Love after the registry office: mathematics of family psychology in exact formulas
Admit it, have you ever been really close to your spouse? Did you understand why he does what he does? What does he need, what does he want and what to expect from him?
When all the advice, books and countless secrets of French, Japanese and Tibetan sages come to an end, everyone is left alone with their own problem …
Family psychology: loneliness together
The musicians played, the magnificent wedding bouquets faded, the handfuls of rice that were thrown into the sky by the guests at the wedding have long since flown from your shoulders … Now you have a family! You are husband and wife!
And now, it seems, not so much time has passed, but everything has changed so much … You often feel lonely and for some reason often speak in a raised voice with your soul mate. You are angry - how can your partner not understand such simple and understandable things for you? Moments of joy and happiness are increasingly being replaced by irritation and intolerance towards each other.
Sometimes it seems that you are completely distant …

What to say … Admit it, have you ever been really close with your spouse? Did you understand why he does what he does? What does he need, what does he want and what to expect from him?
Do you know the one with whom you connected your life?
Is classical family psychology and the fortune teller Glasha the same thing?
Yes, yes, and don't be surprised.
Divorce statistics confirm that family psychology cannot help people build happy relationships, often wandering in constructions that are no different from the constructions of a fortuneteller on Tarot cards.
The most worthy family psychologists shrug their shoulders: even when both want to understand each other, the result of joint therapy between spouses is unpredictable.
What is this most family happiness?
For sex?
On a shared budget?
On children?
Tell me exactly! My life depends on it!
When all the advice, books and countless secrets of French, Japanese and Tibetan sages come to an end, everyone is left alone with their own problem.
The exact formulas of the latest family psychology
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives a definition of all types of the human psyche, allowing not only to consciously choose a partner for oneself, but also to understand exactly how to build a relationship with him.
The characteristics given to a person from birth and in system-vector psychology, called "vector", mathematically accurately determine ALL possible life scenarios of an individual person, relationships between people in a couple and even in society.
Perhaps now you looked at the screen with disbelief, and the thought flashed through your head: "Yes, this cannot be, they will not tell me anything new, another theory …" The skepticism is understandable and justified.
However, numerous testimonies of people who have undergone training indicate that system-vector psychology is making a breakthrough in understanding the human psyche. And it provides us with new, until that moment seemed fantastic, opportunities.

How it works
You go on a date with your boyfriend and notice a strange feature of his behavior - an obsession with cleanliness. No, this is not about perfectly cleaned shoes - it only paints the man. Be careful: you are walking next to an offended anal man.
So far, he only starts talking about good and bad, about the importance of adherence to principles, friendship, loyalty and honor. But as soon as you get closer and he ceases to be shy, you will certainly learn that “the government is lousy, dishonest, a country of idiots, some grimy people live, there is no way for normal people, and life is not the same, and the world is not the same, and around - one cattle."
For you, these phrases of his should outweigh all his diligence, perseverance, thorough approach to business and reliability. If you enter into a relationship with him, be prepared for a flood of complaints about how and what you do. And under a number of conditions, the same person is capable of full-fledged everyday sadism and violence.
Or you are dating a wealthy man in a restaurant. The most accurate association that you have about him is a maneuverable tank, an armored train in business. A profitable lot? Yes. That's just an emotional connection, which means that you will never have love, sensuality in a relationship with him. Pay attention: just as unnecessary sentiments do not prevent him from “walking over the heads of competitors” without pity and hesitation, there will be no unnecessary sentiments when paired with you - maximum mutual attraction. Why? Because he does not have a visual vector, which means that he does not have the ability to love in the same sublime understanding.
But when you are already married, you notice that your innocently affectionate husband has warm feelings for his colleague, whom, "except me, no one will help." And you already know that such an emotionally connected relationship in an anal-visual man can easily spill over into a sexual one, with subsequent tossing between two families. What is causing this and what should you do? It is necessary to restore your emotional connection with him, remember how long you have not talked heart to heart and why this is so. (If the same happens to a woman, by the way, you shouldn't worry - an anal-visual woman can fall in love with other men, but she will never commit adultery.)
Examples are endless.
System Vector Psychology teaches you:
- avoiding lifelong mistakes;
- immediately understand what awaits you in a relationship with this person;
- choose a partner that's right for you;
- preserve and enhance your family happiness.
Everyone's personal happiness is in his hands.
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