System-vector Psychology. Complete Catalog Of The Best Destinies

System-vector Psychology. Complete Catalog Of The Best Destinies
System-vector Psychology. Complete Catalog Of The Best Destinies

System-vector psychology. Complete catalog of the best destinies

Every time we talk about systemic vector psychology, Olga asks me the same question: "How does all this systemic psychology help me in real life?"

In one of the scenes of The Devil Wears Prada, the heroine Meryl Streep, the oppressive and influential editor of the fashion magazine Miranda Priestley, voices the main mistake of people unfamiliar with system-vector psychology. “Everyone wants to be in our place,” she categorically declares to her assistant, who dared to doubt her innocence. A typical delusion of a person looking at the world from his own bell tower and drawing conclusions about the motives and needs of others based on his own preferences.

Yes, many want to be in the place of the successful and influential - many, but not all. Because each of the eight vectors that make up the core of the human personality is based on very special needs and interests that fill the life of a particular person with meaning. Understanding the needs and interests of each vector can not only save us from communication mistakes, but also change every day of our life.

From theory to practice

For the past few years, I have been visiting the same skin-visual beautician, with whom I feel as comfortable as possible. In addition to being a good cosmetologist, she is sociable, inquisitive and keenly interested in everything that is happening around. No wonder I once told her about systemic vector psychology. Olga was intrigued.

And I even know why: every time we talk about system-vector psychology, Olga asks me the same question: "How does all this systemic psychology help me in real life?" It's a little strange to hear this from a person who spends all his time with people from morning to late evening. But nevertheless, the question is worth answering, because in addition to the main thing that system-vector psychology gives everyone - the ability to understand oneself and others, to deal with one's own and other people's "cockroaches", system-vector psychology has a very specific application in everyday, so-called household life. I will try to outline them briefly and specifically.

Adapting to reality

Surely many have had to deal with people who are not adapted to everyday life. My mother says about such: "Clever, of course, but in everyday life she is a complete muddle." Each of us has friends who are "in the clouds" - remember, "instead of a hat on the go, he put on a frying pan"? Scientists, musicians, poets, computer geniuses and fans of virtual reality, in a word, people with a sound vector, which often fences them off from real life by an invisible indestructible wall. Most of them hardly adapt to reality, in which they feel much less comfortable than in their own invented world or in the world that is of main interest to them - poetry, space, the underwater world, the world of nanotechnology, virtual reality, music, biochemistry, spiritual practices, etc.

So, system-vector psychology gives sound specialists a unique opportunity to bring their inner worldview into a state of harmony with the outer world. Instead of a stimulus, the world becomes an integral part of the sonic's universe. In addition, having understood themselves and their deepest needs, having learned to satisfy them consciously, sound musicians fill their lives with such meaning that they seem to have a second wind, giving strength and desire to realize themselves in society. This is really so, and on the site of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, you can find many firsthand examples. Thousands of responses from people with a sound vector create an amazing picture of the transformations that have occurred in the lives of these people thanks to system-vector psychology. For example, among them there are those who have passed the way from thoughts of suicide (or even from attempts at suicide!),caused by the awareness of the meaninglessness of life, to full self-realization and active adaptation in society.

Normalization of family relations

No matter how the format of private life changes in the new century, the family remains a unit of society. And it is precisely harmonious relationships in the family that are the basis of a full and happy life. Family scandals and "showdowns", clarification of relationships and misunderstandings, the notorious conflict of generations and the confrontation of various family members with each other - all this can spoil the mood and nullify any positive attitude of even the most inveterate optimist. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan not only helps to understand with whom exactly we share a shelter and a table, but also provides practical tools for conflict-free and happy life together.


How to respond to your wife's tantrum? How to counter domestic violence? How to return tenderness and desire to a cooling relationship? Where do the legs grow from in causeless jealousy? How to get along with a wayward mother-in-law? Why are some wives and husbands “little money” all the time? How to keep a family on the verge of divorce? These and many other questions cease to be rhetorical if the answers to them are sought with the help of system-vector psychology.

Solution of the “generational conflict”

System-vector psychology helps to understand both your parents and children. Mom “nags” and is always indignant at the fact that now everyone has become “licentious and dishonest”, not because she is a grumpy and wants to take out your brain and ruin your life, but because her anal vector inspires her with the idea that the past is by default better than the present. Dad is busy with his career and is almost not interested in your life, not because he does not love you - it is just that his skin vector requires constant career self-realization, and he shows his love in a completely different way than you expect. Understanding the fundamental values of your parents helps to get rid of the most inveterate resentments and accusations against them.

In relations with children, knowledge of systemic vector psychology plays an even more important role. First of all, because it allows you to deviate from the patterns of education imposed by society and choose a truly individual approach to your child. There is nothing more destructive for children than the inability to be themselves. Traditional prohibitions and improperly selected punishments and rewards lead to the fact that a person grows up bruised, with suppressed vectors, which ultimately generates a destiny that can be summed up in a short phrase: "Life has failed."

Having correctly identified the fundamental vector set of our child, we receive very specific recommendations on how to educate him in order to give him the opportunity to grow and develop in maximum accordance with his internal needs. For example, an anal child must be deservedly praised, a dermal one must be encouraged for achievements, a urethral child must be given responsibility; visual - to educate on the example of noble book heroes, oral - be sure to endow the right of speech, etc.

What could be more beautiful than a comprehensively developed person who lives in harmony with his inner self and has realized himself in his career, society, personal life ?! Having presented the child with the miracle of life, we can help him create the miracle of a happy life - and all this with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology.

Success at work

Cases when a new employee enters an established team like a knife in soft butter are very rare. Just like a long stay in a team does not guarantee mutual understanding and ideal relationships. And all why? Yes, because the popular truth "someone else's soul - darkness" is especially relevant at work, where people are often forced to wear masks that hide their true thoughts and feelings. Feigned courtesy, hypocrisy, ostentatious zeal, intrigue, undercover games, set-ups and false friendliness - all this flourishes in magnificent color on the fertile soil of careerism. And if anyone is able to achieve real success, exclaiming: “Down with the masks!”, So only a person who owns system-vector psychology and is able to look a little deeper than the external and ostentatious.


Do you want to make a successful career? Do you want to protect yourself from the intrigues of your colleagues? Trying to prove your worth to your boss? Can't go beyond the label once "pasted" on you? Are you worried about being outdone by more nimble colleagues? Want to be heard at work? Dreaming of a new position, but not sure how to approach it? All this can become quite achievable goals and easily resolvable questions if you arm yourself with system-vector psychology and begin to practice a systems approach in communicating with colleagues and management.

More beauty, health and positivity

Paradoxical as it may sound, many people who have completed trainings in systemic vector psychology note a noticeable improvement in well-being and even the disappearance of some imperfections in appearance. On Yuri Burlan's website, you can find a lot of evidence that people have improved their healthy sleep, their nervous tics have disappeared, and even stuttering has disappeared. Some people manage to get rid of freckles, acne and other blemishes of problem skin - primarily people with a skin vector who have been in a state of stress and / or unfulfillment for a long time.

Of course, first of all, psychosomatic problems and health defects, directly or indirectly related to the psychological state of a person, go away. Many owners of the visual vector manage to get rid of fears and obsessions that have haunted them for many years. Every day people testify that they have forgotten about the "horror stories" that previously tyrannized them. Insomnia, suicidal thoughts, fear of heights, vaginismus, panic attacks, phobias - this is not a complete list of monsters that remain in the past, driven out by system-vector psychology.

Understanding patterns

I remember that during the institute's times it was very curious to note the patterns connecting students from different faculties. The history faculty studied clever men, intellectuals and … nerds, the sports faculty - pumped up macho guys who love to laugh at stupid jokes, the philological faculty - romantic girls of not always modest behavior and slender effeminate young men, in the pedagogical faculty - decent, boring and often old-fashioned guys and girls. Indeed, despite all the diversity of human types, students of the faculties and specialties of the same name were united by certain common features that were quite amenable to systematization. However, without knowing the systems analysis, it was impossible to understand why there are so many emotional beauties and extroverts among the “lyricists”, and among the “physicists” - reserved and self-absorbed nerds. And how these two characteristics could fit in one person at the same time.

System-vector psychology reveals the hidden meanings of many patterns. Why are there so many quiet, but intelligent "gray mice" among librarians? Why are museum keepers so fond of strictly lecturing and instructing? Why do some taxi drivers like to talk so much? Is it the costs of the profession or the talkers initially reach for the professional steering wheel? Why are there so many boors at the clinic's reception? Why do vets love to drink? Why are athletes enduring and disciplined - is it an imprint of a professional lifestyle or a set of qualities originally necessary for victory? Why are the favorite sayings of Russians about “driving fast” and “walking like that” are still relevant? Are there any national character traits at all and what factors influence their formation? Is there really a generational conflict or is it still a conflict of characters?

The answers to these and other, even more global questions come with an understanding of systemic laws.

New opportunities

We often set ourselves deliberately unattainable goals, simply because we do not realize that they are imposed on us from the outside and are not at all what we really want. Popular images imposed by gloss are driven like a wedge into the mind, as if under hypnosis, and begin to format our life under the standards invented by someone else. BBWs with an anal vector dream of losing weight, looking at slender models, and torment themselves with senseless diets, from time to time twisting and breaking their legs, which are not intended for wearing high heels. Skin-visual girls study culinary encyclopedias and try to pass themselves off as household wives, although their whole being requires a completely different self-expression. Muscular boys languish in colleges and universities, where they were shoved by caring mothers with connections, instead of mastering working professions,in which they have every chance of becoming real "stars".

Examples can be given endlessly, and all of them will be somehow connected with the wrong choice of life goals and landmarks. Knowledge of system-vector psychology, among other things, gives a clear understanding of which areas have a chance to achieve the greatest success; where exactly our talents and abilities will be especially in demand and the achievement of which goals will really make us happy. A correctly chosen goal is already half the success!

A happy life in harmony with yourself and the world

How often do you ask yourself the questions: "Why is this happening to me?", "Why am I so unlucky?", "Why do I always get involved in such stories?", "Why do I have the same problems?" One and the same question about why life "fails" can be asked to oneself endlessly, each time formulating it differently. And no matter how we answer these questions to ourselves, by and large the answer will be the same every time: the source of problems is not outside, but inside us. We ourselves attract certain situations to ourselves, acting as our inner voice, logic, intuition, ego, upbringing, whim, momentary impulse, desire, advice of others, experience, etc. tells us. That is, in most cases, law voices have everything, just not an understanding of the situation, based on specific scientifically proven knowledge.


What tricks do not go to those who do not want to admit that the cause of failure and disappointment is himself. The blame is placed on everyone and everything: on others, circumstances, magnetic storms; that “I am not like that, life is like that”; to the degradation of the nation (remember the eternal "about times, about morals!"), a streak of bad luck, intrigues and intrigues of spiteful critics, even evil eye and damage! But the casket, which holds the keys to a happy life, is easy enough to open. The knowledge that SVP offers has been tested by thousands of people, their sincere and truthful responses leave no doubt that they managed to change their lives for the better, regardless of any circumstances and total “moral decline”. So why not become one of these lucky ones, instead of whining, complaining and regularly taking your money to charlatans,removing non-existent damage and celibacy crowns ?!

Every day of our life is unique and cannot be exchanged or returned. Armed with the knowledge that Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology provides, we can make all our days happy and harmonious. How much more pleasant and interesting it is to live in a high, instead of forever waiting for a "happy tomorrow", which in itself never comes!..

Everyone who has received systemic knowledge and learned how to apply it in everyday life can make his own list of the pros and cons of this knowledge. Much longer and more complete than this article.
