Trouble! A girl in a guy's body!.
I am a wolf, I am a warrior, I am a panther … No, tell me, what the hell am I in this body? What's the intrigue? Why is fate so evil?

Trouble - a girl in a guy's body
Crying, afraid of the dark.
Our brewery is alien to her, As with the boys … to pee?
Here we are - sitting on the "priest exactly", And "the sailors have no questions."
The bodies of the guys are undeniable to him
Barely visible among the garbage.
“shook” us to the limit with his kindness and intellect.
Some kind of vector is to blame for everything …
He should have been given it in the eye, so as not to look …
But do not rush to smile, The further, the more terrible, lads.
Well, how could this have happened -
(I am clearer with each lecture)
That not a girl in a rude body, But Hercules, Talfibius, Hector -
I am in incarnation of chaos
On the visual vector came across.

I watch a movie, and I myself cry.
I wanted to hit in the eye - "Doesn't it hurt you?"
Fences, roofs? No, that's enough …
I'd rather play with dolls.
And who will put an end to this?
I hate my body.
After all, I'm a man, but something is gnawing …
Oh, no … the dog is licking me.
I went away … And the body: "shushi-musi".
"The moon has risen and it is so beautiful …"
Bouquet of flowers in WINTER for Lucy
And she does not care … I'm proud
She. Others - as with a "friend".
Not a vector straight, but treason.
After all, it was only in the myth
that Elena chose to become the husband of Paris.
I am a wolf, I am a warrior, I am a panther …
No, tell me, what the hell
am I in this body? What's the intrigue?
Why is fate so evil?

I hate this vector
For everything that I freely see in it, For this musical voice, For the fact that I am a tear.
For a body, flexible as an ear of wheat, For soft silky hair, For everything that I did not fight for …
"You are beasts, gentlemen" …
If I were an anal guy, Quite simple, patriarchal, I would strangle this vector, And together with it - myself.
Fears would leave me
On a spit or on a block
Suddenly to be. And
I wouldn't give the shirt to you.
I hope you didn't get creepy?
Don't be afraid - this is just a joke.
And Hector? - let him sleep, baby,
At least until the morning …
And in the morning he will jerk out of bed
(How the lace rustled)
And he will remember that he was crucified … in the body
Forever, on vectors …