Where does the stoop come from? Searching for the inner core
Why do some people calmly keep their posture, proudly carrying themselves through life, while someone has to struggle with the problem of stoop all their lives?
Various trainings on success, personality development suggest that you need to monitor your posture, because it betrays an insecure person. Few can explain this relationship. How is the internal state, which is manifested from the outside by a stoop, perceived by the interlocutor? And what exactly provokes a violation of posture?
Why do some people calmly keep their posture, proudly carrying themselves through life, while someone has to struggle with the problem of stoop all their lives?
Why, even with a mobile lifestyle, some develop cervical osteochondrosis, others - problems in the lumbar region, and still others do not develop either one or the other?
Don't slouch
In childhood, the child is often corrected: “Sit up straight. Do not stoop, otherwise you will be hunchbacked (sick, ugly, etc.)”. But somehow these phrases do not work. Rather, on the contrary: from them, the weakness of the back intensifies, the muscles do not obey, and it becomes more and more difficult to straighten up due to the latent inner protest. Then, health-conscious parents take the child to chiropractors, from whom there is more pain than benefit.
From various kinds of corsets and belts that support posture, the feeling of the body is lost, it presses here, it interferes there. The best supportive treatment that could be offered is a moderate massage, without twisting muscles and tendons. The back muscles are well supported by classes in sports sections. But parents often think that there is nowhere to rush - it is believed that tissues are formed before the age of 25. And this is still a lot of time …
Grown up "stoop"
Having failed to cope with the stoop in childhood, a person continues to struggle with it further. Using various psychological techniques. They pay close attention to posture, explaining that all troubles in life happen from it. It is believed that self-esteem can be raised by affirmations and self-hypnosis, and this will naturally straighten the back. Or you can act the other way around: with the help of constant efforts, maintain a posture with a straight back and straightened shoulders, reinforcing a sense of confidence. "Guaranteed." And if it doesn't help?
Let's try to look at the problem of stoop using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. Having understood some of the psychological characteristics of people prone to problems with posture, it becomes clear what prerequisites contribute to the appearance of a stoop.
What kind of people tend to slouch?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that, first of all, the owners of the skin vector have a tendency to stoop. A vector is a set of innate mental properties and abilities. Unconsciously, they affect the behavior, way of thinking and life of a person, and, of course, his desires, no matter how he tries to ignore them.
Systemic vector psychology says that the owners of the skin vector have delicate, sensitive skin, which corresponds to the name of the vector. Such people strive for success, they want to be the first in everything. For them, the priority in life is social and property superiority, significance in the eyes of others. Hence their tendency to jealousy, envy in the case when it is not possible to achieve the desired.
The realization of their aspirations is provided by such abilities as high mobility and flexibility of not only the body, but also the soul. This is important for adapting to changing conditions in different areas of life, for example, at work, when the skin person seeks to build a career. The developed properties of the skin vector are able to provide discipline and order, giving shape to their own and others' behavior. On the physical level, the body.

Slouching formation
A skin child cannot sit for exactly long and calmly due to its natural mobility. Therefore, the phrases "sit up straight" and "do not stoop", uttered by parents and other adults, cause internal protest. They often increase the fussiness, nervousness, and insecurity of the child. Emphasis should be placed on something else - on the development of the properties of the skin vector.
As it becomes clear with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, a child with a skin vector wants to be successful, the first, the leader. And this will be possible if he learns to accurately and on time to perform the necessary tasks. He will be able to comply with the regime, limit the time of rest and work in the required form. In this case, his body will acquire the appropriate qualities and the desired shape. A realized skin is given by clear movements, a flexible body, straight shoulders, a slender toned figure. This applies to both men and women.
Vector systems psychology explains that people with a cutaneous vector naturally form the "backbone" of society, supporting the social hierarchy. Confident, proud posture distinguishes ambitious executives. The tightness of the whole body indicates a tendency to discipline, a flexible figure - about easy adaptation to different situations.
If the natural aspirations of a skin person do not receive proper development, then bodily this can manifest itself as an inability to keep one's own body in shape. And then the body will "sag" with shapeless, stooped shoulders, the prerequisites for the curvature of the spine will appear.
Accordingly, people with insufficient development or non-realization of the skin vector feel badly about their body, hence the flickering movements, stoop, forced postures. Through the body, internal states manifest only secondarily, which are the main cause of posture disorders.
For comparison, people who have the so-called anal vector are striving for constancy, for learning, which determines their less mobile lifestyle, more precisely, a sedentary one. The main support of the whole body is on the lower back and pelvis. Therefore, such people will more often have problems in the lower back, sacrum.
Is it possible to cope with the disease?
When we know the root causes, we can understand the effect, which in our example is slouching. But to get rid of the consequences, you must first get rid of the causes. This is achieved by realizing innate mental properties and implementing them in practice. Thanks to this, people who have mastered systems thinking at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan receive significant results, including in correcting posture, up to the fact that the hump passes:
… I began to straighten both in body and soul. In my youth there was an offensive nickname - "hunchbacked" (I write and smile), how many parents fought to straighten their posture (I even wore a corset) - nothing worked, and now there is no trace of this. Elena, head of the organization
in Sochi Read the full text of the result … my hump on my back has become smaller. He began to decrease almost immediately after the lessons on the Skin and the Anal vector. The skin periodically stresses, during the entire training it gave out all sorts of things, but the seal, the bump, which I had to remove once every three months with a massage, went away by itself. Daria, Head of Human Resources, Aktobe, Kazakhstan Read the full text of the result
Realizing the psychological causes of painful physical manifestations, we understand where to direct our efforts. You can learn more about the properties of the skin vector, the possibilities of its development and implementation already at the free online lectures of Yuri Burlan. Register here