Urethral-sound suicidal complex
Any ideas about social transformations are born in sound, and the urethra moves them into the future. Therefore, urethral-sound people at the peak of their development are changing the world, for the last two thousand years they are prophets, brilliant public figures …
Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Urethral-sound combination of vectors":
The desire to live is most clearly expressed in the urethral vector - like libido, like bubbling life. The unwillingness to live is most of all manifested in the sound vector as a feeling of illusion and worthlessness of physical life. All sexuality in the urethral and asexuality in the sound - like a gift from God and scrambled eggs. These are the most distant states from each other.
A person is not able to be in these two states at the same time. They are so dominant, bright that a person cannot dilute them within himself. These are the only two vectors that never mix. Other vectors mix, and the more developed a person is, the faster he is able to switch from one vector to another. There is no such thing in the urethra and sound.
Any ideas about social transformations are born in sound, and the urethra moves them into the future. Therefore, urethral-sound people at the peak of their development are changing the world, for the last two thousand years they have been prophets, brilliant public figures, etc. If these two dominant natures in one person realize themselves, then always on a large scale. And in the old days - especially on a large scale.
The system goes to accelerate and complicate. Therefore, the further into the past, the greater the separation in this mental and psychic hierarchy. The closer to the present, the more these hierarchies shrink. Therefore, already in the not very distant past, for example, urethral sound specialists became not prophets, but only poets, but genius poets, masters of thoughts.
The urethral sounder is generally not ranked. This is a leader, but the leader is not an animal pack, but ideas. Urethral sounders are not very consistent in the urethra. It is one thing to promote a flock, and quite another thing is an idea, this is no longer a flock, these are students.
Sound is a word. The word is we, sound people, as a special ability to perceive rhythm, subtle vibrations, vibrations. Accurately identify these vibrations and express them outward. The poet first adds up the inner rhythm, and then words are superimposed on this rhythm. The sound engineer feels that there is something hidden behind the word, so he aims at it, creates the word.
In combination with other vectors, sound is not capable of such an opening: too strong an attraction does not give such purity of vibration - libido interferes. Therefore, skin sound specialists have greater purity of the word than anal ones. And the top of the purity of the word is in the sound at the base of the urethra. This is pure sound, free flight of waves - not two in one, but either one or the other.

The brightest sounds are urethral. The brightest urethral tubes are with sound. Because a clean urethral is always like this, and the urethra with sound overcompensates for everything that it didn't get in the sound state. When the urethral sound engineer enters the sound, he creates, for example, the purest music, like Mozart, or the purest rhythm of the word, like Pushkin. When it goes out into the urethra, this is the most notorious reveler - in restaurants, with women, with eternal fights, because it is not ranked.
Any normal person goes outside or not, is able to fill himself, realizing himself outside. The urethra fills with sound immediately to infinity or does not fill at all. When it is filled, this is Tsvetaeva's poetry, when it falls into the void of unrealization, it is Tsvetaeva's suicide.
The urethra burns until the end of life, is active until the very end. The sound vector is able to be mentally active until the end of life - the body is already decrepit, weak, and the thought is crystal clear. Immense potential in the urethral-sound combination.
Such a person must constantly be filled, any fragment of unfulfilledness can lead to suicide. There is no life value in the urethra with sound. In pure sound there is only an abstract idea, for the sake of which one can easily sacrifice both one's own body and those of others. In a clean urethra - the priority of the whole over the particular as the priority of the life of the pack over its own life.
When the urethral sounder fills his gaps in the urethra, he enters a state of equilibrium. This is followed by a burst into the sound, which always looks strange: they just ate, drank, walked, made grandiose plans, and five minutes later sat down with an expressionless face, not perceiving what was happening outside at all.
If the sound at this moment is in an unfilled state, then from the storm of life such a person immediately finds himself in deafening darkness and emptiness of meaninglessness. It is in this state that they commit suicide. If the sound is in good condition, then when passing into it, the urethral sound engineer plunges into a lack, which he is able to bring out with words, creativity, brilliant thought.
If the transitions from the urethra to sound begin to occur more often, and the urethral phase is shortened and becomes completely hypomanic, this is already a signal of imminent suicide.
The urethral sounder must acquire the skill and ability to realize his sound. Sound first. Must acquire the skill and ability to express themselves through sound. In the future, he himself will develop this in his head, and he will learn to express himself outwardly harmoniously. Without this skill, he will have a suicidal complex …
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Recorded by Bulat Galikhanov. August 4, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on the full oral training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.