The Change In The Phases Of Human Development In The Tension Between Sound And Smell

The Change In The Phases Of Human Development In The Tension Between Sound And Smell
The Change In The Phases Of Human Development In The Tension Between Sound And Smell

The change in the phases of human development in the tension between sound and smell

21st century: there is no hunger, infant mortality tends to zero, finally there is everything that could not have been dreamed of in all previous history. Smell begins the cutaneous developmental phase, but what happens to sound? Philosophy, music … Nothing fills, everything is gone …

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Stretching of sound and smell":

Smell is sound. Stable tension. We begin each developmental phase with the sense of smell and develop towards sound. At first, most of the olfactory and only slightly sound, then the sense of smell becomes less and less, and the sound increases. The anal phase of development ended with a sound: they created a misanthropic idea, which turned into World War II and the creation of a nuclear bomb. And the sense of smell is very weak - great loss of life. The minds of people were possessed by ideas - about transformation, communism, anarchy, fascism … People lived hard, short, but they were under the sound, felt the meaning in their lives.


21st century: there is no hunger, infant mortality tends to zero, finally there is everything that could not have been dreamed of in all previous history. Smell begins the cutaneous developmental phase, but what happens to sound? Philosophy, music … Nothing fills, everything is gone. One of the main conditions of humanity is uncertainty about the future, as a result - suicides, depression, stress. It seems that you need to enjoy life - so many opportunities, but it does not come out, because the basic feeling of safety and security has been lost. The sense of smell copes with everything, but people do not feel the meaning of life. The main idea today: life is entertainment. Because the sound is weak. And life is not for entertainment, for entertainment one day a week is enough - Sunday.

The muscle phase lasted 50 thousand years. The sound has fulfilled its role: we realized our uniqueness and became human. Then the anal phase lasted 6 thousand years (this is the whole history of mankind). Sound has fulfilled its role: discoveries in sciences, physics, medicine … Today we are in the skin phase of development, which, just like skin, will be the thinnest, shortest, fastest. And here the sound needs to have time to fulfill its role. The cutaneous phase will move into the urethral phase through the opening of our latent unconscious.

Any transition brings disaster. There were many of our ancestors, but only 2 thousand individuals crystallized, survived on the landscape and turned into the current 7 billion people. And where did our other ancestors go? We have suffered a loss. During the transition from the anal phase to the skin phase, we also suffered terrible losses - the Second World War. These losses will also occur during the transition to the urethral phase, but …

Continuation of the abstract on the forum:

Oksana Komissarova wrote it down. April 5, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology
