The secret of the head. How we unconsciously hit where it hurts
Head injuries and related disorders are mostly the subject of study of traumatologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, specialists in the field of sports medicine or disaster medicine, criminologists or forensic experts. We will only touch on particular cases - many seemingly harmless cuffs, slaps or punches on the back of the head. What is the mechanism of injury, possible consequences: from mild to irreversibly severe disorders.
Head injuries and related disorders are mostly the subject of study of traumatologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, specialists in the field of sports medicine or disaster medicine, criminologists or forensic experts. Understanding the various variants of possible disorders requires deep knowledge in the field of anatomy, neurology, physiology, and the laws of hydrodynamics. We will only touch on particular cases - many seemingly harmless cuffs, slaps or punches on the back of the head. What is the mechanism of injury, possible consequences: from mild to irreversibly severe disorders.

Who exactly is prone to violence and why, we know from the basic training "System-vector psychology". This issue is discussed in detail already in the introductory free lectures. These are representatives of the anal vector. The vector forms the human psyche, endows it with special desires that require their fulfillment, regardless of whether the individual is aware of them or not. His life passes strictly in the wake of these desires, which lead him to fill with joys - as he sees them through his prism.
Unfortunately, filling and implementation without a clear awareness and distinction of their authenticity is not available to everyone, and without systemic knowledge, they are like traveling over rough terrain without the slightest idea of the goal and without any maps and a system of pointers. Hence, many are doomed to fall into difficult negative states. They are very hard and dramatically experienced by themselves and sooner or later, destroying all barriers, splash out on others. Even the smallest frustrations persist over time and tend to accumulate. Almost always being hidden from the person himself, having reached the peak, they break out with a destructive action. At best, in relation to the inanimate part of his environment, but more often to his neighbor.
Frustrations from non-fulfillment of desires in the anal vector accumulate incrementally and do not disappear by themselves. As we know from the trainings "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, latent sadism takes place right here. Under certain conditions, it can manifest itself in a mild or rather rough form at the peak of shortages, when all available forms and methods of self-restraint and restraint have been lost. From seemingly innocent, but regular verbal sadism, public insult, imposition of guilt, the level rises to direct physical impact: painful squeezing of the wrist or elbow, rough pulling of the hand develops over time into blows on the back, beating and, as an apotheosis, a blow to the victim fist on the back of the head or strangulation.
The harmless slap on the head as an element of physical edification is deeply rooted in our collective consciousness. It would be wrong to say that only people with an anal vector are engaged in assault, especially against their children, rather as the main trend is this. Skinners are also very fond of giving cuffs, but their cuffs are light. Broken skinners also tend to beat their children, but not always. The anal man, both man and woman, strikes with all the strength of his frustration. Others have practically no desire for physical punishment, even for serious misconduct. In the common phrase: "A slap on the head is a traditional way of transmitting information from generation to generation" - it would be necessary to replace "traditional" with "defectively sadistic", which we encounter everywhere.

Is it so dangerous?
In an accessible form, we will analyze what happens when you hit the back of the head. For this you need to remember the anatomy.
The two hemispheres of the brain, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata, are located in the skull and are fixed in it by a complex system of connective tissue membranes that form structures that support and cover the parts of the brain from different sides of the ligaments and plans. At the same time thin, but strong, they are rigidly fixed to the bones of the skull, form a system of venous sinuses, which are involved in the blood supply to the brain.
The left and right hemispheres of the brain are separated by one of these membranes, which is called falx (falxcerebri-lat.) From its base, where the venous sinus is located, it seems to grow between the hemispheres from the inner surface of the skull, bending around with its thin edge, abuts against the corpus callosum body all over, from the frontal to the occipital part. The corpus callosum (corpuscallosum - lat.) Contains many nerve fibers that provide interhemispheric connections, combining the functions of the right and left hemispheres into a single system.

In the occipital part, the cerebellum is separated from the cerebral hemispheres by its membranes, the so-called. the outline of the cerebellum, which on both sides covers with its thin edge the brain stem structures, in which the most ancient vital centers are located - the vasomotor and respiratory. All this together is enclosed in a dura mater, which is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and adjoins the inner surface of the skull.
The foramen magnum, through which the spinal cord exits, surrounds the base of the medulla oblongata on all sides just below the vasomotor and respiratory centers. There is about a centimeter of free space between the brain and the edges of the hole.
As you know, the brain is almost 80% liquid. How will, for example, a balloon filled with water behave if you slap it on one side? The hydraulic wave will transmit the shock to the contralateral (opposite) side, which, adapting to it, will bend outward. This schematic approximation will make it easier to understand the more complex dynamics of the processes occurring in the head when you hit the back of the head.
There are many factors to consider for the complete picture. The size of the skull (for children, adults), its characteristics of elasticity, the comparability of the mass of the object and the surface area that caused the injury, with the size of the skull (a blow with a wide palm on the head of a child or a blow with a small and light object on the skull of an adult or a large and heavy one) - the effect in all cases will be different.
When a large, wide object with a predominantly contacting surface is struck on an immobile head, the greatest damage, as a rule, occurs as a counter-blow, on the contralateral side. If we are faced with a blow of a moving head against a stationary small object of small mass or even a surface, then the damage is localized at the place of impact. This is how inertial and impression trauma are distinguished. They have a different pathomorphology of the propagation of the direction and movement of the shock wave through the bones of the cranial vault to the brain, as well as a difference in the localization of the lesion.

Figure: one.
Cuff for educational purposes
Without going into the detailed mechanical and hydrodynamic details of each type of injury, for us to understand the far from harmlessness of cuffs to children (not to mention a rough blow with a fist under certain circumstances) it is enough to consider the inertial type of injury.
The shock energy during a swing on the back of the head is not exhausted at the point of impact, but is transmitted through the bones of the skull to the entire volume of the brain and, having formed a wave, often inflicts damage contralaterally in the frontal lobes or, with a very strong impact, in the region of the base of the medulla oblongata and the trunk … The latter happens, especially if the blow did not fall directly on the occipital bone, but just below it, slightly under the base of the skull. As a result of an instantaneous short-term dislocation syndrome, a rigid displacement of the occipital bone in relation to the medulla oblongata occurs, and a gross trauma occurs, damaging the vasomotor and respiratory centers. The person just "turns off". Such a blow is also called the "executioner's blow", it is absolutely prohibited in all types of martial arts, because in most cases it leads to death. If we take a closer look at how large mammals predators kill their prey, especially of a small build, we will see how they, holding the base of the skull with their teeth, quickly try to break and injure the neck in this very place, the throat and neck vessels are also the target, but here the victim dies not so soon.

Figure: 2. Anterior cranial fossa (F. Netter. Atlas of human anatomy. M. 2003).
In another case, the hydrodynamic wave propagating towards the frontal lobes also forms, in a certain sense, a short-term phenomenon of the dislocation syndrome of the brain. As you might guess, the wave can be of different strength and amplitude, which depends on the degree of elasticity of the occipital bone and the force of impact.
In early childhood, the bones of the skull are more pliable and elastic. The shock wave on the side opposite to the impact in the region of the frontal fossa displaces the base of the brain together with the adjacent olfactory bulbs located on the ethmoid bone. From these bulbs go the smallest olfactory nerve fibers, ending in receptors in the nasal cavity. They pass into the nasal cavity through many openings in the ethmoid bone, which is rigidly fixed together with the bones of the skull. Hydrodynamic shock, possessing sufficient force, can cause a violation of their integrity, either partial or complete.

Figure: 3. Damage to the olfactory nerves at the edge of the ethmoid bone (F. Netter. Atlas of human anatomy. M. 2003).
The rupture of these fibers leads to the irreversible loss of communication between the external receptors and the olfactory neurons located in the bulbs. Regular blows, cuffs with all their might and other "education", as frustrated anal parents imagine it, increase the chance of microtraumas. The fact of a noticeable decrease or complete absence of olfactory sensitivity in children may not be revealed immediately. Even if they decide to see a doctor, few doctors guess about the possible reasons, and the parents do not see the connection.
A less commonly recognized type of injury, but nevertheless encountered, is an injury to the front knee of the corpus callosum against the edge of the falx. The corpus callosum is essentially a flat and wide canal that connects the two hemispheres. Fibers located in his front knee, in particular, provide interhemispheric connections of the frontal lobes of the brain, which are known to play an important role in intellectual activity. The importance of interhemispheric relationships has not yet been thoroughly studied, although many scientific papers are published in this area.

Figure: 4. Damage to the knee of the corpus callosum (F. Netter. Atlas of human anatomy. M. 2003).
These connections are related to the motor and psycho-intellectual spheres, as is commonly believed in academic psychoneurology, to the emotional and personal characteristics formed in adolescence (N. A. Kulikova 2000). They also provide verbal and communicative functions (D. M. Tsaparina, A. N. Shepovalnikov. 2004), generally forming the integrative activity of the human brain. With a sufficiently sharp blow to the back of the head, the inner edge of the sickle (falk) can partially damage the fibers of the corpus callosum. Such facts exist, but the consequences of these injuries have not been studied in detail.
It is impossible to ignore micro-contusion foci in the frontal lobes as another type of damage that can arise again as a result of a counterstroke.

Figure: 5. Foci of damage as a result of a counterstroke in the frontal lobes.
To explain this phenomenon, the most common cavitation theory (A. Gross, 1958), which is based on the laws of hydrodynamics. Cavitation is associated with disruption of fluid continuity and the formation of vacuum cavities, voids within itself, with the appearance of negative pressure in them. Each cavity is formed from the core, grows to its final (critical) size, and then collapses. The cycle takes several milliseconds. When the bubbles collapse, a pressure drop arises that can reach 4000 atm, or ~ 4 * 10 (8) Pa (BM Yavorsky, A. A. Detlaf, 1979).

Figure: 6. The mechanism of formation of cavitation bubbles (F. Unterharnscheidt, JT Unterharnscheidt, 2003. Boxing: Medical Aspects).
The forces of cavitation are so great that they can cause the destruction of concrete structures of various hydraulic structures, damage the propellers of sea vessels. This phenomenon develops when solids move in a relatively mobile fluid, both in a closed and in an open volume. The brain, together with the cerebrospinal fluid and blood, forms the basis of the contents inside the skull, in terms of relative density they are close to each other and have a significant water content. The occurrence of cavitation in the counter-impact zone is associated with negative pressure in this area, which occurs when the brain is pushed away from the inner surface of the skull in the direction of the impact. The most pronounced injuries when struck on the back of the head occur closer to the border of the brain, that is, in the cortex of the frontal lobes. Morphologically, this is the destruction of the integrity of the capillaries, minor hemorrhages,cell death of the cortex. It is not difficult to guess what such "educational" effects on the forming and developing brain of a child lead to.
As mentioned above, in persons with an anal vector, the feeling of dissatisfaction and frustration grows and accumulates. As a rule, it is aimed at the one at whose expense they are unable to satisfy their desires. For the most part, this discontent at first bears a seemingly harmless character of reproaches, the imposition of a sense of guilt, then gradually reaches direct accusations. Gradually, they move from accusations of promotion to direct actions - roughly squeezing their hand, they can sharply pull it up. Then a blow to the back, on which they also do not stop.
Having lost their social realization, such husbands direct all resentment and discontent at their wives, always finding for themselves a "weighty" reason for accusations, or again and again recalling to the spouse some of their "sins" invented by them. It all ends with a blow to the back of the head with a fist, they put into it all the resentment and uncontrollable anger accumulated over the years, the consequences of which are predictable from the description above. From the trainings "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, it becomes clear that only anal husbands with homosexual frustration beat their wives.
Of course, physical punishment is slowly and steadily becoming a thing of the past, but many parents still defend their "right" to be slapped on the head. Some of them are under the illusion that this is an old and effective method of education and influence where the shout, which their great-grandfathers used, does not help. The anal parent is most often firmly convinced that assault is a method of upbringing, from which "no one has died yet," and it is only beneficial. Will make a man out of this bum! Today many people do not hesitate to state this publicly in the mass media, either directly or delicately formalizing their beliefs externally, but internally justifying not only the cuffs.

Another part of anal parents seems to be sincerely trying to avoid assault, but in practice they do not always succeed. No amount of influence, persuasion, understanding of the possible dramatic consequences of even minor head injuries shown in this article will help them to free themselves from carefully contained destructive impulses, only a deep awareness of themselves, their nature and the nature of desires will have a positive effect.
In a sense, we always unconsciously know how to hit or act on the most sensitive place of a representative of one vector or another. The soundman is often yelled in the ear, the skinny is beaten, the oral is given on the lips. Analniks "hammer" children and wives with blows to the back of the head and ridge. Gradually, not immediately. And of course, unconsciously, but in such a way that it certainly leads to a result. Women and children get sick and begin to experience certain problems.
For a long time, the authoritarian spouse can combine physical "education" with persistent accusations. Such wives may experience unexplained depression, headaches, increased fatigue, and occasional dizziness for a long time. A woman goes to the doctor with her complaints, but it is far from always possible to distinguish the consequences of brain injuries on MRI images, but to the direct question "Have you had head injuries?" the answer is often no.
At the trainings "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the whole mechanism of such relations is shown, which in the case of relations between a man and a woman can be called collusion. It is possible to break out of this life scenario only through its understanding, awareness.
When children become victims of violence, the consequences are even more dire. We need to be aware that the days of physical punishment are irrevocably gone. The general level of intelligence in the degree of development of our children cannot be compared with previous generations, and if the Soviet radio receiver is hit with all its might to make it work, it was normal, then the newest electronic device will simply break from such an impact. Only a blind man does not notice this today.
Social demand for full-fledged members of society with potentially high intellectual abilities is also growing in direct proportion to the pace of our development. It is unacceptable to use as an example for imitation the archaic methods of "education" that were widespread in the medieval village, to justify one's latent sadism, which begins with "harmless" reproaches and almost always ends with physical violence and traumatic brain disease.
I would like to believe that the material presented in the article will help to comprehend the possible dangerous consequences of traumatic brain injury both to active supporters of cuffs and slaps, and passively justifying their spouses to victims. In order not to bring the situation to extreme and irreversible consequences, it would be right to think about it already at the stage of regular reproaches and episodic cuffs. The violence will only progress. You can understand the reasons for this situation already at the very first free online classes within the framework of the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
List of references:
- Popov VL Traumatic brain injury: Forensic medical aspects. L. 1988.
- Tsaparina DM, Shepovalnikov AN 2004. The role of interhemispheric interaction in the process of recognizing errors in verbal material presented by ear.
- Kulikova N. A. 2000. Research of connections of interhemispheric interactions with some indicators of the emotional-personal sphere of children 10-12 years old.
- Netter F. Atlas of Human Anatomy. M. 2003.
- Dobrokhotova TA, Nasrullaev FS, Bragina NN et al. Features of the psychopathological picture of TBI in children // Actual problems of neurotraumatology. M. 1988.
- Kovyazina MS, Balashova E. Yu. 2008. On some aspects of interhemispheric interaction in the motor sphere in normal and abnormal development.
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- Unterharnscheidt F., Unterharnscheidt JT, 2003. Boxing: Medical Aspects.