I want to be more beautiful! About mirages of unconscious phobias
How to start liking yourself and stop chasing a ghostly ideal? And what makes a person really beautiful in the eyes of others?
I strongly dislike my own reflection in the mirror! Hands are constantly striving to improve something - to cover up or draw, pull or cover. Imperceptibly thoughts about plastic surgery crept up. Even, maybe, not one …
How to start liking yourself and stop chasing a ghostly ideal? And what makes a person really beautiful in the eyes of others?
Feeling the fear
Anyone wants to be attractive, especially to the opposite sex. But the owner of the visual vector is especially attentive to his appearance.
He, like no one else, distinguishes colors. So, for example, the slightest change in skin tone will not escape him. He can choose the most successful outfit that matches the color of eyes, hair, etc.
Just as the viewer clearly distinguishes shades of color from the outside, the "shade" of the interlocutor's mood will not escape his gaze. Because a person with a visual vector is by nature sensitive, emotional, impressionable.
The cherished dream of such a person is to love and be loved. To make it an unforgettable experience, an intoxicating feeling, a peak of feelings!..
However, he often fails to realize his powerful emotional potential. Dull everyday life, a sluggish personal life, a nauseatingly predictable future. Imperceptibly for the viewer himself, his emotions for a long time do not find a way out, embodied in a deep feeling, which means they begin to "live their own life." And so, for no reason, the mood spoils, a lump in the throat stands from uncried tears, as if out of nowhere anxiety, hypochondria, phobias and even panic attacks arise …
One of the manifestations of insufficient realization of the emotional potential is nagging about one's appearance, fear of getting old quickly and ugly, thoughts about plastic surgery, etc.
In such a situation, it is important to monitor your psychological state and not succumb to provocations. Due to the accumulated fear, the viewer sees his own ugliness. One has only to emasculate one's emotions from the outside, in emotional ties with other people, as the perception of oneself will change, and the mood will be much better. Especially women are familiar with this effect, for example, after gatherings with a close friend: they met, talked heart to heart and felt relieved - it turns out that life is good and life is good!.. …
Pheromones of attraction
The secret of secrets is revealed at Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology". How are man and woman attracted to each other? How does attraction arise? A mysterious love at first sight?
It's all about pheromones. Figuratively speaking, this is a "smell" due to our emotional state.

A person can smell anything - sweat, oranges, Dior perfume - or not smell anything at all, and at the same time he will emit the smell of pheromones - completely indistinguishable consciously, by the sense of smell in the usual sense of the word. The smell of pheromones is felt only unconsciously: we perceive them as an impression from this or that person.
For example - here one came in, still on the doorstep, he didn’t say a word, but already on some subtle signs we conclude: we need to be on the alert. Or, on the contrary, a passer-by on the street in a split second leaves a bright, kind, pleasant impression, and you want to be with him - so good. All this is the result of our "scent", which picks up pheromones.
What makes a person beautiful?
As you might guess, it is this smell that affects the impression that a person leaves about himself with others. "Delicious" smell - everyone is crazy about it, even if the person just left after an intense workout in the gym. The pheromone background leaves much to be desired - even the most expensive French perfume is not able to mask the feeling that you need to stay away from this "shot" …
Pheromones signal to us about the internal psychological state of a person: how balanced and happy he is, or, conversely, tense, frightened, and suffering. And this, in turn, directly depends on the implementation of vector properties.
So, in order for a spectator so sensitive to his own appearance to be beautiful not only in the eyes of others, but also in his own eyes, it is vitally important for him to direct his emotions into a peaceful channel - to form sincere, trusting relationships with others. Then the mirages of phobias will dissipate, thoughts of their own imperfection will go away, and at the same time life will be filled with love.
Here is what the participants of Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" write about this process:

You can learn the secrets of human psychology and get your first result already at the free online training by Yuri Burlan.