Bipolar Disorder, Symptoms And Treatment

Bipolar Disorder, Symptoms And Treatment
Bipolar Disorder, Symptoms And Treatment

Bipolar disorder and mood disorders

Patients with bipolar disorder may also suffer from anxiety, phobias against the background of severe mood swings, panic attacks, and other neurotic diseases. As you can see, the spectrum of mood disorders is quite wide. Understanding the causes of symptoms with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology helps to gain ground underfoot - both for the specialist and for the patient himself …

In the modern classification of mood disorders used in Russia, bipolar affective disorder (bipolar affective personality disorder) is included in the section of affective disorders, which are extremely heterogeneous and contradictory, carrying many different mental states. Let's try to understand in more detail the nature of affective disorders and their causes using the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Diagnosis and types of bipolar disorder in psychiatry

Mood disorders (mood disorders) remain the subject of controversy among psychiatrists, because their causes are unknown, and the classification is not clearly defined. Treatment for bipolar disorder and other mood disorders is symptomatic, which at best makes life easier for the patient, but does not provide a complete cure.

These people often cannot live a full life, even suffering from bipolar disorder without psychotic manifestations (and psychoses also happen). They live from phase to phase, with depression and anxiety, and often from one hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital to repeated treatment there. Bipolar disorder significantly reduces the ability to study, work, communicate with people, that is, lead a full social life. And psychiatry does not offer a complete cure for mood disorders.

The disease of bipolar disorder implies a change of periods, the so-called phases of mood throughout life - depressive and manic. These phases can go one after one, they can replace each other, or they can be manifested by only one depressive phase repeatedly. Between the phases, there may be remissions of even mood (intermission).

The clinical manifestations of mood phases can be expressed in different ways - from subdepression to severe depression with suicidal tendencies, from hypomania to psychotic mania with sexual promiscuity and committing illegal acts. In addition, hallucinations, delusions, complete refusal of food, insomnia, aggressive inappropriate behavior, and other psychotic symptoms can be observed. There may be mixed mental states, mixed mood disorders. They are united in the classification by one - phase flow.

In the American classification, mood (affective) disorders are divided into bipolar disorder type I and bipolar disorder type II. In type II bipolar disorder, only depressive and hypomanic phases are observed (high spirits, but not to the level of mania).

Patients with bipolar disorder may also suffer from anxiety, phobias against the background of severe mood swings, panic attacks, and other neurotic diseases. As you can see, the spectrum of mood disorders is quite wide. Understanding the causes of the onset of symptoms with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology helps to find ground underfoot - both for the specialist and for the patient himself.

Who gets bipolar disorder

The primary diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis is based on observations of people with urethral and sound vectors, where the phases describe the states of depression in the sound vector and mania in the urethral vector. These two vectors are so polar in their properties, desires and values that their manifestations do not mix. It turns out that the patient is thrown from absolute love of life into a black, impenetrable depression. You can read more about this here.

Such patients are quite rare, they have a very high risk of suicide. Currently, psychiatrists do not use the diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis, and the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is very rarely made in a person with an urethral-sound ligament of vectors.

Guided by the knowledge of the Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training, it is clear that the diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder is most often made to people who possess the following vectors in special conditions:

  • Sound vector
  • Visual vector
  • Skin vector
  • Anal vector

Let's start our analysis of the symptoms of bipolar disorder with the features of the depressive phase, then consider the clinical manifestations of the manic phase and other variants of mood disorders.

Depressive Phase Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder

The depressive phase is represented by the following symptoms: depressed mood, slow thinking and motor retardation. Depression occurs in the sound vector and, in the presence of the anal vector, immobilizes a person. Catatonic symptoms may even be observed: often patients lie in an embryonic position. Each movement is given with great difficulty, they just do not want to move. Moreover, one just wants not to live, suicidal thoughts appear, but most often it does not reach the action - largely due to motor inhibition.

Bipolar disorder picture
Bipolar disorder picture

In a state of depression, the phenomenon of depersonalization-derealization, fears is also often observed. Thinking becomes stiff, viscous, speech is slowed down. Characterized by superficial sleep, early morning awakenings, when a person lies awake in a mood worse than ever and wants the day not to start at all.

Patients may have rapid mood swings, anxiety, irritability in the presence of a cutaneous vector. The patient refuses food, loses weight, all interests, sexual desire disappear, feelings disappear, pleasure from the activity that previously brought him decreases, a feeling of mental pain, atrial anguish increases. They have neither the mood nor the desire to see anyone, to talk to anyone.

The phases of a depressive mood can be of varying severity: mild, moderate, severe. In severe cases, patients with depression with bipolar disorder must be fed through a tube and monitored around the clock in order to prevent suicide attempts. With psychotic depression, there may be depressive delusions, delusions of guilt, hypochondriacal delusions, depressive stupor, judgmental auditory hallucinations, and the like.

Causes of the depressive phase in bipolar disorder

The dominant sound vector in negative states plunges a person into depression with all the variety of its symptoms, which are largely the result of insufficient realization of the desires of the sound vector. The severity of these states depends on the duration and degree of this dissatisfaction, on the degree of immersion in oneself, on the traumas experienced in childhood and the current circumstances in which a person lives.

When a person also has an anal vector, he can be responsible for stupor, fetal posture, catatonic symptoms, the content of delusional statements (resentment, guilt, sinfulness, self-deprecation). The skin vector can bring fussiness and fidgeting, irritated mood into the clinical picture; in the content of delusional statements, these can be delusional ideas of influence. The visual vector sets anxiety and mood swings. It is noteworthy that some improvement may occur in the evening. Night is the "sound" time of the day.

Symptoms of the Manic Phase in Bipolar Affective Disorder

The switch from a depressive mood to a manic phase can occur suddenly, without precursors, but there may be gaps between phases. After the sound vector, the culprit of depression, "lets go", the visual vector comes to the fore. The visual vector - in a state of unrealization and often underdeveloped - is characteristic of every patient in mania and hypomania. The mood improves to the point of euphoria.

Of the lower vectors, the skin vector often sets the tone - hence the desire for activity, when a person takes on many things at the same time, everything is easy for him, but he does not finish anything, throws, grabs onto something new. In the manic phase, symptoms opposite to the depressive ones are observed: physical activity, high mood, acceleration of thinking, up to a jump of ideas. The voice of such patients is loud, speech is accelerated. Often, without finishing one sentence, they begin to say the following.

Patients suddenly begin to feel extraordinary lightness and joy from life, they are tuned in to delight in literally everything. The world seems brighter and more beautiful, the colors are brighter than they were, every little thing pleases. Patients are drawn to people, they talk to everyone, they want to please, improve their mood, share their joy, up to the obsessive molestation of people.

Patients in the manic phase of bipolar disorder behave frivolously, without predicting their actions, the idea of overestimating their own capabilities arises. It seems to them that nothing is impossible for them. Patients in the manic phase of bipolar disorder develop the false belief that they can do anything. They make grand plans and start projects that can never be realized. Thus, they lose a lot of money and property. At this point, patients are unable to be critical of their condition. They practically stop sleeping, get enough sleep in 2–4 hours.

They can sing loudly, recite poetry, climbing, for example, on a table, on a tree, etc. As a rule, in depression, a person neglected personal hygiene. And then suddenly he washes, the woman puts on bright makeup, dresses up (and men, sometimes, too) to please - and not only the opposite sex, but everyone. They are demonstrative, do everything to be noticed, and remind themselves of themselves if they are suddenly "forgotten", committing ridiculous actions in a silly mood.

Obsessive thoughts appear to call everyone in a row, I want more and more communication. But this communication is essentially meaningless, weakly correlated with the real needs of the environment.

Patients with a cutaneous vector in the department often have suggestions on how to improve something in the department, and they begin to put it into practice. They move furniture, compose a new daily routine and force everyone to obey it, give instructions to everyone around. This is how the properties of the skin vector manifest themselves, the desire to organize people and space, optimize, control, lead.

People in manic bipolar disorder can easily promise to do things for other people, buy them, give money, and so on. Patients become sexually promiscuous, libido rises, they go on binges, lose large sums of money, and behave recklessly.

Mood disorders picture
Mood disorders picture

Patients can behave aggressively, be in a gloomy mood, express reproaches, criticism, be angry up to anger and a fight, can be sadistic - these are the manifestations of an unrealized anal vector.

If this is a mania with psychotic symptoms, then there may be delusions of grandeur, delusions of reformism, delusions of a special purpose, delusions of erotic content, auditory hallucinations - even in the manic phase, the intervention of the sound vector cannot do.

Causes of Manic Symptoms in Bipolar Affective Disorder

The described manifestations of vectors are often negative in nature, and this is due to the lack of implementation of their properties, sometimes even the skills necessary for this. In the depressive phase, the dominant sound vector suppresses the desires of all other human vectors. When the sound vector lets go (as a rule, due to some filling of sound desires), then the desires of other vectors that have escaped from the oppression of other vectors manifest themselves chaotically, the full realization of their desires and properties does not occur. Therefore, we are talking about symptoms, and not about the normal state of a person. All this is largely a question of the implementation of the properties given to man by nature.

So, a person with a visual vector that does not receive realization, instead of experiencing deep feelings of love and empathizing with other people, is in a state of exaltation and attracts attention at any cost, just to be noticed by everyone.

Patients behave so demonstratively that their appearance and behavior is inadequate, especially women's clothing and excessive use of cosmetics (and men can do this). The mood is exalted. Patients are overly eager to communicate, want to be in the center of attention and attract this attention to themselves by any available means, become capable of shocking behavior.

This does not bring full fulfillment, and therefore the feeling of pleasure that the patient experiences is fleeting, and the mood fluctuates very much.

The skin vector, the properties of which are focused on achieving benefits-benefits and the rational use of any resources, instead of purposeful actions, manifests itself in the manic phase by accelerating thought and speech, flickering. A person grasps a lot of things and immediately drops them.

The anal vector reveals its lack of aggression, criticism, verbal and physical sadism. Due to the severe state of the sound vector, “voices”, delusional ideas and other psychotic manifestations may appear.

It is important to note that the urethral vector also exhibits behavior that can be interpreted as mania or hypomania. Psychiatrists diagnose by symptoms, without distinguishing the patient's vector, that is, the reasons for his behavior. There are much fewer carriers of the urethral vector, therefore, in practice, the described symptoms are most often found in visual people.

Phase change in bipolar disorder. "I can not go on!"

And now, at the peak of his "power", a person has a sudden attack of aggression towards himself and towards other people. The sound vector of a person again makes itself felt. Depression returns because the patient does not have a full realization of the sound vector.

Sound desires have nothing to do with material desires. The main need of a sound person is the cognition of one's I, the root causes of all that exists. The problem is that often these desires are not realized by a person, and in the presence of psychotraumas, the patient is so immersed in himself that he does not even have a chance to find a way out of depression without a systemic awareness of himself, the peculiarities of his psyche.

Mood Disorders Picture
Mood Disorders Picture

Therefore, no matter how long the remission or the period of mania, the person suffering from bipolar affective disorder again falls to the black bottom of depression - where there is not just a bad mood, but only a readiness for suicide, powerlessness and a feeling of isolation from life. A person finds himself sitting among a dozen of started and unfinished business, promises made, which are not possible to fulfill. When this is repeated over and over again, the patient loses hope and only one thought remains in his head: "Everything has no meaning, I don't, there is only a swing up and down, I will never have another life." He does not live a normal life. It should be noted that there are remissions of varying duration and quality, but the very disease of bipolar affective disorder deprives a person of happiness in life, and indeed life as such!

The phases can have different durations and the nature of their change. When there are no "bright" gaps, no remissions, when there is only this disease, life becomes unbearable. It is difficult for others to communicate with such people, patients are becoming more isolated from society. Often, even close people turn away from them, because during the manifestation of the disease, patients do not behave with relatives in the best way, they try to offend a loved one, injure him. The relationship between them is upset.

How to stop these mood swings, how to get rid of bipolar disorder? Read further in this article.

Course options for bipolar disorder

The depressive and manic mood phases reflected in this article in bipolar disorder are not so severe in everyone, and not everyone has all the symptoms described. Only a fraction of these may be observed - this is determined by the type of bipolar disorder. In severe cases, these are psychiatric patients and the disabled. Another diagnosis is made - recurrent depressive disorder, when there are depressive phases, but there are no manic ones, but there is a cyclical nature.

Many people experience the phases of bipolar disorder less severely. These are people who do not have severe traumas of sound and visual vectors from childhood, and, for example, have been in a state of chronic stress for a long time and do not realize the properties of their vectors.

Depression does not always follow mania, there may be depressive phases with hypomanic phases, mixed phases, atypical or non-expanded mood disorders. But the depressive phase is always longer, causes more damage, is hard for a person, disrupts his family, social life, and he has a high risk of suicide during or after depression. Many people do not go to psychiatrists and live with bipolar disorder, not knowing what is happening to them, not knowing what to do and where to look for help.

They are in a very serious condition and are determined to do anything that would make their life easier. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains what is happening to them and how to get rid of bipolar disorder forever. There is also a diagnosis of cyclothymia, dysthymia (when there are no periods of high mood). Cyclothymia and dysthymia are typical for people with anal and sound vectors, and, in fact, it is a prolonged depression.

Sometimes psychiatrists diagnose bipolar affective disorder in a patient without a sound vector, when he has pronounced mood disorders according to the visual type and the person is thrown from anguish to exaltation and back. The causes of these conditions are completely different from those of depression. In fact, we systematically understand that this is a different diagnosis, which does not apply to bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder symptoms picture
Bipolar disorder symptoms picture

Causes of bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, and other mood disorders

Many sound-visual people experience periodic depression and periodic mood rises, but more often still depressive mood. The reason for these phenomena and the patterns of development are the same as described above. It's just that the severity is different. The diagnosis is made for those with more pronounced disorders, but the essence of these conditions is the same. Either way, mood disorders, even if they do not reach the level of bipolar disorder, interfere with life, interfere with productive activities and cause suffering for people. They may also develop cravings for alcohol, drugs, gambling, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, severe and rapid mood swings, depersonalization-derealization syndrome, and other neurotic symptoms. We found that the phases in bipolar disorder arise from a kind of ratchet:exaltation of mood in the visual vector and then a dull dip into the depressive pit in the sound vector, or vice versa. And the lower vectors - cutaneous and / or anal - bring their colors to the manifestations of these phases. Thanks to the knowledge of system-vector psychology, we see that the symptoms that occur during any phase of bipolar disorder become logical, predictable and scientifically explainable.

In a person with bipolar disorder, the sound vector is in an unfulfilled state. For any carrier of the sound vector, it is dominant, and it is necessary to start first of all with the sound vector. An unrealized sound vector, accumulating its own deficiencies, can begin to suppress the desires of all other vectors. Then it turns out that a person cannot realize his other vectors, which means that problems also begin in them, and there is no mood, as well as the ability to implement them. This is clearly visible in people with bipolar disorder and cyclothymia. An unrealized sound vector prevents the visual vector from behaving normally, both skin and anal.

In addition, there are also diagnoses such as dysthymia and recurrent depressive disorder, which are also classified by psychiatrists as mood disorders. Their difference is that with them there are no manic phases or episodes of elevated mood, but only periods of depression or constant depression. With dysthymia and recurrent depressive disorder, there will be no such pronounced manifestations of the mood of the visual vector that would lead to mania or hypomania, but there will be depression, the cause of which is the same unrealized sound vector. And in the same way, the sound vector can suppress the desires of the other vectors.

So how to get rid of these misfortunes, how to start living without mood swings, without these painful depressions, meaninglessness and exhausting phases? How to start living in a normal mood?

Treatments for bipolar disorder and mood disorders

We have found out that the root cause is the sound vector in the unrealized state. This means that he does not receive the fulfillment of his psychic desires. The sound vector is the only one that has no material desires. Therefore, a depressed person does not want anything, there are no interests, nothing from this world brings pleasure: the sound vector suppresses other vectors so that the person satisfies the main thing. But a person does not know his psyche.

He is focused on himself, his inner states. And you need to focus on others, on their psyche. The main, often unconscious desire of the sound man is to know himself. Answer the questions: “Who am I? Why was I born? What is my purpose, what is the meaning of life? What is the idea? Not finding answers to these questions, a person experiences a pathological drop in mood, severe suffering in the sound vector - depression - and can commit suicide.

You can only know yourself by being different from others, for this you need to know these differences and be able to find them in other people. For many, this sounds strange, because we do not know how to see the meanings in others, many sound specialists are concentrated exclusively on themselves. You can learn how the psyche works, shift the focus of attention from oneself to another person at the training System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Studying all 8 vectors, realizing the psyche, revealing the unconscious, hidden, focusing on other people, a person with a sound vector knows himself, gets an answer to his inner questions, finds his place in life. The realized sound vector is the key to getting rid of bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Classes on the sound vector at the training System-vector psychology become a revelation for any sound engineer. Knowing yourself, knowing the psychic is a delight for the sound soul, and this is what happens in the training at each lecture and instantly improves the internal state and mood.

Bipolar disorder treatment picture
Bipolar disorder treatment picture

Only after filling the sound desire for cognition of your Self, you can begin to solve other problems that arise with bipolar disorder. Awareness of how the psyche works helps in solving them, as it reveals the real reasons. It becomes clear how to proceed. Moreover, the ability to act so that symptoms do not occur again appears.

A person with a visual vector has the highest emotional amplitude of mood, the greatest sensuality, is capable of empathy, empathy and love. Suppressed by an unrealized sound vector in bipolar affective disorder, he cannot realize himself, therefore his manifestations result in excessive emotionality, demonstrativeness, hysteria, drawing attention to himself at any cost, up to nudity and other inappropriate actions. Added to this are the symptoms of the cutaneous and anal vectors. When the visual vector is not realized, it will require feelings, emotions and attention to itself, as if absorbing them, needing the mood of others, feeding them to its visual vector. Because for the visual vector, emotions are necessary like air.

And a person himself, no matter how hard he tries, can do nothing about it. It is impossible to order the unconscious. But in reality, armed with the knowledge of system-vector psychology, realize your sound vector. Then there will be an opportunity to realize the rest of the desires, which, in contrast to the sound vector, are material.

It is important for the visual person to learn to create healthy emotional bonds with others based on trust and love, without expecting anything in return. To worry not for yourself, but for the other person, for his suffering and share them with him. This is the realization of the visual vector, from this the visual person experiences great pleasure, and his mood is evened out.

Together with the self-awareness that occurs during the training, this is the key to getting rid of the manic phases of bipolar disorder, as well as from anxiety, phobias, panic attacks and any fears. And again, a shift in the focus of attention from oneself to another, from oneself: “love me, look at me” - to compassion for other people plays a role here. You will learn everything about the visual vector and other vectors at the training System-vector psychology.

The lower vectors - anal and cutaneous - also come into balance during the training as a result of understanding their psychological characteristics. The training also deals with children's psycho-traumatic situations of visual and sound vectors that affect the course of bipolar disorder and other mood disorders. Training System-vector psychology carries a psychoanalytic effect - this is confirmed by massive results.

By realizing his sound and visual vectors and balancing the anal and cutaneous vectors, a person gets rid of bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, dysthymia, recurrent depressive disorder and other mood and depression disorders that can occur in people with such a set of vectors.

Start your study of vector systems psychology by reading the articles in the portal's library.

And most importantly - come to Yuri Burlan's free online training to learn more and understand the issues that bother you.

You can live happily and in the morning you can open your eyes in a joyful mood, looking forward to a new day, and not want to close them forever!