Women's Depression - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Revealed In Psychology

Women's Depression - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Revealed In Psychology
Women's Depression - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Revealed In Psychology

Women's depression: how to deal with the disease of the century for the fair sex

Each of us has different reasons for depression: one lady will be worried about losing her position, and the other will be depressed from loneliness. One changes partners like gloves, with ease, the other cannot survive a break with a loved one. Why is that?

The rhythms and speed of modern life pose a difficult task for a woman. On the one hand, today most of the fair sex, on an equal basis with men, realize themselves in the profession, actively participating in the life of society. On the other hand, a woman continues to be a wife and mother, and it also takes a lot of time and effort to complete this task. Not everyone is able to cope with such a load without harming themselves, and at the age of 30, female depression is no longer a rarity today. How to deal with it, how to maintain the health of the body and good spirits?

Women's depression: the causes and symptoms are different, but the diagnosis is the same?

Life presents a variety of situations. Therefore, on women's forums, there are a wide variety of requests. Someone is interested in how to deal with postpartum depression, someone is looking for an answer to why a man is cheating, or looking for treatment for female depression after a divorce. And sometimes a woman's depression can have very serious reasons: for example, a wife is trying to get out of a difficult state after her husband's death.

We will definitely talk about all this in our article. But first, it's worth noting that even in a completely identical situation, each of us reacts to stress in our own way. In one case, female depression is accompanied by symptoms such as headache, sleep disturbances, and suicidal thoughts. In another, a woman experiences multiple fears and even panic attacks.

For women’s depression, the reasons are also different for each of us: one lady will be worried about losing her position, while the other will have depression from loneliness. One changes partners like gloves, with ease, the other cannot survive a break with a loved one. Why is that?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that every person is born with a certain set of vectors (characteristics and properties of the psyche), each of which sets us its own values, desires, aspirations. It is from the innate properties of your psyche that the situation in which you experience maximum stress depends.

Genuine, deep female depression with a loss of meaning in life and suicidal thoughts is experienced only by women who are naturally endowed with a sound vector. Oddly enough, it is incredibly difficult for others to understand what is the general reason for this state.

female depression
female depression

Women's depression for no apparent reason

Perhaps she has everything a woman can dream of: a loving husband, a great job, healthy children. And nevertheless, you constantly observe in the owner of the sound vector all the signs of chronic female depression with the most severe symptoms: headaches, sleep disturbances, suicidal aspirations.

Even medication does not help. And how to get a woman out of this state, how to deal with this misfortune, it is not clear: no matter how much you tell this woman how good her life is - for her it is an empty phrase. What else does she want?

The fact is that a woman experiences depression with such severe symptoms for reasons very far from the material world. She really may not care at all if she has children, a husband and a job. In especially severe conditions, she may not even care how she looks, what and when she last ate.

Its natural aspiration is to cognize metaphysical questions, to cognize a person himself. “What is the purpose of human existence on Earth? Where did we all come from and where are we going? - to find answers to these questions for the owner of the sound vector is vital.

Chronic female depression with symptoms of sleep disorders and suicidal thoughts is formed gradually, when for a long time the owner of the sound vector does not realize her desire for knowledge. This depression can be called a female one with a big stretch: neither gender nor age plays a role for sound depression. It doesn't matter if a woman has this condition at the age of 30 or at 60, the questions of cognition are always primary for her.

Nevertheless, even such a woman's depression is by no means a hopeless diagnosis. It is real to remove such difficult conditions when a person does not want to live. Proof of this is the many reviews left by the listeners of the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan:

The concentration of the sound woman on the structure of the human psyche gives her the answer to every deep inner question. Thus, she fills and realizes her striving for knowledge.

Women's depression with anxiety, fears and panic attacks

If real, deep female depression is experienced only by the owners of the sound vector - then what about the rest?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the owners of the other seven vectors have bad states directly related to the objective causes of the real world. In the modern world, they are also often called female depression, since they do not determine the exact causes of problems in each vector.

For example, emotional connections with people are very important for sensual owners of the visual vector. When such ties are broken, for example, after the death of a loved one, after a divorce or a break in pair relations, the owner of the visual vector experiences especially severe psycho-emotional states.

Female depression, the symptoms of which are expressed in increased anxiety, multiple fears or panic attacks, is the result of insufficient realization of properties or severe stress in the visual vector. The fact is that spectators are naturally endowed with a large emotional amplitude, a range: from fear to unconditional love for the world and people.

At a short distance, focusing on the troubles and problems of other people will help the spectator to get out of fear and panic. Surely you yourself have noticed that it is worth switching from your troubles to empathizing with your friend, as it becomes easier for you.

However, complete elimination of female depression, accompanied by such symptoms, requires a deep psychological study of various psychotraumas that fix the visual woman in a state of fear. Getting rid of anxiety, fears and panic attacks is absolutely real:

Female depression in other vectors

Each vector may have its own shortcomings, which on women's forums are often called women's depression.

For example, the owner of the anal vector, by nature the best wife and mother, may well experience serious stress in case of family problems. After all, for her this is the most significant area of life. In addition, this slow, meticulous and attentive to detail woman can get stressed if she is rushed and rushed at work. And especially if the work itself requires such properties that it simply does not have by nature - quick decision-making, switchability, the ability to do several things at the same time.

If this woman is experiencing so-called female depression, then her symptoms can manifest as stubbornness, resentment. If such a person feels that he has not been given honor and respect, or, for example, has been betrayed by someone close to him, a deep resentment arises that seriously spoils life. At the physiological level, in women with the anal vector, female depression can manifest itself with symptoms such as disturbances in the functioning of the heart, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

But the mobile, active and dexterous owners of the skin vector for the so-called female depression have completely different reasons. The skin woman is striving for benefit and benefit, property and social superiority. Financial loss, lack of career advancement at work can become a serious stress for her. Also, a constant source of stress can be the need to do work that the skinny does not like (routine, sedentary).

Stresses in the owners of the skin vector can somatically manifest themselves in tics, various skin rashes, and problems with the spine.

Postpartum female depression also has its own symptoms and characteristics in each of the vectors.

For example, in a dermal woman, depression on maternity leave may be associated with a restriction in activity and movement, a routine. Spectators often complain of anxiety and fears, lack of maternal instinct in relation to the child. The sound person can hardly stand the cry of a nursing baby, she can be depressed by the need to deal only with "mundane", household chores.

At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you will be able to deeply understand the causes of each negative state and get rid of it forever.

female causes depression
female causes depression

Women's depression on a personal basis: at 30 - no man. And it won't?

Whatever one may say, but for the majority of the fair sex to this day to take place as a woman, wife and mother is much more important than to achieve heights in social realization. Therefore, women's depression, the reasons for which are in the disorder of personal life, is by no means uncommon. How to deal with it, with such depression, and most importantly - how to improve your personal life?

According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, in this case we are not talking about depression, but about a completely natural female need to receive protection, safety and security from a man. This feminine desire is due to nature itself, and there is absolutely no need to fight with it.

But to figure out why your personal life is not going well is really worth it. The fact is that in the modern world we often focus on external attractiveness in order to attract a partner. Of course, a woman should be well-groomed, well dressed, use her own unique perfume scent that suits her.

However, there are enough well-groomed beauties among us who remain alone for years. Why? Because in addition to the smell of your perfume, the potential chosen one unconsciously catches the smell of pheromones in your body. How attractive this smell is to a man depends on your inner psychological state.

It is quite possible to acquire the psychological state to attract the right partner and build personal happiness. This is confirmed by the massive results of the trainees of Yuri Burlan's training in systemic vector psychology.

The Many Faces of Women's Depression - One Solution

Regardless of your set of vectors, at the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you will be able to realize the deep psychological causes of your most difficult conditions and get rid of them forever. Do you want to learn how to gain psychological health, get out of depression yourself, or get someone close to you out of it?

Amazing discoveries and improvements await you already at the free introductory online classes on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
