I don’t want to go to work after maternity leave, or Career guidance again
The decree is ending. It's time to go to work, and you don't want to. And you don't know what you want. On the one hand, you want to spend more time with your child, and on the other, new interests have appeared. How to understand what you really want, what occupation will bring both pleasure and realization?
The decree is ending. It's time to go to work, and you don't want to. You don’t want to leave your child in the garden until late evening and see a couple of hours before bedtime. You don’t want to do what you did before the decree. Has cooled down, lost faith, lost interest.
The husband hints that an additional contribution to the family budget would not be superfluous. Friends unanimously insist that, sitting at home with a child, you degrade as a person. Mom advises to "go out to people" as soon as possible, so as not to lose a place and not to lose qualifications, category, experience …
And you don't know what you want. On the one hand, you want to spend more time with your child, and on the other, new interests have appeared. Knowledge was pulled up to them and skills were formed. But you're not sure what real work will come of this.
How to understand what you really want, what occupation will bring both pleasure and realization?
Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" helps to answer this question.
What happens after a baby is born
The birth of a child for any woman is a turning point in life. New responsibilities, interests and priorities. The child shifts the center of attention to himself, becomes a point of application of efforts, knowledge, skills and feelings. A mother always loves her child more than anyone else.
The child's life comes to the fore and becomes more important for the mother than her own. It is a natural law that ensures the survival of humanity. The general female species role is precisely in the birth and rearing of offspring. With the exception of skin-visual women, who have their own species role on an equal basis with men and do not have a maternal instinct. But now not about them.
Having fulfilled the "default program", having realized herself as a mother, a woman subconsciously feels - what is the pleasure from the realization of the destiny given by nature. Therefore, now she only agrees to work that will bring her joy, and not just a "tick" of employment, money or seniority.
It is for this reason that we often hear various stories of changing career guidance after maternity leave. For example, as on parental leave, a young mother, an economist by education, took up handicrafts and a whole business grew out of this. Or the teacher got carried away by creativity and wrote a book. The philologist started making desserts and opened a pastry shop and the like.
Such a reversal of interests occurs in a situation where you can do what brings joy. While a woman is on maternity leave, the function of providing for the family is fully assumed by the man. At least in most cases. At the same time, all other conventions and factors that affect the choice of a woman disappear: the need to meet someone's expectations (parents, for example), follow a schedule, work schedule or company rules, perform unpleasant or unloved official duties, and the like.
In such conditions, when choosing an activity, a woman expresses exclusively her own innate desires.

Best Mom, Mistress and Wife
A woman with an anal vector is capable of fully realizing herself as a mother, wife, housewife. The main values for such a woman are family, home, traditions, respect for elders and caring for children.
She considers it her duty to create comfort, maintain cleanliness, a delicious lunch for all family members, and raise a child, which she does in the best way. She painfully tolerates any changes, so she likes to be at home more than others and do her usual things.
It is such a woman who can suffer from feelings of guilt before a child when she is forced to leave him to relatives, a nanny or a garden. She thinks that no one can take care of her child better than herself.
However, sooner or later she still has to go to work, no matter how much she likes to be at home. Understanding her own psychological nature, clearly feeling all the properties of this vector, a woman gets the opportunity to choose for herself options for implementation in addition to household and family responsibilities.
Better than others, these women do anything related to their qualities such as perseverance, thoroughness, attention to detail and perfectionism. It can be handicrafts, cooking, crafts made of wood, clay, fabrics, and the like. If there is also an upper vector, she can give private lessons, blog.
Our hearts demand change
Representatives of the skin vector can lose the desire to go to their previous job. In their quest for novelty, they tend to seek new ways to realize themselves professionally.
They are ready to make the most of their time on maternity leave. Never waste a minute. They know how to economize perfectly: if children's purchases are joint and preferably from manufacturers, if diapers - so in bulk, if a car seat - so a transformer up to twelve years. And they always find a way to earn extra money, even on maternity leave.
The activities of mothers with a skin vector may be associated with organizational abilities, the ability to think logically and make rational decisions, psychological flexibility and resourcefulness.
They are great at teaching courses on proper nutrition and restoring physical fitness after childbirth and breastfeeding, create reviews of the use of new products for children's equipment, toys, and developmental products. Any sale of used goods is also their strong point.
If the new job turns out to be more profitable, the woman with the skin vector will not hesitate to part with the old place.
I don't want to go to work because I'm afraid
Such a negative state as fear can become an obstacle for a woman with a visual vector to go to work. She may be afraid that she will not find a common language with a renewed team or a new boss, potential conflicts, gossip and conspiracies.
Fear is the very first, initial and basic emotion of a person. Fears speak of the unrealized sensory potential of a woman with a visual vector. This happens when a woman who is naturally capable of loving people, compassion for many, empathizing and helping those who need it, tries to accommodate the entire spectrum of her feelings in her child.

The baby undoubtedly requires a lot of attention, but the visual potential of his mother turns out to be much greater than it turns out to be realized in motherhood.
Unsatisfied mental properties become a prerequisite for the emergence of fears, phobias, panic attacks and even social anxiety. The very communication with people, interaction, the construction of emotional connections - everything that brings a special pleasure to a visual woman is now subconsciously associated with fear. Fear of conflict, indifference, misunderstanding, rejection, ridicule or aggression from others.
The awareness of the ways of realizing the properties of the visual vector, which comes at the training "System-vector psychology", eliminates the main thing - the effect of inexplicability. The woman receives a tool, a guide to her own emotions. Why I feel this now, why I am scared and what I am actually afraid of - the answers to these questions return control over their own life to a person with a visual vector.
Young visual mothers often discover painting, embroidery, making toys, children's clothing or textiles, photography, and graphic design. They get together for communication, organize centers to help mothers in crisis life circumstances, collect things for children's organizations and the like.
I don't want to go to work, I don't want anything
Motherhood is not easy for women with a sound vector. Lovers of silence, solitude and concentration after the birth of a child are deprived of it all at once. To this is added the inability to sleep, and this aggravates the situation.
The decree is a period when the properties of the sound vector are very difficult to realize, especially if there is no understanding of oneself, one's real desires.
Abstract thinking, the ability to deeply concentrate, the need to get to the bottom of the essence, to find answers to inner questions - all these properties require picking up a book, opening a computer, turning on quiet music, walking in silence in the park, putting your thoughts in order to generate an idea, to embody your inner search into a tangible thought-form … And this nothing happens.
Desires of the dominant sound vector are the strongest and cannot wait until the baby grows up. Dissatisfaction accumulates, turning into frustrations that are painful and result in a state of apathy. Life seems like an endless groundhog day, meaningless and hopeless. I don't want anything but to stop all this screaming, crying, noise and be alone for at least a few hours.
It is the sound moms that have the highest risk of developing such a serious condition as postpartum depression. A woman in such a state does not just want to go to work - she does not want to leave the house. There is no desire to open your eyes in the morning, getting out of bed requires great effort.
Considering that in a state of severe depression the sound mother often has thoughts of suicide, it can be said without exaggeration that the training "System-vector psychology" saves her life.

When she receives information about why she has such desires, what happens in her subconscious, what drives her when she doesn't want anything, why she feels so bad and what exactly hurts inside her, she experiences significant relief. The study of the psyche at the training of Yuri Burlan fills the thirst for a sound person, and even the most difficult conditions recede.
Trusting their desires, the sound players find themselves in freelancing. This can be copywriting, design, programming, advertising, social networking. Perhaps poetry or prose, music or foreign languages and the like.
Conscious change is always for the better
Our life is a dynamic process. We change, our interests change - even the most conservative of us are not immune from this.
If you are confused in your desires, if your inner state leaves much to be desired, this means that it is time to get more knowledge in this matter. Having figured out yourself only once at the training "System-vector psychology", you will be able to find not only a job and a hobby for your liking, but also raise a healthy, happy child. After all, his behavior largely depends on your condition.
Sign up for free classes that take place online to learn how to get the most out of life in all its forms.