Blending Vectors. Complementary, Contra, Dominant Vectors

Blending Vectors. Complementary, Contra, Dominant Vectors
Blending Vectors. Complementary, Contra, Dominant Vectors

Blending vectors. Complementary, contra, dominant vectors

In theory, there are 255 possible combinations of vectors among themselves. In practice, there are fewer of them, since there are still no people without lower vectors. Nobody ever knew how to approach mixing properties. Now we know - the differences …

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second level on the topic "Vector blending"

In theory, there are 255 possible combinations of vectors among themselves. In practice, there are fewer of them, since there are still no people without lower vectors. Nobody ever knew how to approach mixing properties. Now we know - the differences.

The observed world can be described by us in four characteristics: space, time, information and energy.

The vectors within one quarter are complementary (complement each other), the vectors of different quartels are contradictory. For example, in quartets of time there is a past (anal vector) and a future (urethral vector). There is no present time, because the present is the moment between the past and the future. Two vectors of one quartel are two opposites that make up a quartel. What is in one vector is not in the other.

All kinds of mixing are successful. However, there are those whose time has not yet come, for example, urethral-sound mixing of vectors.

The percentage of vectors calculated in system-vector psychology takes into account the content of this vector in any mixtures. For example, when it is said that there are only 24% of all humanity dermal, this does not mean that these are “pure” dermal peels, it means the number of people who have a dermal vector in any set of vectors.

Complementary vector blends

When a person contains two vectors from the same quartel, he has no contradictions, these vectors complement each other. Such people can be very talented at what they do.


Quartel of time: a clear urethral can be harsher to others. The urethral-anal person is already "softer in turns", looks "less urethral", more powerful, more stable in the landscape, is able to both start any business and finish it.

Quartel of information: sound-visual people are the most talented actors (Smoktunovsky, Hopkins), they play deeper than pure spectators. The reason is that the spectator skillfully depicts emotions, and the sound-visual one lives them inside himself. If the director has only a visual vector, he is too flat, does not give volume, so he must have both sound and vision.

Quartel of space: musculocutaneous man is a reinforced powerful skin.

The energy quartel: olfactory-oral people are those who shape real politics on the world stage.

Contrary vector blending

Contrary combinations are formed horizontally between quartels: for example, two lower vectors from different quartels. When both vectors are developed and realized, then a person has an additional support, not from one quartet, but from two at once. When not developed, the properties of vectors begin to conflict.

A urethral-cutaneous person, for example, if developed and realized, is able to go to serve in the army and instantly take off there in service (but only at the time of hostilities, in a school - not). It is a urethral with skin properties that make it possible to "fit into the turn." If such a person is not realized, he will be thrown from side to side, he himself will not know what he wants.

The anal-cutaneous man is a maneuverable tank. Usually large, but mobile guys, often bosses. Business is their element. They also become champions in sports. The libido of the anal and cutaneous vector develops into a very powerful - two in one. Arrhythmia, early heart attacks - their diseases. They say about such people: "I have never been ill, but here is a heart attack." Why? Because for the skin vector, the novelty factor is exciting, and for the anal, everything new is stress, the heart cannot stand it. Even developed anal-dermal people have oppressive states: they suffer from a sense of guilt when they act flexibly in a skin-like manner; they get nervous about the lost profit when they act in an honest, anal way.

Urethral vector + sound - non-ranked leader. Doesn't value the body, very low chance of survival. Suicidal complex. Non-adaptive, especially against the background of the skin mentality.

Urethral vector + sense of smell is an extremely rare and complex combination. It is difficult for such people to survive even in the womb.

Anal vector + skin + muscle + vision - good doctors and actors. Nice mix of vectors for women. For men, it is more difficult, since it is not customary for an anal person to show visual weakness, and vision asks outward. Such people will try to hide their visual vector, to emphasize masculinity.

The skin is contradictory with all vectors, because nobody likes the skin prohibition “no” and “no”.


The first people with upper vectors were cutaneous. The most worked-out life scenarios are on the skin. If we find ourselves in a life scenario, then we are already walking along this corridor, which is always the same - there is no second.


Complexes are stable unsuccessful life scenarios. Skin is the most adaptable vector, but when not implemented, it gives the greatest contrast.

The skin-olfactory ligament of vectors gives the complex of a witch (in a female version) or a bad person (in a male). Skin olfactors are big thieves.

The optic cutaneous ligament of vectors gives a victimological complex, a widow's complex, a butterfly complex.

The skin-sound combination gives a fanatic complex. It is necessary to distinguish between the fanatically devoted to the idea of the skin sound specialist and the fanatic. For the latter, a fanatical state is primary, and sometimes he does not even have an object of fanaticism. Unhealthy skin sounds are inductive psychopaths, paranoid psychopaths, and at worst, schizophrenic psychopaths.

Dominant vectors

There are 3 dominant vectors: sound, urethra, sense of smell.

Sound is dominant asexuality. He feels everything - both internal and external - within himself. The external world is illusory for the sound engineer.

The sense of smell preserves the integrity of this world.

The urethra creates this integrity.

The child's vectors are formed …

Continuation of the abstract on the forum:

Irina Litvinova wrote it down. July 9, 2013

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on the full oral training "System-vector psychology"
