How To Stop Thinking About Food, Dieting And Losing Weight All The Time

How To Stop Thinking About Food, Dieting And Losing Weight All The Time
How To Stop Thinking About Food, Dieting And Losing Weight All The Time

How to stop thinking about food: 5 steps to an independent life

Is it okay to think about food all the time? How does a natural need and habit differ from addiction? 5 steps to get rid of food addiction. How Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" can help with eating disorders …

Separate Meals, Vegetarianism, Veganism, Meat Eating, Raw Food, Dukan, Keto, Paleo, Intuitive Eating, Intermittent Fasting, Prana Eating. Calorie counters, diet appa, “I don't eat after six”, “sweet only until 12”, five meals a day … How to stop thinking about food if you no longer have any strength to think, but you can't lose weight? Systemic psychoanalysis comes to the rescue.

“And my body was the epicenter of the universe, it always seemed to me that I was not thin enough, I did not have my own real idea of the body in my head. If someone tells me that I recovered at least a little or something like that, it was the end of the world for me, I began to exhaust myself in the gym and terrible diets, often hunger strikes too. In general, for me this is a very, very sore subject has always been"

(from the review of the student of the training Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology" Marzhan).

How to stop thinking about food if you want to eat and you want to lose weight? How to stop counting calories, all the time choosing when to eat, what to eat, dividing food into harmful and healthy? How to stop thinking about the dessert that is on the table and you want to eat so much that it is impossible to focus on anything else? Watch how treacherously slowly the time drags on, waiting for it to be possible to sit down at the table. Be a black sheep during feasts and friendly gatherings, evaluating and limiting every bite and envying those who do not think about food at all, but live and enjoy food and life. After all, they can afford to eat everything and not get better (not swelling, not itching, not suffering from migraines) after the "wrong" meal …

Those who have gone through many experiments with nutrition and have not received the desired result - losing weight or solving health problems - would like to stop thinking about diets, but find that their thoughts are out of control. For a long time of struggle with oneself, an unhealthy addiction to food has appeared.

Is it okay to think about food all the time?

Food is a primary need, without which you cannot live long. When a person is hungry, he remembers food. If you are very hungry, then thoughts become obsessive. The imagination draws a picture of a fried chicken, the smell of cinnamon rolls. But as soon as hunger is satisfied, thoughts easily switch to another channel. Until another famine. This is normal.

There is also a habit. For example, to the dishes that my mother taught in childhood. I love pancakes because it tastes like childhood. And it's hard to refuse, even if I get better from them and my stomach hurts. Therefore, I eat sometimes, I cannot deny myself. But so that constantly thinking about pancakes - there is no such thing. A habit can be uncomfortable, harmful, but does not occupy our thoughts all the time.

Addiction is another matter entirely. This is when, when you try to give up foods that are not beneficial, you find that you cannot. You turn on restrictions and you discover such a powerful craving for chocolate, pies or smoked sausage that you dream about them day and night. Until one day you break loose and experience the unearthly bliss of taste. Just two minutes. And then everything starts all over again.

You find that all your happiness is concentrated in your favorite foods, which you had to give up. They are the only ones that calm you in moments of stress or grief. Only they help to feel the fullness of life. Without them, the colors fade, and the meaning is lost, and you don't want to live.

In an amicable way, we would never refuse. After all, the essence of a person is the desire for pleasure. But side effects push us to give up our favorite rolls, candy and other high-calorie foods. We begin to gain weight, suffer from gastritis, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. Or we become unattractive to the opposite sex, insecure, lonely. Only these problems force us to make the decision to start eating right.

Here we are faced with the fact that it is difficult to change our habits, and even more so to give up addiction. And without understanding the psychological reasons why we became addicted, it is impossible. Without realizing the reasons, we are doomed to constant experiments with different nutritional systems without a stable and understandable result, to breakdowns, "jams" and weight fluctuations.

Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" teaches you to enjoy life and helps you get rid of food addiction. It becomes a side effect of knowing yourself. Here are a few steps, based on a knowledge of the psychic nature of a person, to help you stop thinking about food.

Step 1: feed yourself

Thought does not arise by itself. She always serves desire. If we think about food all the time, then we are hungry. Chronically hungry. As a rule, this condition is a consequence of long-term restriction of calories or different types of food, when there is a lack of micronutrients. For example, with mono diets. Therefore, in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts, you need to realize your desire - to allow yourself to eat.

How to stop thinking about food photos
How to stop thinking about food photos

Restriction is always stressful for a person. Only a part of people perceive restrictions as a blessing - these are the owners of the skin vector. But even they do not withstand inadequate constraints. Experienced, they try different diets and nutrition systems and one day they may find that there is almost nothing to eat, that almost all food is unhealthy. Anorexia sufferers just have a cutaneous vector that sets inadequate prohibitions. This is not the main cause of anorexia, though.

But most of all, the owners of the anal vector, who by nature do not like restrictions, suffer from prohibitions. This is a lot of stress for them. And such people, as a rule, react to stress with a spasm - of muscles, intestinal smooth muscles, sphincters. Their digestion is impaired from stress. IBS, stomach ulcers, constipation are their diseases. Therefore, restrictive diets, hunger strikes are not their method.

For them, psychological methods of solving the problem are more suitable: awareness of their properties, self-acceptance and gaining self-confidence. After all, they often try to fix what cannot be fixed - the natural constitution. Much more important than external forms is the inner state, the drive from life, when you are happy and confident in yourself. This state occurs when you understand yourself and others. You see that all people are different, they have different tasks and you shouldn't strive to be like someone else. It is much more pleasant to be yourself.

Step 2: eat mindfully

Our body is unmistakable because it is animal in nature. The animal is perfect. It is not wrong, as it is governed by instincts. A beast in the wild will never eat what is bad for it, or figure out when it is best to eat dinner so that it is not hard to sleep. Because he has no consciousness.

A person has consciousness, and it makes us make mistakes. We can no longer rely on the instincts of the body, since they are distorted by consciousness. This is observed even in domestic animals, which, unlike their wild counterparts, get sick because they live with people.

“I know for sure that I want candy right now,” we say and are wrong.

We do not notice or ignore body signals, eat on emotions or for company, when we are not hungry, we stifle instincts, following conflicting recommendations from "experts", dividing food into harmful and healthy. Harmful or useful - for whom? For an expert? And for us? Often, we don’t bother to check how the body reacts to a new diet or eating pattern. We just blindly follow the advice that people give through themselves, having a different constitution, metabolism, initial level of health.

Since we have lost our instincts, we need to use the tool that is given to a person for adaptation in this world: consciousness. You need to approach food consciously. Eat only when hungry. Then the pleasure of eating is many times greater. Determine your metabolism, eating habits, suitable foods, diet, serving size.

How to stop thinking about food and lose weight photo
How to stop thinking about food and lose weight photo

No analyzes and examinations, no doctor will study us as we ourselves. This is not a call to refuse medical care at all, but a desire to be more attentive to yourself. And knowledge of the mental constitution will help you understand your desires even better. For example, the owner of the skin vector feels good if he eats more often and in small portions. And a person with an anal vector likes to eat twice a day, but thoroughly, so that it lasts for a long time.

Step 3: Get Rid of Bad Eating Habits

Easy to say but difficult to do. Here psychoanalysis is indispensable. After all, we are talking about past, possibly childhood traumas, patterns of behavior that we, most likely, have already forgotten. At the training "System-vector psychology" there are two thematic classes on food - an important psychological topic that largely determines the quality of human life. Whether we will be happy depends on what eating habits, what attitude to food were laid down in childhood.

For example, if a child was force-fed, not only will he not enjoy the food, but his life will subsequently be devoid of joy. Force-feeding can manifest itself in the fact that, already an adult, he will push food into himself without desire and pleasure, overeat. He will not be interested in living, so he will compensate for the lack of joy with food.

By observing yourself, you may also find that you eat more when you are stressed, and this process cannot be controlled. For example, when you are afraid of something or panic, calm yourself down with cakes. Or the frantic rhythm of life does not allow you to calmly spend a weekend at home, put things in order, and raise a cross. And therefore, before bed, you can compensate for mental fatigue with a plentiful and delicious homemade dinner.

When you understand the causes of stress and the desire to seize it, you get rid of food addiction quickly, without persuasion and exercise, as did Victoria, who completed the training in System Vector Psychology:

A habit can grow out of commonplace things. As a child, you obeyed your mother and always acted as she said: you ate everything that was on your plate, even if you were already full. Or they ate cabbage because Mom liked cabbage, although you didn't like it at all.

All these habits from childhood must be realized and revised: what has long ceased to serve for the good and what must be immediately eliminated. When the content of the unconscious is realized, it ceases to affect the person.

Step 4: Create an environment that supports

We live in an era of information warfare. It's hard to imagine how many people are fighting for our consciousness and wallet. The internet is awash with advice from "experts" on how to eat well. What foods are best to eat, and what not. When is it better to eat sweets: before 12 or in the evening, before or after meals. Those who "cook" in the topic of nutrition, one day find that the advice contradicts each other and cannot be followed, because it turns out that nothing can be eaten, everything is harmful and you can die from food.

As a rule, "experts" who make money on the topic of nutrition pedal our problems. We easily recognize ourselves in the descriptions of women with "eternal fatigue", "cellulite on the thighs", "edema" and "bad skin." “Yes, this is about me,” we say and throw ourselves into another diet.

In order to overcome addiction, it is important to enlist the support of an environment that does not constantly emphasize that you have gained too much (or lost weight), look unhealthy, pale or old. It is better to leave weight loss groups, unsubscribe from healthy lifestyle mailings, stop looking for new diets on the Internet. If you have already gone through fire and water in the fight against addiction, most likely you have enough information about yourself to calmly think and try for yourself what suits you.

It is good to find a circle of friends with your interests - sports, handicrafts, volunteering, a theater studio or a writing circle. Better yet, your dream job. Then the new activity will inspire you much more than the daily calorie count. But for this to be so, it is advisable to take the next step.

Step 5: Decide what interests you in life

A resident of a big city (namely, he is most often concerned about how to stop thinking about food, because the choice of food in the city is as great as his desires) has an average of 3-5 vectors in his psyche. This is a difficult person who has often conflicting desires and does not always understand himself. Not all desires can be realized, and then a person feels unhappy.

For example, she cannot create a relationship or find a job she likes. Suffers from phobias, resentment, depression. All this is a consequence of not understanding oneself. And that's the stress that people try to deal with with food. If I don't get pleasure from relationships or work, I will get the simplest and most accessible pleasure - from sweets and pies. It's easier this way, but it's a path to more misery.

Only by realizing and realizing all our desires, we can be happy without doping in the form of harmful addictions.

How to stop thinking about food all the time photos
How to stop thinking about food all the time photos

How Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" can help

In fact, training is the best place to start. The goal is not to get rid of excess weight or food addiction. The training helps to know your mental nature, develop systemic thinking (vision of the world as a clear, precise system of causes and effects, based on an understanding of the psyche) and begin to approach life and nutrition in a conscious way. Because without awareness, no restrictive diets, hunger strikes, or other wellness activities will work.

What the training gives:

  • understanding yourself: your desires, constitution, metabolism;
  • getting rid of bad habits through awareness of trauma and patterns from the past;
  • resilience to stress by understanding other people and developing the ability to get along with others;
  • awareness that life should be enjoyable, and food should be tasty, but with an accurate knowledge of your measure and your preferences.

On the portal "System Vector Psychology" 2000 reviews about getting rid of psychosomatics after training, including about losing weight, taking care of digestive problems, reducing cravings for food and restoring normal eating behavior.