What our moms don't talk about
When a person does not honor his parents, takes offense at them, considers them narrow-minded or stupid, for some reason everything in his life goes awry. Everything is not going well, and he himself does not understand why.
Dedicated to my mother
I will tie your life
From fluffy mohair threads.
I will tie your life, I will not lie a single loop.
I will bind your life, where a pattern along the field of prayer, Wishes of happiness in the rays of true love.
I will knit your life … From cheerful melange yarn.
I will knit into your life a clear day, and a sunset, and a dawn …
Where do I get the thread? You will never know about that …
To bind your life, I secretly dissolve my …
When a person does not honor his parents, takes offense at them, considers them narrow-minded or stupid, for some reason everything in his life goes awry. Everything is not going well, and he himself does not understand why.
Violation of the laws of nature always gives us mental pain, no matter what vestments this suffering may take.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)
My children! I am not afraid of death, my time will soon come, and the term allotted to me on earth will end. I'm not afraid to die. I'm scared to live and be a burden to you. My life was not easy, I went through a lot. But in my life there were you - my children! The days when you were born were the happiest days in my life. You are my pride! Thank you for being there.
And it is said in the commandment: "Honor your father and your mother." It's easy to honor good parents when they are successful, healthy, and don't require much attention.
And why should you honor your father, who beat you with mortal combat? For what to honor a mother who scolded and humiliated you for every offense?
But … it is said in the commandment: "Honor your father and your mother." It does not say: “Honor, except those who beat and hurt you, except those who require attention and care”.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)
My hands are getting weak, I can't do my homework, and I really want to help you. I loved to cook so much, and now I am not able to cook porridge or peel potatoes. It hurts me to realize my helplessness and worthlessness.
My legs do not hold me, every step gives off pain in the whole exhausted body, and at night there is no rest because of pain. I cause such anxiety, sometimes I can't help my groans. Son, do not be offended that I accidentally woke you up. After all, when you were little, and your teeth were cutting, I carried you in my arms all night and lulled you, otherwise you would not fall asleep.
There is a point of view that the Neanderthals became extinct as a species, because they ceased to preserve their old people. It turns out that we need old people more to preserve their species than they need us to maintain life. We don't owe anything to anyone, only ourselves, in order to be happy. Only children, while they are small and do not know how to take care of themselves. Because a child develops only when the mother gives him a sense of security and safety. And only to parents when they become helpless.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)

Daughter, because of the trembling in my hands, I have become so sloppy, when I eat, food falls from my weakening hands and stains my clothes. It's hard for me to take care of myself, and sometimes I smell bad. Don't scold me, honey, because when you were little, I spoon-fed you and changed your clothes ten times a day.
I haven't gone outside for a long time, I don't see the sun, but I really want to breathe at least a breath of fresh air. Dear granddaughter, do not grumble at me when I ask you to open the window, then close it, because I walked with you on the street for hours when my parents were busy. And you still didn't want to go into the house. Do not be ashamed to lead me by the hand, because someday you will also look for someone who will lead you.
When we see abandoned old people, we lose confidence in the future. We see ourselves in them, our future. This makes the darling take more care of themselves. We are not ready to socialize, there is a tendency to disintegration of society.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)
My eyes fail me, I cannot read, but I really want to be aware of events. Don't dismiss me, dear ones, when I ask you to share what you read. After all, I read fairy tales to you before going to bed every evening, without this you refused to fall asleep.
I have begun to hear worse lately and I often ask you again. I also turn on the TV loudly. And I understand that I am bothering you very much. I know that you come home from work tired and you want silence. And I remember your noisy pranks, I remember all your favorite tunes, and how decibels tore my ear. Remember this too.
If old people are prosperous and meet a dignified old age, we feel more confident, calmer and ready to work for the good of society, and not get bogged down in proprietary interests. Seeing the prosperous examined old people, we gain confidence in our tomorrow too.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)
My children! I forget many things, I understand that with age I become illogical, and you get tired of my slow speech and bad memory. Be patient. Don't turn your back on me.
My days are numbered. I do not go to meet life like you, but on the contrary, from life to death. Therefore, I ask you - just be by my side. Forgive me all my mistakes. Your kind words delight me as well as laughter and pranks in childhood, so do not deprive me of your communication. I have been with you since the day you were born, do not leave me alone at the hour of my death.
Honoring parents is not only a matter of human laws. This is the law of nature. Species conservation law.
Parents should live in peace and confidence. And children are obliged to give them a sense of security and safety.
(lecture notes of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan)
My children! I am not afraid of death, my time will soon come, and the term allotted to me on earth will end. I'm not afraid to die. I'm scared to live and be a burden to you. My life was not easy, I went through a lot. But in my life there were you - my children! The days when you were born were the happiest days in my life. You are my pride! Thank you for being there.
Protected old age is one of the main guarantors of the preservation and development of society. Confidence in the future gives us strength, impulse and inspiration to contribute to society. We are more willing and happy to work and realize our talents for the common good.
When we understand our parents, it is easier for us to accept them, to take care of them, even if before that we were separated by resentment and alienation. Tension leaves the relationship. Indeed, understanding a loved one as yourself, even if different from you, like earth and heaven, you can no longer condemn him. The pain of conflicts and unresolved issues disappears, and in their place comes gratitude for life, warmth and acceptance. This means the ability to live in full force.
After undergoing training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, thousands of people noticed significant positive changes in their lives, be it work, family or relationships with their own children. They succeeded largely because, on the basis of a new deep understanding of a person, they were able to establish relationships with their parents.