How To Get Rid Of Stress - Causes Of Stress And Stress Management Method

How To Get Rid Of Stress - Causes Of Stress And Stress Management Method
How To Get Rid Of Stress - Causes Of Stress And Stress Management Method

How to get rid of stress

The grand prix for the uselessness should issue a recommendation to “get rid of the source of stress”. I would like to ask - how is it? Life is so changeable. Either the boss yelled, then the wife threw a tantrum … Constantly not one thing, so another happens. Maybe it's Brodsky's recipe: "Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake …"?

Tips on how to get rid of stress quickly and easily are replete with the entire worldwide web. The topic is really topical: in the modern world, people constantly complain of stress. But advice sometimes comes across such that it is just right to laugh out loud. But the consequences are very sad from these advice. Want an example?

Suppose I got fired from my job. Serious stress, difficult experiences. As anti-stress measures, it is proposed: walk more often, hug with friends, keep a diary, have a dog or cat. Obviously, while walking the dog, a dozen new employers will follow me in a line! Or will a mysterious philanthropist hacker break into my diary and throw some money out of pity?

The grand prix for the uselessness should issue a recommendation to “get rid of the source of stress”. I would like to ask - how is it? Life is so changeable. Either the boss yelled, then the wife threw a tantrum … Constantly not one thing, so another happens. Maybe it's Brodsky's recipe: "Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake …"?

However, one should not prematurely lose faith in the possibility of finding not just an adequate, but a scientific way to get rid of stress. First, let's understand what stress is and why we experience it.

For one - stress, for another - inspiration

At the moment of stress, we lose the state of psychological comfort, we get out of the state of internal balance. A stressful situation can be someone's words or actions, the need to do something that you do not want to do.

It is easy to see that completely different things become the reason for stress. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains: this is due to the fact that from birth each of us is given his own psychological characteristics, aspirations and properties. For instance:

  • The owners of the anal vector are conservative and strive for stability in everything. For them, it is important that life goes on in a measured channel, without any significant changes. Even at home, they keep the same furniture arrangement for a long time. Tied to old things. The reason for stress with such properties can be: moving, changing jobs, repairs, any new circumstances. Such a person is very nervous before an exam or any significant event.
  • Very different features in carriers of the skin vector. They are agile and adaptable. For them, change is not at all a cause for excitement. On the contrary, the factor of novelty stimulates them. The owners of the skin vector themselves strive to change the environment at home and at work. By nature, they are striving for career growth and property superiority. They react with stress to dismissal, demotion, financial losses, and routine unchanging actions.
how to get rid of stress
how to get rid of stress

Even a couple of such examples show that we are very different. And completely different things can calm us down too. For example, the owner of the skin vector will relieve the current stress much faster in the gym or during an active walk. The carrier of the anal vector - on the contrary, it will be more comfortable to sit with a fishing rod, to do something with his own hands.

If we do not really know ourselves, what to say about other people? But misunderstanding between us also constantly becomes a ground for conflict and stress. How can you avoid this?

See people as they are

Not understanding how the psyche of people works, we see them “through ourselves”. We expect from them what we are capable of ourselves. We are surprised when a person behaves differently. We are indignant, offended, angry, stressed. This is easily seen in many everyday situations:

  • A nimble and agile mother with a skin vector is annoyed because the child tries to cope with the laces for half an hour. Indeed, why bother so much? Her son with an anal vector is thorough and thorough, he tries so hard, but he can't go faster. But I really wanted to please mommy. But in the eyes of his mother, he is a "kopusha" - she urges him on and cuts him off. As a result, both the mother and the child are stressed.
  • An emotional, impressionable girl with a visual vector wonders: why does her boyfriend rarely talk about love? Has his feelings gone cold or has he started another? In fact, her boyfriend with a sound vector is an introvert by nature. Facial expressions are minimal, emotions on the face are almost invisible. At the same time, there can be a storm of feelings in the soul. However, trying to figure out the reason for his behavior through herself, the girl sees a stale biscuit, who is indifferent to everything. The endless showdown brings constant stress and ruins the couple.

In systems-vector psychology, there is a guaranteed way to get rid of stress forever: to learn to see people as they are. This removes the lion's share of the misconceptions and expectations that make us so nervous.

When the "toggle switch is stuck"

Special reasons for stress arise in people who from birth possess the properties of several vectors. Moreover, the features set by nature are opposite to each other.

For example, in one person the properties of the cutaneous and anal vectors are combined. The thoroughness and scrupulousness in it exist simultaneously with the speed and switchability. Under favorable conditions, this only helps. For instance:

  • when a person needs to concentrate, the properties of the anal vector are triggered. He does everything carefully, carefully, unhurriedly;
  • when the speed of decision-making and adaptability are needed, the properties of the skin vector are triggered. A person quickly evaluates the benefits and benefits, is able to navigate the situation.

Unfortunately, with psychological trauma or insufficient implementation, the mechanisms of our psyche "fail", the wrong vector is "turned on". And the result is disastrous: when you need to concentrate, you get fidgety. And when you need to quickly make a decision and act - on the contrary, there is a stupor.

Getting rid of such a source of constant stress within yourself is real. We cannot consciously "switch" our properties, like a toggle switch, but we can solve the problem by realizing the structure of the psyche.

get rid of
get rid of

Consequences of stress

People understand that getting rid of constant stress is important also because it has a deplorable effect on health. Psychosomatic illnesses are very different. Skin rashes, tics and tremors of the extremities - in the owners of the skin vector. Digestive problems, excess weight and cardiovascular disorders - in carriers of the anal vector. These are just examples, each vector has a huge list.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan relieves the consequences of stress at any level. Relieves psychological trauma, allows you to improve relationships with people and eliminates the psychosomatic manifestations of negative experiences. And the resulting stress resistance persists for life:

Resistance to stress is possible as an involuntary skill and skill. Come for your result to a free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
