Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Video: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Video: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms
Video: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - causes, symptoms & pathology 2024, October

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Often, along with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, a person has hypochondria, anxiety, panic and other neurotic disorders. What are the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder and how to get rid of it yourself, read this article.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

With the onset of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, life will never be the same. Having broken down once, the brain seems to lose its adequacy and makes you commit abnormal actions. Thoughts and actions seem to lose alignment with reality. Why does this happen?

Often, along with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, a person has hypochondria, anxiety, panic and other neurotic disorders. What are the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder and how to get rid of it yourself, read this article.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder: What It Is

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a neurotic disorder involving obsessions and compulsions. If there are no compulsions, they speak of obsessive-phobic disorder.

Constant uncontrollable thoughts and rituals take away normal life. The person does not get enough sleep, he does not have enough time for everyday activities. Can't study, work. He is busy with endless cleaning, hand washing, organizing items, checking his security, bookkeeping. It becomes difficult to be near him. The patient himself understands this and also suffers from forced social isolation.

Signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Obsessions: Repetitive unwanted thoughts, ideas, or images that cause intense anxiety and cannot be eliminated.
  • Compulsions: Forced repetitive actions designed to relieve internal stress that cannot be eliminated.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by chronicity of the process. Symptoms may subside and return with stress, overwork, or lack of sleep. One compulsive action is joined by another, fears grow and multiply. The question arises: "Why me?" It's scary not to control your brain. Why am I getting symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder? "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan will help you to understand.

Causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The psyche of an individual is made up of vectors. A vector is a part of the psyche with its inherent desires. Opportunities are also given to achieve them. The realization of desires gives a person a feeling of happiness, non-realization - suffering. But in a state of non-realization, the vector will strive to get its own way in any way. Will manifest itself in an unhealthy way.

Each vector has its own desires, its own characteristics and characteristics that are not similar to others. There are eight vectors in total, a modern person can have 3-5 vectors. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder occur in a person in different combinations of skin, anal, visual or sound vectors during overstress, prolonged non-realization of properties, or in the case of vector psychotraumas in childhood. The symptomatology also depends on the vector in which the cause is. Let's look at the most common examples of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder cause picture
Obsessive compulsive disorder cause picture

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: examples

The skin vector is a striving for property and social superiority

A person with a cutaneous vector is endowed with the ability to self-discipline, self-control and self-restraint. Its properties: logical thinking, fast counting, saving time, resources and space, stockpiling "for a rainy day", ambition and competitiveness, careerism. People with a skin vector find themselves in trade, business, organization and management, lawmaking, engineering, design. Wherever the application of the developed qualities of the vector is required. Without achieving property acquisitions, career advancement and status, he experiences stress. Also, financial collapse, dismissal, robbery, loss of valuable things are a great stress for him. Congenital fear is the infection of the skin with microbes. When the properties of the vector are not applied in the social sphere, they can begin to manifest themselves with the following symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder:

  • Misophobia - fear of infection and hand washing.
  • Arithmania is an obsessive counting.
  • Obsessive adherence to the daily routine, diet and drink.
  • Obsessive fear of failure or loss of things, robbery.
  • Obsessive security checks - closing doors, checking keys, ironing off, etc.

The anal vector is the desire to learn, to transfer experience and knowledge to the younger generation

The properties of the anal vector are opposite to the cutaneous one. If the dermal one is fast and dexterous, then the anal one is slow and assiduous. When both vectors are combined, contradictions can arise. A person with an anal vector is tenacious to details, doubting, detailed, rigid, brings the matter to the end and is prone to perfectionism. Cleansing, striving for purity is a key aspect in the anal vector. His value is family and children, they are excellent husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. People with an anal vector become professionals in their field, the best artisans, teachers, historians. An innate fear is to be disgraced, to make a mistake. Overstress is the betrayal of a spouse, loss of respect, shame, quick changes (change of job, place of residence, etc.). In this case, the following symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder may occur:

  • Obsessive perfectionism.
  • Obsessive observance of order - ordering, sorting of objects.
  • Obsessive cleaning and cleansing.
  • Obsessive fear of harming loved ones or yourself.

The presence of both anal and cutaneous vectors gives the combined symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The visual vector is the desire to experience vivid emotions

People with a visual vector are very emotional, impressionable, suspicious, suggestible and self-perceived, have a developed imagination, appreciate beauty, enjoy brightness and color. All people are afraid of death, but in a visual person the fear of death is an innate emotion, the first and very strong one. Such people can develop phobias of all kinds and stripes, anxiety, panic attacks. The alarming background in the visual vector increases stress in the cutaneous and anal vectors and is a factor of decreased stress resistance in general. For example, thoughts of death due to contamination of the hands arise, and the ritual of hand washing temporarily lowers anxiety in the visual vector. Phobophobia (fear of fear) can appear in the structure of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder signs picture
Obsessive compulsive disorder signs picture

The sound vector is a striving to cognize the root cause, the meaning of life and oneself

A person with a sound vector has an abstract intellect - he is a thinker, philosopher, ideologist. A closed introvert, looking inward. The sound vector is dominant. Due to the peculiarities of the perception of the sound vector, the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder often acquire the character of paralogical judgments and inferences, overvalued and delusional ideas.

Other symptoms of an unrealized sound vector may also accompany: depression, a sense of the meaninglessness of life, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, depersonalization and derealization syndrome. Sound specialists are particularly worried about the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder due to an innate fear of going crazy.

Treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Medication for obsessive-compulsive disorder and psychotherapy do not restore a person to normal life, but only help reduce symptoms. There may be periods of improvement during the course of the disease. They are associated with the emergence of the implementation of vectors and a decrease in stress levels. The disorder returns along the beaten path, overgrowing with new symptoms, like a snowball. After all, the personality structure, the type of reaction have not changed.

Anyone with obsessive-compulsive disorder understands that this is not normal, but there is nothing they can do. He seems to be programmed to do these actions, think these thoughts and be afraid. It is impossible to control the unconscious willpower, on the contrary - it controls a person. The person with the disorder feels this more strongly than others. Fighting takes years of life, but there is no complete cure. And the person talks about the disease calmly, resigned that it is absolutely impossible to influence him.

The diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder combines different symptoms. Vector systems psychology explains how such heterogeneous symptoms fit into one diagnosis. With the help of the knowledge of vectors, it turns out to sort everything out on the shelves, clearly knowing where which symptom came from. Only in this way it becomes possible to reason about the problem not speculatively, but understanding its causes.

Why does training relieve obsessive-compulsive disorder? It's not just that a person understands his vector set. Each vector is the very essence of the psyche, hidden in the unconscious. The disclosure of this part of the mental gives a deep understanding of the causes of the disease in a particular case. Consciousness is already amenable to control, and you don't have to make volitional efforts for this. After all, looking into the darkness, we do not know what is there, right? Having illuminated this place with a flashlight, we already see what's what. You can arm yourself with a flashlight with the help of training, and then you will never have to wander in the semi-darkness.

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder arise as a result of stress, non-realization of properties and psychotrauma vectors. What program failed - you need to figure it out. Who am I, in what state is my psyche, what is happening in my vectors, why am I behaving like this? Revealing the essence of vectors at the training "System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan" allows you to deeply understand the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder in each individual case. Having become conscious, a part of the unconscious becomes part of consciousness and loses its power over a person - this is how psychoanalysis works. The person begins to behave normally in a natural way, by himself. Stress resistance increases, alarming background and fears go away. This is a chance to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder on your own, without pills and doctors.

Register for free lectures "System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan". You will learn more about the features of the cutaneous and anal vectors.

Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment picture
Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment picture

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