Fortune Telling And Predictions

Fortune Telling And Predictions
Fortune Telling And Predictions

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Fortune telling and predictions

An uncomplicated song about a person's desire to find out what awaits him in the future, despite its naivety, unequivocally indicates the most serious factor, without which the existence of the whole variety of esoteric practices of prediction would be impossible.

What can I say, what can I say, people are arranged like this:

They want to know, they want to know, they want to know what will happen …

An uncomplicated song about a person's desire to find out what awaits him in the future, despite its naivety, unequivocally indicates the most serious factor, without which the existence of the whole variety of esoteric practices of prediction would be impossible.

This factor is DEMAND! This is the very case when it is demand that creates supply, and nothing else.

Let's speculate. Why are any fortune-telling and predictions needed at all? What question does a person ask the seers, with what desire does he come? In a joyful anticipation of future happiness, in impatience to find out what pleasures a wonderful future holds for him? To some extent, this may be so. But that timid hope for the best is much more fraught with fear, fear of the unknown! After all, we do not just want to find out what awaits us, and then, in joy and tranquility, wait for the onset of the long-awaited moment, no!

The main thing we want is to deceive the grief that awaits us, learn about it in advance and do everything possible to avoid it.

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divination 1 color

System-vector psychology knows everything about fear, as it is, and about people who are more acutely capable of experiencing it than others. Fear is the essence of the visual vector.

As we now know, people with a visual vector are capable of experiencing the most vivid emotional states in the entire widest spectrum from two extreme states: love and fear. The natural root of the state of fear is the fear of death, fear in its absolute meaning. In addition to its wide emotional amplitude, the visual vector is also easily suggestible, more than all others, susceptible to hypnotic influences and susceptible to induction. It is visual people, in whose emotional background there is a greater proportion of fear, who become consumers of all kinds of fortune-telling, predictions and horoscopes.

And only the need of visual people to calm anxiety and concern for themselves and their loved ones gives rise to the entire huge industry of assorted astrologers, fortune tellers, healers, clairvoyants and other experts on human souls.

“Ten tambourines with the king - I see fun, oblivion of the past and a change in life. The king promises a new acquaintance and a possible groom … "Rise of emotions, joy:" Hurray! Wait! " “But beware! Nine peaks promise deception and a threat … "And then a sharp drop, fear:" I won't go on a date, you never know, it seemed to me not in vain, for sure, something was wrong with him!.."

In a primitive way, this business is built on such an impact on the most intimate emotions. “Oh, saved! Thank God!”, And then the next card will be selected, and everything will be repeated over and over again. Professionals in their field are able to keep their victim on the hook of fear and illusion of danger for a long time, which, with their help, miraculously passed.

Every year, thousands of people around the world announce their supposedly supernatural abilities. System-vector psychology knows for certain who they are. Sound or sound-visual people with well-developed lower vectors stable in the landscape. Of course, they have a high intellect that allows them to accurately see their clients, subtly feel their emotional background and masterly play on the fears with which they come to them …

Swindlers and charlatans! Among these there are only a negligible fraction of crazy sound specialists who really believe in the existence of all those mysterious incomprehensible entities, working with which is their craft.

And of course, you need to be literally paralyzed by fears to believe even for a moment that someone is truly admitted to the otherworldly higher knowledge! A person without upper intellectual vectors will simply grin and pass by, a highly developed spectator who has emerged from states of fear will smash all attempts to impose on him any unthinkable inventions with exquisite irony. All that is offered is just more or less plausibly tailored tinsel to please those who readily grab the bait of knowledge so attractive in its mysteriousness!

Don't be fooled! Today we are given the opportunity to cognize ourselves, to systematically see the place and role of man in this world, to feel and comprehend eight measures of reality. Systems thinking makes it possible to see things as they are, and not as someone wants us to make them think.

You can take advantage of this opportunity, don't miss it!
