Self-flagellation. The Bloody Secrets Of Medieval Exorcism

Self-flagellation. The Bloody Secrets Of Medieval Exorcism
Self-flagellation. The Bloody Secrets Of Medieval Exorcism

Self-flagellation. The bloody secrets of medieval exorcism

Corporal punishment has been around for thousands of years. Only no one has ever thought about how they affect the fate of a person. The most common method of corporal punishment was a rod or stick.

Corporal punishment has been around for thousands of years. Only no one has ever thought about how they affect the fate of a person. The most common method of corporal punishment was a rod or stick. Gradually, with the development of mankind and the emergence of religion and culture, more sophisticated methods of execution and accompanying instruments began to appear - a rod, then a whip and a whip. It all depends on where, when, by whom and for whom they were used. In paganism, the rod was used to "encourage" slaves to work, but there is no mention of self-flagellation.

One of the curious historical evidences found in the first written sources of the ancient period is the tradition of voluntary flogging, widespread among Spartan youths who participated in annual competitions, where the most enduring won, that is, the one who received the largest number of blows, resignedly enduring pain. This is the first mention of flogging, which was arranged as a sign of cult worship in front of Diana's altar, when boys were flogged with special cruelty.

Later, on the example of the scourging of Spartan youths, societies and sects of flagellants and whiplants began to form. Of no small importance was the fact that these sects, in fact, belonged to the category of "abstaining" and practiced rituals and customs of "mortification of the flesh." With the emergence and spread of Christianity, the idea of self-flagellation was elevated to the fore and was actively promoted by the Catholic Church.


Self-torture as one of the components of asceticism is characteristic of all religions, but Christianity assigns it a special role. It is clothed in the exalted spiritual words "unshakable service to God," where in fact the flesh is subjected to the most severe physical abuse.

Self-torture is directly related to flagellation - the method of physical sadomasochism - one of the most common influences that have taken place in monasteries over the centuries, including the early twentieth century. It is always practiced by the owner of the skin vector in the presence of one or two upper vectors - visual and / or sound. The purpose of the algolagnia will depend on such a bundle.

ALGOLAGNIA (literally "thirst for pain") - intensification of sexual experiences through pain. The term is sometimes used to denote both sadism and masochism (Oxford Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology. Edited by A. Reber).

In addition to scourging, in early Christianity self-torture was expressed in the wearing of a sackcloth by monks, religious people, ascetics from the upper classes in order to "bridle the rebellious flesh, thus resisting sin and promoting the development of spiritual aspirations." Later, the flagellants spread self-flagellation throughout western Europe, preaching it as "a special kind of pleasure and indescribable bliss."

Intimidated skin-visual people became members of flagellant communities and various congregations - monastic associations that did not have the status of orders. Under the strong psychic influence of skin-sound leaders, easily manipulating visual prejudices and fears, believers, through wearing iron chains and heavy repentance for sins with self-flagellation, hoped to appease higher powers and avert the punishment sent from heaven, for example, the plague that raged in medieval Europe.


Coarse clothing made of goat or camel hair, which was worn directly on the body, severely constrained movement and rubbed the skin mercilessly. In the 16th century, such a test seemed insufficient, and the traditional hair shirt was replaced by thin wire with thorns facing the body. Any movement gave even greater suffering (read: pleasure) to the one who wore it. Today, the practice of “exhausting the body” continues to exist in some closed religious orders, sects, informal communities and subcultures, but it does not lead to spirituality, as in the old days, contrary to the mistaken expectations of its participants.

During and after the sexual revolution, body torture called "subspace" became widespread in love games, brothels, and dominatrix offices.

So what is self-torture really? Mortification of the flesh or addiction to pleasure? For people with a skin vector, it is definitely painful dependence.


Self-torture, according to historians, became so popular among pilgrims, monks and nobility that “everywhere one could see people with whips, rods, belts and brooms (brooms made of twigs) in their hands, who diligently lashed themselves with these tools, hoping to achieve the favor of divine power. The skin-sound clergy encouraged and even compelled Christians to do such things. As you know, sound people are not too interested in their own body, it is rather a burden to them. The skin-sound priest by nature has a low libido and does not strive for carnal pleasures, he easily accepts celibacy and remains faithful to him until the end of his life.

An entirely different matter is anal-sound and anal-visual, that is, those who have chosen to serve the Lord for themselves contrary to their true nature. The undifferentiated double libido of such ministers of the church and the imposition of celibacy sooner or later (and still leads) to international scandals on the basis of a surge of homosexuality among theologians themselves, church parishioners of both sexes and priests. The temptation became too strong, it was almost impossible not to be tempted by thoughts that were contrary to the vow made to God, if the holy father had to listen every day to repentant women of different ages, confessing their already committed sins. Among the young sinners there is always one or the other, whom it is not at all difficult to persuade to enter into "holy communion."

Anal-sound-visual ones will not engage in self-torture, without a skin vector, people will not get pleasure from self-flagellation, but how much anal pleasure from watching the beating of guilty fellows, commoners, and even more nobility with rods or whips. The clergy invented various degrees of publicity of punishment, ranging from one-on-one execution, in the presence of monastic brothers, for example, or on the square with all honest people. In addition, the parts of the body to be flogged were prescribed: above the waist and below.

Here it is necessary to divide the types of people who practiced flagellation - scourging, in which sexual arousal occurs and further sexual pleasure.

In the process of flagellation, two people are involved, let's call them the "executioner" and "victim".

"Executioner", as a rule, a person with sadistic inclinations, beatings expressing his attitude towards the victim. In literary sources describing the situation of orphans in orphanages or monasteries, authors often cite facts of torture of children by educators and teachers. They began with verbal sadism, usually humiliating a new or rebellious girl in the presence of the whole class, thereby making her an outcast. The visual child usually could not stand such isolation and died.


The spectator, like no one else, needs an emotional connection, at least with a toy, which he was deprived of due to the strict rules of an orphanage or a monastery school. Any contact between the girls was strictly monitored by educators or nuns, not allowing them to build friendships that allowed them to support each other. Only love for God, from which the visual child did not receive any emotional warmth, fear of him and prayer were the main requirements for living in shelters. If a child tried to restore justice or resist the "teacher's onslaught", then he was punished with a cut with rods.

The execution was carried out by abbeses or nuns, who were distinguished by particular cruelty, if it was a monastery. The educators in city or private shelters were people, as a rule, single people, subject to the strictest prohibition on having extramarital affairs on the side. The very process of whipping gave them special pleasure, leading to a balanced state of the biochemistry of the brain through receiving their endorphins of happiness and pleasure.

Flagellation of children, to which not only ordinary mortals, but even princes of the blood were subjected, in some cases led to completely unexpected results. For many, the punishment with rods or lashes was a pleasure, and they not only willingly lay down on the flogging bench, but also deliberately committed offenses in order to be punished. In the best boarding houses in London, where aristocrats were brought up, punishment for any offense was calmly practiced. Some girls "after the first blows with the rods … experienced a strange feeling, and what was supposed to serve as punishment generated in their minds such heavenly thoughts that they experienced terrible pleasure."

Thus, instead of an educational effect, rods became an attribute of sexual pleasure, acting through a thin, receptive skin, changing a lot in the mentalities of girls, developing sadomasochistic desires. Later, when the girls grew up, these skills did not disappear anywhere, but were only consolidated. Not getting satisfaction from family sex life, skin-visual women, beaten in childhood, looked for any ways to satisfy their masochism.


Today this problem is presented no less acutely. Beating children with a skin vector for offense or theft increases the risk that a boy will become a loser and a loser, and a girl, if not a prostitute, then a woman with masochistic inclinations. On the Runet, there are many sites with content that encourage flagellation. None of the participants who voluntarily engage in such practices do not think about breaking their own destiny, changing their life scenario for the worse, bringing to the surface pathological animal instincts, which humanity has been striving to resist for at least the last 6000 years, trying to curb the primary urges and manifestations cultural restrictions.
