  1. realize your colossal emotional potential;
  2. learn to apply it in relation to other people.

Before blaming the other half for indifference, and nature itself in a cloudy sky, ask yourself the question, to whom did you last feel real warmth, empathy? Or do you only demand such impulses in your direction?

Love is huge and multifaceted when it is directed not in itself, but from itself. Then the sun accumulates inside by itself, beams out of your eyes regardless of the season, and inquiries about ways out of depression become irrelevant.

The best visual exercise is to start by creating an emotional bond in the pair. By subtly and tactfully opening up to her partner, the visual girl sets the tone for an incredibly warm psychological climate in a relationship. And the man readily accepts this pass, begins to share his innermost experiences.

It is very difficult to listen and empathize with another from habit. But the reward will not be long in coming - a way out of visual depression is provided.

This way of creating emotional ties in a couple helps to go out and realize in society, to learn to share not their shortages, grievances and fears, but attention to the feelings of others, empathy and willingness to help.

Is there a way out of depression when the whole world is going to hell?

Patient profile 3

Name Sofa Seat Offended
Complaints All goats, the world is rolling in one place, no respect, traitors everywhere
Symptoms Obsession with the past, postponing new things and important decisions, accumulating resentment
I tried these ways to get out of depression myself Sofa, garage, club of offended and abandoned, alcohol
Duration of depression Someone from the moment of the collapse of the USSR to this day, someone, for example, with the departure of his wife or the loss of a job

Ways to get out of lingering resentment and depression

Stressful situations for the owners of the anal vector are extremely difficult. They took away the most valuable in the range of the vector's desires - and such a pain inside. For a person with an anal vector, the main components of a happy life are family, children, honor and respect. He is not quick and dexterous, but thorough, thorough, loyal.

The wife left - and the lack of understanding and stupor fetters how to continue to live without the most dear. A man with depression from the loss of his family loses his orientation in life, the motivation for action. He ceases to look after himself, drowns in a swamp of claims and resentment. Meal becomes only a sofa and a mug of beer or something stronger. To wash down the pain of loss with friends, calling the former all "affectionate" - there is not far from alcoholic depression.

Another way to relieve tension in the anal vector is to shower all women in the world with insults in a conversation or on the Internet on a forum. Such a meager method to restore the balance of your twisted psyche: offended - get it.

Another colossal stress for this type of people is the loss of honor and respect in society. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the arrival of skin values of individual benefit, the speed of a big city and the withering away of the traditions of the past - it is impossible for an anal person to maintain health after experiencing this.

Is there a way out? Only an understanding of one's internal structure and the laws of development of the psyche of all mankind can align the square of psychological comfort and give a chance for a happy life.

You cannot rewind time back, but you can return your wife after a divorce and find a realization that is adequate to your mental characteristics in society, bringing honor to your comrades and decent pay.

Hundreds of results speak for this, listen to one of them:

There is a way out of depression - in the realization of their innate properties

We are created to realize ourselves. Not by typing, but knowing exactly what we have and what we can from nature, developing our innate properties and using them for the benefit of ourselves and others.

But we:

  1. do not know our properties;
  2. we strive to use them only for ourselves.

So we suffer all our lives.

It's hard to believe without trying, but once you've tasted incredible pleasure, you can't drag it by the ears:

  • sound engineer - from comprehending and transferring unique meanings to others
  • visual - from accumulating and giving love to people
  • the owner of the anal vector - from building a solid base for the transfer of knowledge, skills and skills to the next generations

The common cause of bad states for all is a lack of understanding of one's desires. The origins of depression and the best way out of it are within ourselves. Knowing your properties, you can independently find the best method for getting out of depression, your own way of finding the meaning of life, love, respect and a worthy place in society.

Depression paralyzes action. There is a way out of depression in system-vector psychology, which gives you the opportunity to stir your thoughts and feelings and breathe life into the body without false attitudes and drugs.

way out of depression
way out of depression

A universal way of getting out of depression and other painful internal states is to fit into the general human picture with its properties. And you will find the individual, most effective personally for you method of enjoying life again at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Do you want to live without asking permission for happiness from the unconscious? Register here.
