Sleep Disorders And Treatment

Sleep Disorders And Treatment
Sleep Disorders And Treatment

How to deal with the problem of sleep disorder?

Lack of sleep negatively affects a person's life. It is obvious that without knowing the causes that trigger the body's reactions leading to the appearance of symptoms of superficial sleep in adults or its complete absence, it is almost impossible to find a way to eliminate the causes of insomnia. In the life of everyone, without exception, the problem of sleep disorders can arise. But what are the reasons for each individual case?

I am disastrously tired. I no longer remember the time when I managed to sleep well - a year, or maybe two ago?.. Now the pleasure from normal sleep has completely disappeared from the sensations of my body. Her Majesty Insomnia reigns supreme and triumphs. Night contemplation of the ceiling became an integral part of my life.

Just before dawn, it happens to seize upon some semblance of sleep, which does not bring the long-awaited rest. An hour or two later, from a state of half-drowsiness, I was again thrown into the predawn gloom of a room with rustles behind the wall, a hum outside the window, the ticking of a clock, dripping water and an alarm in my temples: “Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!.

Sleep problems

Lack of sleep negatively affects a person's life. Frequent migraines, heaviness in the head, unpleasant pressure in the ears, inability to concentrate on basic everyday things, distraction and inattention, a decrease in the quality of work performed. The person feels bad, he feels overwhelmed and exhausted.

Insomnia (aka insomnia) is a sleep disorder characterized by insufficient sleep duration or poor quality sleep, or a combination of these phenomena over a significant period of time.

Physiologists who study the problem of sleep disorders, its causes and consequences, suggest that there are many factors that cause sleep disorders. Disturbed sleep in an adult can be a consequence of experiencing stressful situations. Also, the cause of deep sleep disturbance can be uncomfortable falling asleep conditions, changing time zones during air travel, taking medications, endocrine and neurological disorders, etc. Sleep disturbance is often a sign of a person's depression.

Common signs that indicate sleep disturbance as a medical condition are:

  • inability to fall asleep quickly and deeply or complete lack of sleep;
  • intermittent, superficial, restless sleep;
  • the repetitive nature of the disturbance in the rhythm of sleep (a person experiences a problem with sleep at least 3 times a week for a month).

A voluminous complex of medical examinations to identify the causes of sleep disorders often does not allow detecting any abnormalities. But the question of why a healthy adult has bad sleep at night and what to do about it remains unanswered.

A "healthy patient" is prescribed treatment - as a rule, these are sleeping pills that can turn off the patient for the duration of the drug's action, but this does not solve the problem.

It is obvious that without knowing the causes that trigger the body's reactions leading to the appearance of symptoms of superficial sleep in adults or its complete absence, it is almost impossible to find a way to eliminate the causes of insomnia.

In the life of everyone, without exception, the problem of sleep disorders can arise. But what are the reasons for each individual case? System-vector psychology provides accurate diagnostics of psychological problems leading to sleep disorders.

Sleep disorder picture
Sleep disorder picture

Who are you, my insomnia?

The answer to the question of why insomnia occurs and how to normalize the sleep of an adult is fully revealed at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

The nature of the symptoms of a sleep disorder can manifest itself in different ways depending on the mental characteristics of the person.

According to systemic knowledge, each person from the moment of his birth is endowed with special mental qualities assigned to him for the realization of himself in life among other people. Depending on the degree of realization of unique innate qualities, a person is able to stay in a state of comfort and joy or to experience suffering, which can manifest itself at the physiological level in the form of various deviations. Including in the form of sleep disorder.

For example, a person with a visual vector may have a fear of the dark. Often the owners of the visual vector cannot fall asleep without a night light. And the possible prospect of a night trip to the toilet turns into a horror film in reality with the participation of ghouls, the dead and other evil spirits.

The dream of a person with a visual vector can be disturbing in nature, with nightmares and frequent awakenings from the feeling of impending impending death. Sight people are emotional and very impressionable. The range of amplitude of emotions can range from the state of "fear" to the state of "love". They are characterized by a quick change of mood from sadness to joy. The lack of realization of the natural properties of the visual vector in the manifestation of empathy, compassion and empathy for other people plunges a person with a visual vector into a state of fear.

One of the causes of sleep disorders in a person with a visual vector may also be the loss of sensual, emotional closeness with a loved one, which by its nature the visual person needs. The severance of the emotional connection with a loved one plunges the owner of the visual vector into a state of severe melancholy, making it impossible to receive the long-awaited relief in a dream.

A person with an anal vector may experience difficulties in the process of falling asleep, which can manifest at the physiological level as heaviness in the heart, a characteristic lump in the throat. A person with an anal vector will toss and turn from side to side for a long time, indignantly digesting the offensive moments that he had to endure today, yesterday, a month ago.

The human psyche with the anal vector tends to the state of "even". So that it will be equally for everyone and in fairness. In the event of a bias towards an unfair attitude towards oneself - in the professional sphere, in family relations - a feeling of deep resentment arises, which accumulates in memory as a heavy burden and does not let go even in moments of rest.

But signs of prolonged insomnia are characteristic only for people with a sound vector.

A person with a sound vector has a huge amount of desire. And all this volume is aimed at finding answers to non-material questions. "Who am I?", "Why do I live on this earth?", "What is the meaning of this whole incomprehensible life?" … These questions are paramount for a person with a sound vector. The desire to find answers about the meaning of being is so great that the tension from the search does not let go for a minute.

The night for the owner of the sound vector is a special symbolic time of the day. Quiet and good at night. Nobody distracts with stupid conversations about money, food, cars, apartments. At night you can be alone in silence, darkness and loneliness and immerse yourself in thinking about the secrets of the meaning and purpose of life.

Sleep disturbances picture
Sleep disturbances picture

Not finding answers to the questions ringing inside the sound soul, a person begins to experience a burning inner pain from the lack of meaning in life. At first, a person is forgotten in a prolonged sleep for 10-16 hours a day. In a similar way, the psyche of a person with a sound vector reacts to the desire to avoid suffering from the meaninglessness of life.

In the classification of types of sleep, interpreted by modern medicine, the body's need for prolonged, many hours of sleep is defined as pathological sleep - an imbalance in the mode of night rest and daytime wakefulness.

Gradually, periods of uninterrupted 16-hour sleep in a person are replaced by sleepless nights. The endless train of thought of sound abstract intelligence keeps a person with a sound vector in constant tension, which does not allow him to relax and fall asleep. Folk remedies, hypnotics in this case do not cope with the task at hand to return the long-awaited deep and restful sleep.

Long-term sleep disorder is a sign of insufficient realization of the natural properties of a person with a sound vector.

How to get your sleep back

The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan helps to understand the causes of sleep disorders.

Understanding the nature of your true desires, values and aspirations explains the reasons for the emergence of unhealthy manifestations at the level of the physical body. And knowing the reasons allows you to exclude the occurrence of any bad conditions.

For the owners of the sound vector, this knowledge turns out to be literally saving. Who we are, for what purpose we came into this life, what desires our psyche lives and what is necessary in order to realize our best qualities given by nature itself - all this is easily explained and realized at the training "System-vector psychology", filling sound thirst for knowledge.

Exhausting sleepless nights, 16-hour sleep, endless search for the meaning of life, suicidal thoughts, resentment, fears, phobias, panic attacks - all this remained in the past lives of those who have already received systemic knowledge. Numerous sustainable results speak for themselves:

Already at the free online trainings "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, you can get your first positive results. You can register for a free lecture cycle here.