I Often Change Partners, But There Is No Satisfaction. Sex And The City

I Often Change Partners, But There Is No Satisfaction. Sex And The City
I Often Change Partners, But There Is No Satisfaction. Sex And The City

I often change partners, but there is no satisfaction. Sex and the city

Everything starts out great every time. You meet a new girl, mutual sympathy arises, flirting, a relationship begins. In this age of high speeds, you quickly find yourself in bed. Sex, orgasm, extravaganza! You keep dating, but sex is no longer as satisfying as in the beginning. You want to add variety: you suggest new poses, accessories, places, role-playing games …

You wonder why your relationship with girls does not last long, two or three months. Then parting and a new acquaintance, which also ends in two or three months. None of them, not a single relationship can bring you satisfaction for a long time. Looking at the people around you, happily living in pairs, you start to think, what is wrong with you?

How it all starts

Everything starts out great every time. You meet a new girl, mutual sympathy arises, flirting, a relationship begins. In this age of high speeds, you quickly find yourself in bed. Sex, orgasm, extravaganza! You keep dating, but sex is no longer as satisfying as in the beginning. You want to add variety: you suggest new poses, accessories, places, role-playing games.

Gradually they get bored and you go for a promotion. The places are more and more unusual. This is no longer a kitchen or a bathroom in your own apartment, but like in a movie: a car interior, a fitting room in a store, a deserted corner of a park.

But soon this "extreme" will no longer satisfy you. You are offering your girlfriend something new. For example, swing.

The turning point - to be or not to be a relationship?

Girls usually do not like the idea of swing, they refuse it categorically. You do not get this desired new and exciting pleasure, and the tried options are already bored. The girl and the relationship with her no longer seem so attractive, disagreements arise more and more often, dissatisfaction with each other is growing. And you part.

However, it happens that your “half” agrees to this (or similar) sexual experiment, and you conduct it. All the preparation, preparations for the event, meeting new partners excite your fantasies and excite, it seems, more than anything that came before.

But after … In terms of severity and unpleasant emotions, this state of yours can be compared to the most severe hangover after a violent party. You cannot look each other in the eyes, as if a black cat ran between you, and there was a cooling. It seems that your feelings and interest in each other, which you wanted to keep, on the contrary, faded away, and you became strangers to each other. The only way out of this painful state is to part.

You meet new girls over and over again. But no relationship satisfies you. As if you were caught in a vicious circle of one scenario. To be content with such short episodes of happiness does not allow you to feel somewhere in the subconscious that a person needs to live in pairs, the feeling that without a woman you are not a whole person, but an unhappy "half." And at the same time, you don't want to start a new search, waste precious time on building new relationships, emotions on "grinding" and, finally, money on obligatory courtship.

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Why do you change partners so often and what to do?

Let's figure out the reasons. This state of frequent change of partners and the desire for novelty in relationships, especially in sex, is very well explained by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. She identifies eight sets of innate desires of a person that determine his inclinations, properties, type of thinking, life priorities, and even attitude towards sex. System-vector psychology defines each such set with the word "vector", drawing a parallel with the well-known fact that the organization of the psyche gives direction to the entire life of a person.

For example, the hero of our article has a skin vector that is found in 24% of people. The skin vector makes a person ambitious, striving for success in everything: be it career, business, sports competition or success with the opposite sex. A dermal person has an innate sense of rhythm, often knows how and loves to dance, feels the time: without looking at the clock, he always knows approximately what time it is. He is pragmatic and logical, knows how to count and is very inclined to save resources: time, money, information, even emotions.

The skin man loves changes in all areas of his life. Women with this vector often rearrange furniture in the house. And men are supposed by nature to make changes, first of all, to the environment through their professional activities. And the dermal person can do this better than anyone else, because his natural innate properties allow him to become, for example, an engineer and move scientific and technological progress, or a lawmaker - and make changes in the regulation of relations between people.

By the way, managing other people (and, of course, first of all, yourself) is also the skill of a person with a skin vector. It allows its owner to organize his own business or manage someone else's.

The desire for novelty is what makes the skinned person move, what his logical mind works on. He wants novelty in everything, in all areas of his life - in his own appearance, in relationships in a couple, in the house, but he is most satisfied with the desire to change his environment. The better the vector properties are developed, the higher the level of the skin man can change the world around him - from the level of one apartment to the level of the whole society.

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But it happens that the properties of the vector were not sufficiently developed in childhood or, for some reason, it is impossible to implement them in professional activities. For example, for a very long time there has been no growth in the career ladder or the business is stagnating. Then a person strives for novelty at least in a relationship in a couple and, first of all, in one of the most significant spheres for a person - the sphere of sex.

In an effort to satisfy this desire for novelty, they change their poses, surroundings, costumes, and when this ceases to fill, then … a partner. While married, they can cheat on their spouse. Outside of marriage, they can easily end a relationship with an "old" partner, who turns out to be less desirable to them than any new one.

There is an exit

If you recognized yourself in the description and you are already tired of changing partners, wasting time, money and emotions, then psychological study of your own situation at a free online lecture on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, dedicated to the skin vector, will help you. You will learn all the cause-and-effect relationships of the development of your own mental properties and all the secrets of their successful implementation. You will learn how to create long-lasting, happy relationships that are constantly satisfying. Sign up using the link:

Dates for the new course of free online lectures will be set soon.
