Social phobia. Is there a way out?
The main thing is to be careful in the future, to avoid such painful communication for you, to choose those actions that will not attract attention to you, do not require someone else's participation, do not threaten to expose your fear …
How can people who are afflicted with this unfortunate absurd fear as happy as I am? After all, simple pleasures are impossible for us, available to everyone who is able to live among people. City holidays, communities of interest, sports, any collective activity, friendship seem to be an enviable privilege of actors included in society, leaders of life, who are aware of their need and usefulness for others.
And only for you all the doors are closed, only you see an obstacle where it is not. Revealing your constraint and fear, those lively cheerful people look with an incomprehensible and questioning look. And you read dislike in him. Embarrassment brings almost paralysis, and you give up the deepest expectations, reduce desires.
The main thing is to be more careful in the future, to avoid such painful communication for you, to choose those actions that will not attract attention to you, do not require someone else's participation, and do not threaten to expose your fear. The circle is narrowing. And now it's hard to meet you anywhere, except on the same inconspicuous path, at an hour when it is most deserted, or in a country garden on the edge of the forest, or in your cozy room, in places where you feel complete safety and security.
What about work? Only the simplest is suitable, which you can handle without outside interference, when all the necessary objects are located nearby, and people rush by and do not notice you, as if you were part of the landscape. And you think: “Why am I so happy? How good it is to work as a janitor after all! This eliminates unwanted intersections with people."
Why couldn't I live
I merged with my fear, I stopped noticing it. It was as if he was born with me, accompanied all my manifestations among people, starting with coming to kindergarten. I remember this moment when my merciless parents hurriedly manage to shove me into the locker room and close the door behind them. It's over now. It is useless to appeal to their sympathy and mercy. They can only be ashamed of cowardice and laugh: "You will not be eaten!"

Maybe I thought that they would stop loving me if they knew how afraid I was. Left alone with my fear, I undressed doomedly, slowly putting things in the locker. Tears of hopelessness broke through. She sat, gathered her courage and set off along the corridor, gasping for air, as in the last seconds of her life. And I entered the group, like a cage with tigers.
I used to stand and do not know where to go. Little awful people look at me with the teacher. I can't think of and utter a word. I walk aside and try to sit somewhere and hide. I take the toys on the table, start to move them, pretend to be calm. They turn away and forget about me. Fu! While you can live.
Then came the time of growing up and understanding that fear hinders me. Why is this so? Nobody frightened, tortured me. The parents were carefree and happy at a time when the country provided everyone with an equal and non-competitive existence. Life promised to be interesting and joyful. Why I couldn't live. I read esotericism, I understood one thing - this is karma. Apparently, in my past life, kind honest people threw me off a high tower for some meanness. Alternatively, they drowned them in a swamp. That is why now I double-check my every word and action. Karma is so karma. What else is there to think. You have to endure.
An unexpected explanation
And how unexpectedly and simply came the explanation of everything and everyone at the lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. At first, I was just curious and interesting to listen to lectures, and then I realized that the class is about the cause of the reasons, about the deep and unconscious that people called karma, not knowing how to explain the rolling tangle of their misfortunes and contradictions, the origin of the same fears … Unexpectedly for myself, I realized that there is nothing inexplicable. Everything in a person is clearly observed and read.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that we are all united by a common psychic. It is one for all. And at birth we are given the components of this common - vectors that give a certain set of properties of the psyche to each of us. Not for some merit or as a punishment, not in order to divide people, but simply necessary at this moment for nature, so that together we make a mosaic of the common mental. The vectors live by us and our only task is to fill, realize each of them, bringing our contribution to the general psychic.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that there are eight vectors in total and each person receives a different combination and number of them. On average, a modern person has 3-5 vectors. A person is born with vectors in an undeveloped state and his task is the development and implementation of innate vectors. This effort that is given to a person is called life.
And now it becomes clear that, knowing your vector set and the state of the vectors, you can realize where and where you are heading in life and solve many problems that previously seemed insoluble.
What potential does the visual vector provide and how is it related to social phobia
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the range of development of the visual vector in a person is from fear for oneself to love for others. Like other vectors, the visual vector carries opportunities that need to be revealed. And when our visual vector is undeveloped, we experience torment - this very fear in all its manifestations, including social phobia.
What should fear turn into if a person develops correctly? In its opposite - in love. What is the visual vector filled with, how to develop it? The name implies that what can be seen and understood by sight, that is, what the eye enjoys. And no one else is capable of this as well as the owner of the visual vector. To create beauty and love is to feel and sympathize.

A special meaning for the visual vector is in the words “beauty and kindness will save the world”. We need to look around. To love with your eyes what you see, those around you. To do this, from childhood, you need to teach the visual child to read, to empathize with your favorite literary heroes, to everything that awakens sympathy in us, and therefore expels visual fear. The viewer first learns to empathize with the characters of fairy tales, and then with those who surround him in real life.
And do not be ashamed to cry from empathy for others - tears of sympathy are healing. Switching to another person displaces the fear that is inside, the fear for oneself. This natural mechanism makes us evolve. The one for whom the suffering of others is a priority forgets his fear about himself. This happens with people who are engaged in any volunteer activity or with those who help people professionally.
Moving away from people, as from the cause of fear, we grow it to the limit. Feeling the pain of another as our own, we, step by step, get rid of a small egoistic fear for ourselves.
Without a doubt, Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology is not just another wandering in the darkness of misunderstanding of its nature. Mastering systemic thinking, we are convinced from our own experience that what is said in the lectures is true, because it is checked at every step and is consistent with common sense.
If you want to learn more about your innate mental properties and the potential for their application, you can register for free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link: