Hyperactive Kids - Hopes For Modern Speeds

Hyperactive Kids - Hopes For Modern Speeds
Hyperactive Kids - Hopes For Modern Speeds

Hyperactive kids - hopes for modern speeds

What is a hyperactive child like? What is special and common in these children? Why does he behave this way, and what really happens when we start treating him with sedatives?

What is a hyperactive child like? What is special and common in these children? Why does he behave this way, and what really happens when we start treating him with sedatives?

He absolutely cannot concentrate, does not bring anything to the end, constantly runs somewhere, jumps, twitches, climbs, or at least twists his fingers or turns his head.

It is very difficult to calm him down, it is especially difficult to put him to sleep, he is able to almost aimlessly rush until he is completely exhausted and exhausted. Even in his sleep, he is restless, spinning and waking up.

It is impossible to explain to him the rules of conduct in public places, at a party or in transport. He is so super-nimble always and everywhere.


A hyperactive child usually has academic problems. This happens for several reasons. Firstly, attention deficit: he is not able to concentrate on a subject for more than two minutes, he always switches to something else, gets distracted. Secondly, this behavior forms a negative attitude of teachers or educators towards the hyperactive restless person.

Without that, the precarious situation is complicated by rejection of any rules, a complete lack of authority, even in the person of parents, and often an aggressive reaction to any restriction or punishment. Child's uncontrollability becomes a reason for consulting a child psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist. But the psychology of a hyperactive child is not clear even to them, which often leads to very sad consequences.

In the West, the "simple" solution to all the difficulties that arise with such a child is the use of medication, or, more simply, drugs that suppress the activity of the psyche. This dangerous trend is also observed in Russia today.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan offers a fundamentally different view of the problem. Systemic vector psychology reveals the true causes and nature of hyperactivity and allows us to see the destructive effect of the use of drugs that suppress brain activity in this case.


Some of the most mobile and active children are children with skin vectors.

A child with a skin vector is a born hunter, a quick and dexterous hunter, with an intensive metabolism and high activity. The dermal baby enjoys constant movement, change of environment, novelty factor. He is spurred on by a constant desire to be number one, one step ahead of others, to be sure to win any, even invented by him, competitions.


Possessing logical thinking from the standpoint of benefit-benefit, a small leatherman without proper motivation may decide that studying is not profitable, and therefore not worth his time and effort.

Instantly adapting to changing environmental conditions, having high flexibility and quick reaction, such a child can do several things at the same time, but it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing and bring it to the end.

The main directions in the upbringing of children with a skin vector is a discipline with adequate restrictions and their logical explanation and a correctly built system of incentives. The dermal child can enjoy the excess energy in the sports section, hiking or cycling.

Anyone, including a skin baby, can develop their properties only under conditions of moderate pressure from the landscape, when they need to learn to adapt their qualities to the requirements of the modern world.

From the guys with the skin vector, the best athletes, military personnel, organizing leaders, businessmen, rationalizing engineers, lawmakers grow, but this is in the case of optimal conditions for development and implementation.


Another risk group for sedative treatment is children with a urethral vector. Uncontrollable, but born to lead, not recognizing any laws and regulations, but possessing an innate sense of mercy and justice.

The task of the urethral man is the task of the leader. He leads the pack into the future, and she is provided with his hot blood, endurance, non-standard strategic thinking and overflowing physical and mental energy.

Subconsciously sensing his highest rank, the urethral child does not perceive any instructions directed from top to bottom, for him there are no authorities or imposed rules of behavior, and any punishment causes only reciprocal aggression.

The principles of upbringing, which make it possible to develop and realize the innate qualities of a little leader, are respect for his rank, turning slightly from the bottom up, as if on advice, instilling in him a sense of responsibility for others - "if not you, then who?"


Developed urethral children find their realization in the future as outstanding creative people, air pilots, conquerors of the seas, travelers and discoverers, heads of the most successful companies and even states.

The undeveloped also find their pack, only in a criminal environment, or they become lone wolves who, constantly trying to confirm their rank, seek an unjustified risk to their lives and quickly leave.


Any incorrect intervention in the psyche at such a crucial stage as development, which is generally possible only until the end of puberty (12-15 years), is fraught with a crippled fate or at least insufficient development of the innate properties of the child and, as a consequence, lack of full-fledged realization in adult life.

What happens when the congenital hyperactivity of these children is treated with sedatives? Their innate properties do not develop. In fact, we are killing the psychic of our own child, suppressing the desire to move, grow, develop, adapt to the world around us.

For dermal children, a potential Olympic champion or ballerina remains lovers of morning exercises and dancing. The innate tendency to save remains at the level of domestic misery instead of realizing itself at the level of saving human resources as the creation of scientific technologies.

The urethral is even worse. Not letting such children run, rush headlong forward, and not seeing any restrictions, we deprive society of this furious, bubbling driving force, and in a sense, deprive it of its future.


In the last two decades, there has been an increased attention to the problem of hyperactivity in children. What is the reason for this?

The fact is that, whether we admit it or not, the latest generations of children are significantly ahead of us in terms of development, both intellectually and psychologically. They "become adults" much earlier - they practically independently learn to read, write, ask completely childish questions to which parents simply do not know the answers, quickly and easily master the computer and the Internet.


Observations of system-vector psychology in this matter indicate that the significantly higher temperament of modern children relative to previous generations, on the one hand, speaks of a huge potential for personality development, and on the other hand, it requires considerable efforts from the person himself to realize it in the future. … To raise either a big clever or a big degenerate is the choice of today's parents.

In the case of hyperactivity, the main thing that every parent must understand is that true pathologies are rare. In most cases, the problem is fixable through the correct impact on the innate mental abilities of the child, which, in the right direction, can be deployed in the most positive possible direction.

The skin child will eventually become a disciplined, law-abiding architect, logistician, and businessman.

And the urethral will conquer new heights and do the best that it can do for society, state, people.

The fact that they are not like us does not mean that they are sick and need to be treated. What is really needed is to understand their vector properties and develop in the right direction.

Learn more at the introductory free lectures.
