I Am Constantly Late, What To Do If It Doesn't Work Out On Time

I Am Constantly Late, What To Do If It Doesn't Work Out On Time
I Am Constantly Late, What To Do If It Doesn't Work Out On Time

I am constantly late. How to make friends with time

You are late, and a science fiction writer wakes up inside, composing incredible stories to justify himself. Either the bus did not leave according to the schedule, the car did not start, or the tire flattened … I could not leave the yard, got stuck in a traffic jam, someone got sick. Having understood yourself, you can answer the question "What if I am constantly late?" And it doesn't matter where - to work or to meet friends. The problem of being late disappears, as if it never existed …

You are late, and a science fiction writer wakes up inside, composing incredible stories to justify himself. Either the bus did not leave according to the schedule, the car did not start, or the tire flattened … I could not leave the yard, got stuck in a traffic jam, someone got sick. Nothing changes over the years - you are constantly late. Unpleasant remarks from superiors, reprimands and even fines.

It happens that you are always and everywhere late for two hours. And this is so incorrigible that more punctual people start inviting two hours earlier, knowing that you will be late anyway. There may be a feeling that this is some kind of disorder.

There is some kind of sediment inside all the time, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself. You can't fool yourself, because you know that the real reasons are not at all in what is listed above. No matter what I do, I can't be on time. And while scientists have not found the gene for punctuality, we will try to understand the psychological causes of the problem of constant delays with the help of knowledge from the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".

Not everyone asks themselves - why am I constantly late?

There are people who seem to have a built-in clock inside. They always come on time. One gets the impression that it is completely effortless. Perfect timing and punctuality. It is not a problem for them to leave the house at a certain hour and be at work, a meeting or any other planned event at the appointed time. They can leave the meeting if someone is 10 minutes late, believing that no one has the right to treat their time that way. Any excuses for them are an empty phrase: if they can come on time, then others are obliged to do it.

At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" we learn that this is how the skin vector manifests itself. Time is like the most expensive currency for them, and they tend to save it. They are intolerant of those who do not save time. Knowing how to organize themselves, they know how to organize others. Their organizational talent and commitment to a higher position allows them to achieve leadership positions in which they are intolerant of latecomers. And this is not because, having become a boss, they felt themselves superior to others. We look at the world through our values. Likewise, the owner of the skin vector with an innate sense of time appreciates punctuality.

Why do we remember time

Time coordinates us. Imagine for a moment that there is no time. Not only minutes and hours, but days, weeks, years. We wake up - after sunrise, we come to work - when we can, have lunch - when we get hungry, and left when we are tired. Vacation - when the raspberries in the country are ripe. There is no order, complete chaos. Schedules and schedules are impossible without the concept of time; structure disappears. We live in a society, among people, and for the coordination of any activity in which more than one person participates, the concept of time is simply necessary.

Being late for a meeting with friends is one thing. And to be late and because of this to disrupt a profitable deal or lose a client is quite another. Friends will forgive because they know who we are. And at work we may be constantly asked to do everything on time. If you work in shifts, then a feeling of shame is added in front of the people you let down. Or there is a feeling that no one likes those who are late.

The reasons for constant delays

There are several reasons why a person is constantly late. The skin person can also be late, and there are reasons for this. For example, a skin child needs to be brought up using reasonable prohibitions - he perfectly understands the language of restrictions and thus learns to organize himself. But if he was not limited, then he will not be able to be organized, punctual and will be late everywhere all the time.

I am constantly late picture
I am constantly late picture

It's another matter when there is no skin vector in the psyche at all. Together with it, there is no innate sense of time. By nature, the owners of other vectors are given other properties. For example, slowness, perseverance, patience, honesty, diligence, straightforwardness are characteristic of the owner of the anal vector. The feeling of beauty and color, the ability to create an emotional connection, sensuality, empathy - this is how the visual vector manifests itself. Absolute pitch, the search for deep meaning, the ability to understand abstract things - all these are properties of the sound vector. And so with each of the vectors.

In the absence of a skin vector, the priority is not time, but something different. For example, if you have a visual vector, you want to look better, and before leaving the house you start changing your costumes or adjusting your hair. Or maybe you are constantly late for work just because no one is there, except for an empty office, waiting for you. And the visual person loves communication so much! He may also be late to get attention. Unconsciously, of course. Or run into a plane or train at the last minute to get a portion of the emotional pumping in the visual vector or a sip of adrenaline in the skin. Interestingly, outwardly identical actions can have different internal reasons, and only by understanding them, you can actually get rid of delays.

The owner of the sound vector is often distracted due to the fact that he is deeply immersed in his own thoughts. Lost in thought, he may get off at the wrong stop, go in the wrong direction, or even forget about the meeting. If there are unresolved questions about the meaning of life, when everything around seems meaningless, he can constantly be late everywhere, because he has no motive to fit into the rhythm of life.

A person with an anal vector is unhurried and solid. He needs time to get together and not forget anything. From haste, he can fall into a stupor and generally hopelessly late. Sometimes, perfectionism doesn't let him rush. Having done something quickly, but of poor quality, he will begin to remodel and be sure to be late by the deadline.

The owner of the anal-cutaneous combination of vectors has a twofold attitude towards being late. Inside, he still has a sense of time. And the pleasure of doing something on time is genuine. But sometimes the inclusion of the anal vector spoils everything. Such a person can deliberately get up early, but lose time somewhere else, get bogged down in constant worries about the family, for example. Or he always comes on time everywhere, but is always late for a hated job: you don't want to leave the house. Will get up on time and without problems, but it takes a very long time to get ready. It is in this case that a contradictory feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself can arise inside. He is also ashamed of a minute delay.

How to make friends over time?

When there is no understanding of ourselves, we act unconsciously, on a whim. We are not in control of the situation. Without understanding ourselves, we do not understand others in the same way. Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" very accurately, with distinction, makes it possible to understand oneself and one's contradictions. You can start distinguishing between the manifestations of vectors already at the introductory free online training. Having understood yourself, you can answer the question "What to do if I am constantly late?" … And it doesn't matter where - to work or to meet friends. The problem of being late disappears as if it never existed.

It becomes clear that it is important to choose a job or occupation according to its properties, and not because it is fashionable, profitable, or because parents insisted. And most importantly, it becomes clear how to do this, what kind of business you will like. Then there will be no constant hatred of work, only satisfaction from realization. Why be late for your favorite work or skip enjoyable activities?

If there is a skin vector, then there is the ability to ideally time and prioritize. Try to do everything punctually for at least half a day. Do not delay, but also do not get down to business if there is not enough time, do not kill time, but use all possible pauses as efficiently as possible. Look for ways to save time for yourself, a co-worker, or a client. This gives great pleasure to the owner of the skin vector, and I want more.

How to make friends with time picture
How to make friends with time picture

If there is an anal vector in the psyche, then it will take more time to get ready to do everything efficiently. If there is no cutaneous vector, then the internal sense of time will not appear. But if you think over the preparations in the evening, so that in the morning there is less stress, analyze the route, get out in advance, then you will not let people down, and you will not have to be ashamed of being late.

It is possible, having a visual vector, to get a little satisfaction by being in the spotlight as a result of being late. Or you can choose the profession of an actor, in which to realize your emotions and get incomparably greater constant pleasure from your work. And come to your performance or shooting on time.

If there is a sound vector, the problem is somewhat more difficult to solve. It is not yet clear where and how to look for the meaning of life, why get up and move, the problem of constant delays cannot be solved. And the meaning can be found by starting an acquaintance with System-Vector Psychology at an introductory online training.

You can, of course, leave everything as it is. Constantly being late and making excuses. Make all clocks at home run ten minutes faster. Accept fines and layoffs for being late. Look for work in places where time doesn't matter. And you can understand - what prevents you from arriving on time - and solve this problem.

“I wish there was such a magic pill - I swallowed it and became punctual”, - dream of people who are always and everywhere late. Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" is not at all a pill, but it has a magical effect, because it helps to find the reasons for constant delays and make friends over time.
