How To Become A Self-confident Woman: Learn, Together With System-vector Psychology, How To Be Self-confident

How To Become A Self-confident Woman: Learn, Together With System-vector Psychology, How To Be Self-confident
How To Become A Self-confident Woman: Learn, Together With System-vector Psychology, How To Be Self-confident

How to become a confident woman and change your life forever?

Looking through the articles on how to become a self-confident girl, you have probably already read such tips: they say, the ideal appearance will help, and you also need to copy the gestures, posture, demeanor of women who are confident in themselves. But that doesn't help, does it?

Uncertainty and constraint do not allow you to live a full and vibrant life, and therefore, more than anything in the world, you want to free yourself from this annoying lack. Do you want to know how to become a confident woman and conquer this world?

  • For example, to get rid of complexes and stiffness forever, fear of doing something wrong, revealing the best qualities in yourself? To be confident in yourself without being tormented by doubts?
  • Feel free in any situation, become the soul of the company and the favorite of your environment?
  • To become self-confident at work and do things that you never dreamed of because of fear?
  • Be calm, relaxed and feminine in the company of men, become interesting and attractive for them? Find the exact way how to become a confident woman and enjoy the attention of the stronger sex?

So this article is for you

It’s not easy to be confident when you’re unable to cope with the stress. You feel your potential, intelligence, talents, femininity and maybe a good sense of humor, but you absolutely cannot take advantage of all this - at the most inopportune moments your mind and body become treacherously numb, and you cannot squeeze out anything reasonable from yourself. "Uh-uh … Well, uh …", - you mutter, blushing and smiling stupidly, at the most crucial moment at work or during an exam, or during a feast, when you need to say a toast. Instead of thoughts in my head - tension, panic and frightening emptiness.

How to become more self-confident, even if your own body refuses to obey? During the dance, you absolutely cannot relax. The body is constrained and tense, the movements are absurd, you are tormented by the unpleasant feeling that everyone is looking at you. Conscious attitudes do not help to relax - after all, the real answer to the question of how to become a self-confident woman is hidden in our psyche.

And the men? The more you like him, the more you worry when you meet, the further you stay from him. In order not to be disgraced. You know yourself! But you should not despair - an effective way to become more self-confident is - the main thing is to understand the reasons for what is happening.

Why is this happening to you?

Looking through the articles on how to become a self-confident girl, you have probably already read such tips: they say, the ideal appearance will help, and you also need to copy the gestures, posture, demeanor of women who are confident in themselves. But that doesn't help, does it?

Even if someone could follow these tips for a long time, it will never help a person to become confident, because he does not work with the cause of this problem - fear and the resulting stupor. Any hindrance in how to be self-confident is hidden in psychology.

The reason is revealed by Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, according to which the psyche of any person consists of sets of innate desires and mental properties - vectors. Their combinations and states define certain ways of thinking and behavior scenarios. Through awareness of one's own psychology, the question of how to be confident in oneself becomes resolvable.

How to become a confident woman
How to become a confident woman

Nobody will become someone else by copying demeanor, hairstyle and style. It always looks faked and tense. But everyone can become their ideal self by getting rid of bad conditions with the help of systemic psychoanalysis.

Self-doubt and the property of falling into a stupor with any excitement indicates that you have two vectors - visual and anal.

The visual vector gives its bearer a huge emotional amplitude. Not knowing how this emotional storehouse can be realized in a constructive way, we become hostages of our emotions in the worst sense of the word. Fear and anxiety take over our minds. Hardly anyone will be able to become confident with such an emotional background. When this happens to a girl, rational ways to be confident just don't work.

Perfectionism, the desire to always be the best and to do everything right, the fear of making mistakes and the fear of condemnation are properties of the anal vector. Everything new is also a kind of stress for such a person. And in a stressful situation, he experiences a stupor. It is clear that it is also impossible to be sure when such a mental “paralysis” occurs with a girl.

Combining with each other, the properties of the anal and visual vectors, not in their best condition, make you vulnerable, touchy and completely insecure. But this is not a verdict at all: how to become self-confident - knows the training of Yuri Burlan.

How to become confident in yourself? Change state

By studying yourself and others during the training in systemic vector psychology, you will feel how awareness changes your life:

  • • You will understand who you are, what you need and how to realize yourself in order to be happy, questions about how to learn to be confident in yourself will give way to a calm, balanced state.
  • Internal tension and fear will disappear by themselves. You will feel a completely different taste of life.
  • You will forget how to take offense and take everything to heart.
  • Complexes and anchors will be a thing of the past. You will be quite pleased with yourself, and everyone else will love it.
  • You will stop judging and afraid of other people - each person will be understandable and predictable for you. Relationships with everyone around you will change for the better.
  • The attention of men will become more than enough.
  • And yes, you will start to enjoy the dance!

The results of those who have completed the training indicate that this is possible:

To the question of how to become self-confident, Yuri Burlan's training has already given answers to thousands of people. Yes, you yourself can be convinced of this by listening to free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. From the very first lectures, any of your questions on how to learn to be self-confident will find accurate answers. Register!
