Inclusive parenting
Inclusive learning, or inclusion, is the joint education of ordinary children and children with disabilities in a general education school and other institutions, which provides for the organization of the educational process in such a way that the needs of any children, including special ones, can be met.
Inclusive learning, or inclusion, is the co-education of ordinary children and children with disabilities in a mainstream school and other institutions. This method of teaching provides for the planning of schools, technical schools, universities and the organization of the educational process in such a way that the needs of any children, including special ones, can be met.

At the moment, children who are different from those whom we are used to considering are normal are trained in specialized boarding schools, correctional schools, often parents choose home or distance learning for them. Yes, these children acquire knowledge, they can even get a higher education, and they study brilliantly, but will they be able to apply their knowledge in life? Will they find an opportunity to fulfill their full potential and become truly happy people? How successfully will they be able to adapt to society among "normal" people?
The innate set of vectors does not depend on and does not change under the influence of physical health. Each of the vectors requires its own filling, both from ordinary and special people. The higher the vector can develop before the end of puberty, the more voluminous a person, already in an adult state, can realize his full potential and get the maximum pleasure from life.
Not like that …
Who are children with disabilities? These are babies with Down syndrome, children with cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delay, hearing impairment, deaf, blind children or children with disabilities for any other reason.
As a rule, special children from an early age communicate, make friends and learn with the same as them, that is, with children who have similar health problems. This decision of the parents is due to the desire to protect the child from possible ridicule, rejection or neglect on the part of ordinary peers. However, this decision becomes the main obstacle for the child's social adaptation.

Getting into the “hostile” environment of modern society for the first time already in an adult state, without the mechanisms of adaptation in society formed in childhood, without being able to find his place under the sun on a par with “normal” people, a person gets much more trauma and is alienated even more, becoming isolated either in yourself, or in the circle of friends in misfortune. Feeling sorry for himself, he goes on about the cruel society, getting used to the labels "sick", "unhappy", "deprived", and abandons any attempts to realize himself completely.
Of course, not everything is so gloomy and there are times when a special person, realizing himself, achieves impressive results in one area or another and leaves his “normal” colleagues far behind. However, unfortunately, such cases are rather the exception than the rule, especially in the post-Soviet space.
Steps to people
In the countries of Europe and America, as early as the 1970s, a legal framework began to be created to empower people with disabilities. Such directions in this area as widening participation, mainstreaming, integration and, finally, inclusion were consistently introduced. Only inclusive education completely excludes any isolation of special children from the general collective and, conversely, provides for the adaptation of premises and teaching materials to the needs of special children.
The effectiveness of this teaching method is confirmed by many social studies conducted in the 1980s and 1990s in Western Europe and America. Undergoing socialization in childhood, learning to adapt and gain knowledge among peers, a special child subsequently becomes an active and valuable member of society, bringing obvious benefits to his country and humanity in the form of the results of his labor. Realizing all his needs, such a person feels absolutely complete and happy, perceiving his physical disability as an insignificant fact.

Increasingly, we learn about outstanding athletes, scientists, artists who are people with special needs. All of them are prime examples of inclusive learning in the West. Unfortunately, in our countries such cases are rare.
Even with a regulatory framework in place, an inclusive education program is implemented largely by enthusiasts, volunteers and individual school principals, teachers or educators. Having the right to teach a child in a general education school located near their home, parents of special children simply do not dare to exercise their right, most likely due to insufficient information about the essence of the program and a lack of understanding of the long-term prospects for the child.
Cruel children
Mockery, mockery, disdain, ignorance - who among us has not experienced this firsthand? There is any reason for ridicule besides physical disabilities: academic performance, popularity, wealth or position of parents, lack of fashionable clothes or gadgets, and whatever. And this situation is experienced by ordinary children no less painful than special ones.
But the main thing is that our children say exactly what their parents put into their heads. Neglect, dislike, or detachment comes primarily from adults, and children perceive this behavior as acceptable.
A child in the younger group of a kindergarten would never even think of laughing at a toddler who is different from himself. He accepts him for who he is, begins to see people different, but equally equal to him. Subsequently, such an ordinary baby perceives special people as a variant of the norm, such as, for example, an elderly person. As he grows up, he realizes that there are elderly people who need to make way in transport, help cross the road or bring a heavy bag. It is the same with special people: he knows that a person in a wheelchair needs to hold the door or give a hand, but he does this not out of pity, but quite naturally, simply and harmoniously coexisting in society with any, very different people.

Growing up from an early age in a team where children with disabilities are present, ordinary children take a huge step in their development, especially for babies with a visual vector. It is during the development of the vector that visual children get an exceptional opportunity to show compassion, learn to empathize, give their love, share their kindness free of charge, without arrogant pity, snobbery or disgust.
Through compassion, the visual vector has a chance to evolve to the highest of four levels: inanimate, vegetable, animal, and human. A high level of development of any vector gives a child the opportunity to realize himself in adult life most fully in accordance with his innate temperament, which means that he can get the greatest pleasure from life, feeling himself a truly happy person.
Representatives of the visual vector are the founders of culture. To this day, it is they who develop and maintain the cultural level of any society. That is why the development of culture directly depends on the development of people with a visual vector.
It remains to be seen who needs more!
Inclusive education is equally useful, more precisely, it is simply necessary for the development of both special and ordinary children. The lower the age of the child who enters the children's collective, the earlier he forms adaptation mechanisms in society, plays specific roles and acquires the skills of communication with any person, regardless of the state of physical health.
A healthy modern society is no longer a primitive flock, where the main criterion for survival was the physical health of an individual, its strength, endurance, speed, but a multifaceted collective of various personalities, in which the value of each is the level of its development and the completeness of the realization of innate psychological qualities. Our future depends on the level of development of the collective mental, to which each individual, without exception, makes a contribution.

The introduction of an inclusive education program makes it possible to significantly increase the development and social adaptation of any children and create the necessary basis for their full implementation in an adult society.