Why, out of 7 billion people on Earth, I suffer the most ?
The feeling of loneliness does not leave you - any attempts to share with family and friends end in nothing. Conversations quickly turn into a material plane - that you need to set a goal, strive for it, graduate from school, university, find a job to your liking, earn more money, start a family. You are tired of this, for you everything is different. You feel how the gap between you and other people is getting bigger and bigger …
Over time, everything lost its meaning. Previously, it was still tolerant, now - do not care. Days in this hellish brew of life merge into one continuous gray day … The absence of meaning turns you into a homogeneous gray substance, binds you hand and foot, deprives you of the will to act. There are almost no feelings left. Only a burning sensation of injustice - to the point of pain in the chest: you are still here - alive, breathing, but why?
Someone threw you into this world. It was "thrown away" - as an unnecessary thing. No compass, no special goals, no instructions. Threw out to die. How else to explain the senseless agony that you are experiencing, and which many call life? How can they even enjoy IT? How can they work, strive for something, rejoice, if in the end there is nothing - darkness, emptiness, oblivion.
Behind - sleepless nights of searching, mountains of rummaged literature, millions of thoughts. But nowhere are there clues, nowhere are there answers to the questions that torment you.
Sometimes the pain is unbearable. I really want to end this pointless game. “I didn’t choose to come into this world, but I can stop it” - it seems that everything is so simple. And you leave it as a last resort, when you will no longer have the strength to endure.
The feeling of loneliness does not leave you - any attempts to share with family and friends end in nothing. Conversations quickly turn into a material plane - that you need to set a goal, strive for it, graduate from school, university, find a job to your liking, earn more money, start a family. You are tired of this, for you everything is different. You feel how the gap between you and other people is getting bigger and bigger.
In such states, you do not leave the house, do not answer messages, turn off the phone - the world is disgusting, people are idiots, you want to run away from all this. In a stormy stream of thoughts, the question more and more often pops up: "Why, out of 7 billion people on Earth, I suffer the most ?!"

Suffering genius
There are special people who feel cramped in this world. Search becomes the leitmotif of their lives. They are looking for the meaning, the root cause of their existence, but they cannot find it here, on earth, in the material. It hurts. Often this suffering drives them to the windowsill, leaving only one way out - to nowhere.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes them as owners of the sound vector. A vector is a set of innate desires and mental properties that determine the thoughts and actions of a person, his worldview and values.
We all have consciousness - we perceive ourselves as an independent part of society, but only the sound engineer has a feeling of uniqueness, complete loneliness and isolation from the world, from people. The soundman is egocentric. Often he is focused on himself and does not notice others. And even if he notices, people around him often annoy him: they seem superficial, stupid, bogged down in meaningless problems. There are more important questions! And the most important of them - what is the meaning of life?
Night is our time of day. Inactive during the day, in the evening a suffering genius wakes up in us. And we "listen" to this world - through headphones, the Internet, books - just to find out the Cause of everything, to catch its reflections. This is our strongest desire. Religion, philosophy, esotericism - these paths are used by us. Our craving for search opens up new horizons for humanity.
Where do thoughts come from?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the sound engineer hears the world much more subtly than others. Each sound vibration outside through the thinnest sensitive eardrum initiates an internal vibration - thought. If other people receive information from the outside and are guided only by these external sensations, without deeply comprehending them, only the sound engineer, in response to external events, changes, is born a thought from within. And this new thought may be completely different from anything that came before. Therefore, we think deeper than others.
During mental work, we often forget about the needs of the body - because of this, we can not eat for a long time, not sleep, and not feel pain. In general, for a sound engineer, his consciousness is primary, and his body is secondary. Sometimes it even feels like it bothers us.
Great opportunities
With a high concentration of attention and abstract intelligence, we are able to solve problems that are too tough for an ordinary person. Basic sciences are easy for us: mathematics, physics and disciplines derived from them. During school years, we take first places in the Olympiads in these subjects. And in the future we become scientists, physicists, surgeons, psychiatrists, philosophers, programmers, mathematicians, musicians and poets.
Developed and realized sound engineers are unique people. But the sound engineer does not always manage to fit into this world. With insufficient realization of desires, the sound engineer lives his life in feelings of meaninglessness of what is happening, depression, apathy. In such states, he is more and more distant from people.

How to get rid of suffering and find the missing meaning?
When you see that other people are able to receive and enjoy, that they really live, unlike you, it seems unfair. It seems that only you have got such a difficult fate. But is it really so?
In fact, you just don't know what trials other people are going through because you are focused on yourself and you don't care about others. You do not want to delve into the problems of others, because they seem to you to be small, unworthy of attention. You feel a sense of superiority over others.
However, this superiority is often imaginary. The more a sound person realizes himself in interaction with other people, the less inclined he is to feel himself exceptional and great. The more he makes demands on himself, the higher the bar he sets and the more he ultimately manages to do on earth.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan claims that any person is a social being and is able to realize himself only in society.
How to get rid of depression? How to feel like part of a whole, part of society? How to learn to fulfill your desires? How to find your place in the world and realize your potential? There is a meaning in life. Not in your own room. Like this? Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology answers these questions.
You can learn more on free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.