I Can't Think. How To Make Brains Work?

I Can't Think. How To Make Brains Work?
I Can't Think. How To Make Brains Work?

I can't think. How to make brains work?

Depression, overt or latent, can be one of the reasons for the inability to concentrate. This is a condition that occurs only with the owners of the sound vector. Depression appears in the sound engineer as a result of a prolonged non-realization of his sound desires, which include the knowledge of oneself and the meaning of life. Often these desires are unconscious - there just comes a moment when everything in life seems meaningless and empty.

“I can't think normally. The head is heavy, cloudy. Only at times is there clarification. It is difficult to communicate, it is difficult to express your thoughts. You look at an object, you try to think, but there are no thoughts, or they get confused, get stuck - and fear. Am I really dumb? Sometimes anger or apathy covers. Maybe there is a means for concentration and concentration?"

Most often, it is the owner of the sound vector who is preoccupied with the inability to concentrate thoughts, because working with his head, thinking, creating thought forms is his life purpose. When he discovers that he is unable to concentrate, it can even cause him to fear losing control of what he considers most important - his reason.

How to get clarity of thought back? Let's figure it out with the help of System-Vector Psychology.

Depression turns off the head

Depression, overt or latent, can be one of the reasons for the inability to concentrate. This is a condition that occurs only with the owners of the sound vector. Depression appears in the sound engineer as a result of a prolonged non-realization of his sound desires, which include the knowledge of oneself and the meaning of life. Often these desires are unconscious - there just comes a moment when everything in life seems meaningless and empty.

Any person moves through life only according to the principle of pleasure - where it is good and interesting, he goes there. If everything seems pointless, then the motivation to do something disappears. And this paralyzes the main ability of the sound person - to think.

Loss of connection with the real world

Many sound professionals have difficulty concentrating their thoughts in a noisy place, often for fruitful work they need complete silence and solitude so that nothing distracts.

The peculiarity of the sound engineer is that he withdraws into himself in adverse conditions. This is even more pronounced in the case when the outside world has painful effects. Noises, shouts, quarrels, offensive meanings are perceived by a sound person especially sharply and provoke him to be removed.

The specificity of this state is that the more the sound person withdraws into himself, the more he loses connection with the outside world and the less he is able to think productively. His thoughts often become incoherent, become obsessive, cannot come to an end. Getting out of this state is helped by understanding the peculiarities of the psyche of the sound engineer, his tasks and understanding how other people are arranged. This allows you to restore the ability to perceive information, the source of which is the external world, and restore mental activity.

How to make the brain work a picture
How to make the brain work a picture

Memory impairment and inconsistency as a consequence of depression

The desires of the sound vector are the strongest, dominant. If they are not realized, then the desires of other human vectors are gradually suppressed. A state arises when you do not want anything, up to irritation from any external influences or apathy. This is how the stress of non-realization accumulates in other vectors, which a modern city dweller may have on average from 3 to 5. For example, in the presence of an anal vector, general lethargy, memory impairment appears, so two lines cannot be memorized.

In the skin vector, on the contrary, fussiness appears, the inability to sit still. A person is always trying to change activities - he sits down, then gets up, then starts switching tabs on the computer. He rushes about, can't concentrate. A ragged thought, and you can't think of it.

Other reasons

Emotional loss

When trying to figure out the reasons for the inability to think productively, it is important not to confuse audio problems with problems in other vectors. So, one of the reasons for the loss of the ability to think clearly can be an emotional catastrophe for the owner of the visual vector.

This happens when a strong emotional bond is broken, when parting with a loved one, or in case of loss. Stress can be so intense that it literally makes life meaningless. If acute stress is not dealt with in time, then, as a result of dulling emotions and detachment from life, a person feels constant fatigue and a desire to sleep. The head is like an empty bucket.

Love, communication give the meaning of life to the visual person. And when that goes away, the taste for life is also lost. In the presence of a sound-visual combination of vectors, the visual vector in melancholy and apathy can pull with it into negative states and the sound vector, in particular, the sound ability to concentrate also suffers. This is more true for sound-visual women, because men are less likely to mix love with the meaning of life.


One of the most severe conditions in which life can literally stop. A person in his thoughts is so fixed on the past, on long-gone events that he is not able to think purposefully. All his desires and thoughts imperceptibly obey the state of the experienced injustice, everything that happens is distorted and perceived through the prism of resentment.

Fill the sound vector - turn on your head

Still, the “main culprit” of the problem of inability to concentrate is the sound vector. When the sound engineer acquires meaning - of life, of the work that he does - the head turns on. Remember how your ability to think increased when you were kindled by some important idea or thought. And when at the training "System-Vector Psychology" you realize the full sound potential, get answers to all important questions that previously did not allow you to live in peace, when there is a strong interest in life and in people, the effect of inclusion will be many times greater.

Can't think image
Can't think image

The disclosure of the meaning, which occurs at the training "System-vector psychology", fills the dominant sound desires, and then desires in other vectors wake up. A person literally "lets go" - to live, desire, act and enjoy every moment. And, despite the significant effort that a person makes when working with his head (it's harder than digging the ground), the process of concentrating thought on difficult tasks becomes productive and begins to give great pleasure.

Thinking efficiency is what your whole life depends on. Discover the pleasure of thinking and living to the fullest extent of your real possibilities!