Personality Psychology, Personality Development And Education

Personality Psychology, Personality Development And Education
Personality Psychology, Personality Development And Education

Personality psychology, personality development and education

Personality and its derivatives are often mentioned in everyday life. We go to the individual in the heat of the dispute, we stand up for the right of the individual. And we reward with a variety of evaluative epithets, emphasizing personality traits. But do we know for sure what a person is?

Personality and its derivatives are often mentioned in everyday life. We go to the individual in the heat of the dispute, we stand up for the right of the individual. And we reward with a variety of evaluative epithets, emphasizing personality traits. But do we know for sure what a person is? How does personality develop? What influence does the process of socialization have on the personality? Systemic personality psychology answers these and many other questions.

Interest in the concept of personality is observed throughout the ontogenesis of a historical person. The research was carried out in laboratory and shamanic ways, the description of the personality was made in the language of art and literature, theater and cinema … Even in ancient Greece, Hippocrates studied a person as a person with a temperament. A separate large section of academic social science is called the psychology of personality.

I remember very well how the professor said at a lecture at the Faculty of Psychology: “No technique can study the behavior of a person. And he cannot say for sure about the orientation of the personality. Therefore, psychologists always say: presumably, perhaps, apparently. How right our professor was, and at the same time how deeply wrong!

personality behavior
personality behavior

The titled professor was right that pre-systemic theories in personality psychology sinned with approximation, free interpretations, and vague definitions. Despite the cumbersome multivariate tests, for example, Cattell (Cattell), Gilford (Gilford), there were no methods of scientific study of personality. Those. when, with the same parameters at the input of the research algorithm, it is possible to predict the results at the output - this scientific criterion has never been observed in the old, non-systemic ways of studying the structure of personality.

The origins of the development of the social theory of personality are associated with the names of Carl Jung and Eysenck. Jung's personality types, extrovert and introvert, are widely known. In modern times, the system-vector approach has filled the gaps in the Jungian view of personality types. We now know that in each of the quartels of systemic personality types there is an introverted internal measure (anal, muscle, sound, olfactory vectors) plus an extraverted external measure (urethral, cutaneous, visual and oral vectors). Yuri Burlan in our century made a discovery about internal and external measures in each vector quartet, their meaning and correlation. This is a huge breakthrough in the systems psychology of personality.

Eysenck introduced the concept of a factor into personality theory. He took Jung's psychotypes as a starting point. Eysenck discovered and described personality traits, which he called neuroticism and aneuroticism. And again, the error of too coarse gradation did not allow to accurately compose a psychological portrait of a person.

For the first time, an innovative system-vector approach has qualitatively changed the definition of a psychological portrait by introducing a clear scaling of system types. For example, we know that an emotional personality can be not only a visual psychotype, but also a sound one, and in absolutely different ways. Anyone who has received knowledge of even the first level of the training "System-vector psychology" is able to differentiate the emotionality of different vector types without many hours of tests, that is, to understand personality psychology better than any professor of psychology. This is explained by the fact that each vector does not intersect with any of the other seven vectors by any property from the volumetric space of the system coordinates of personality development.

differentiation of character traits
differentiation of character traits

Mental problems of a person are mainly associated with a misunderstanding of their own "I", and the result is problems of socialization and adaptation. For the first time in history, the system-vector psychology of personality reveals what factors the unconscious of each individual individual consists of. And how this separate personal “I” through systemic awareness translates the roots of unconscious suffering into conscious joy. Thus, an individual contribution is made to the development of the Personality of the eight-dimensional whole of Mankind.

Parents, specialist teachers receive from the system-vector approach practical guides on educating a harmonious and successful personality, in accordance with natural vector inclinations, learning to understand personality psychology quickly and accurately. For example, how to properly instill the concept of ownership in a skin child, help him grow up as a leader, and not as a petty archetypal thief. Show psychological literacy in dealing with a visual child, directing him by nature to a high emotional amplitude in the formation of a personality capable of humanism and compassion for people. With the help of a system pilot, it is possible to overcome age-related crises in the formation of the personality of a child and adolescent. Overcome without over-stress and dramatic consequences for mental and physical health.

practical psychology guide
practical psychology guide

The new system-vector psychological paradigm gives everyone a practical chance to understand how conscious personality development helps to live a full life, realizing his destiny. Personality development, by and large, is development in its own individual, by nature given vector volume for each person. Therefore, today personality psychology is necessary for everyone.

And what about the mistake of our university professor? Yes, he was deeply mistaken, because the systemic personality types were not familiar to him. Only on a system-vector basis is the systemic psychology of a person able to accurately tell about the orientation of the mental in a person. On the scenarios of human behavior in a couple and in a team, on the unconscious motives of a separate "ego" and on the laws of the dynamics of the mental in the entire noosphere.
