Marshal of Victory - Georgy Zhukov
Any great personality is always shrouded in an aura of legends, falsifications, rumors and lies, beneficial to those who are struggling to belittle their role in the history of the state. This fate did not escape the four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the USSR Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.
“There are no absolute heroes, no absolutely courageous military leaders.
If you portray the hero in such a way that human weaknesses are alien to him, it will be a clear fake …"
(G. K. Zhukov).
Any great personality is always shrouded in an aura of legends, falsifications, rumors and lies, beneficial to those who are struggling to belittle their role in the history of the state. This fate did not escape the four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the USSR Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

Today, the new science of system-vector psychology, accurately determining the motivation of any person's behavior through the properties of natural vectors, makes it possible to clear his name from slander and dirt, used as a weapon in a psychological war against the inhabitants of a huge country with "broadcasting and writing dolls" equipped with a fictional historical information and facts from the submission of Western propaganda centers and special services.
I see columns of dead grandchildren
Coffin on a gun carriage, horses croup.
The wind here does not bring me sounds
Russian military crying pipes.
This is what the disgraced poet Joseph Brodsky wrote in emigration to the death of the disgraced Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Why was the poet so impressed by the death of the marshal that he dedicated one of his best poems to him? Maybe the saved Leningrad, where Joseph Brodsky was from, maybe solidarity for the disfavor in which they both found themselves. However, these two names are known to the world, and both of them are associated with Russia.
The "hunt" began back in 1939, when Commander Zhukov was sent to fight to help friendly Mongolia. Then he only managed to escape the fate of many of his comrades and marshals, who perished in Stalin's dungeons, in a way pleasing to him.
Perhaps the olfactory Stalin, by his natural caution, sniffed for a long time at the new, unfamiliar commander, allowing him to argue with himself and holding Zhukov like an ace in his sleeve so that he could ever take him out. Stalin was not mistaken, forgiving the unrestrained and imperious Georgy Konstantinovich for harsh judgments about him. Most likely, Stalin was the only one who, with his bestial instinct, guessed the urethral power and military ingenuity in Zhukov, he was not afraid of him, but preferred to have it at hand in order to know whom to rely on, feeling the inevitability of the coming war.
Zhukov felt his strength and ability to wage war
In the summer of 1941, not one of the five marshals of the Soviet Union - Voroshilov, Budyonny, Timoshenko, Shaposhnikov, Kulik - was able to think in a modern, creative and extraordinary way in a new war. The tragedy of the first months of the Great Patriotic War was that the middle and high command personnel of the Red Army were completely unprepared for the new pace of offensives, methods of defense and the onslaught of enemy motorized divisions. It was a new, never before seen method of warfare.
The times of the urethral bateks - the knights of St. George, who became heroes of the Civil War with bald sabers and Mauser in a lacquered wooden holster, who knew how to think outside the box, unpredictably, unconventionally - are a thing of the past. They were replaced by disciplined skin officers, former graduates of Soviet military schools, trained to follow orders from above. But they were not free decision-making tacticians. They did not see the battlefield in front of them and could not calculate the scenario of the future battle, predict the enemy's behavior in the same way as the semi-literate urethral non-commissioned officers who received "their universities" on the fields of the First World War, who became independent commanders and military leaders during the revolution and civilian society, boldly opposing Trotsky, ignoring the orders of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, ardently defending his innocence and his own style of fighting,always thinking "behind the flags", for the scale of military maps.
And against this background, Georgy Zhukov, the hero of Khalkhin-Gol, became for Stalin on the eve of the expected offensive of the Nazis the last straw. The Red Army was well armed and mechanized, even if not with ultra-modern military equipment. But what was the use of this equipment, if they did not know how to use it, did not know how to correctly distribute human resources, not make thoughtless attacks in which the muscle army and the commanders themselves were in vain.

There is no fault of Zhukov, attributed to him today by everyone who is not too lazy to throw a stone in the direction of the marshal and the country he defended. All critics stubbornly forget that the war was not fought in white gloves, and sometimes a strong male word meant much more than a simple order, and even more so a request. If these commanders lost their soldiers, it means that they were poorly trained, not taking into account modern methods of fighting, it means that they themselves had little interest in their profession.
In the Great Patriotic War, many urethralists took part - both men and women. Wars and revolutions are their element, here is where the natural talent of the urethral with his irrepressible energy and special attitude can be developed: "My life is nothing, the life of a pack is everything." They became heroes - pilots, tankmen, scouts, members of the Resistance movement and partisan detachments … Zhukov was one of them, who knew how to see three-dimensional, spatial, large-scale, uniting everything together.
A poor peasant family and living in people from the age of 12 did not allow Georgy Konstantinovich to receive a special classical military education. But this did not prevent him from becoming a great commander, because urethral thinking "for the flags", special anal memory, the ability to subject everything to thoughtful analysis, skin discipline and organization, muscular endurance contributed to the fact that starting his way from an ordinary soldier called to the front in World War I, he reached the post of Minister of Defense of the USSR.
Zhukov was appointed chief of the General Staff five months before the start of the war, which he had to start with the commanders who were available, demanding wise decisions from him, ruthlessly punishing him for mistakes. Contemporaries note that Zhukov, often visiting different sectors of the front, had a good command of the situation and knew how to choose the most effective, in terms of the final result, method of conducting combat operations.
The will and personal qualities of the urethral commander allow you to put pressure on any subordinate. Zhukov could achieve unconditional obedience to his will. Sometimes his gaze was enough for the order to be carried out. But there were executions, and those sentenced to a military tribunal: the time was harsh, and no concession to deserters or would-be officers could take place in the warring army.
Attestation given by K. K. Rokossovsky, who had G. K. Zhukov as a brigade commander:
Strong will. Resolute. He has a rich initiative and skillfully applies it in practice. Disciplined. Demanding and persistent in his demands. By nature, a little dry and not sensitive enough. Has a significant degree of stubbornness. Painfully proud … He loves military affairs and is constantly improving … Authoritative … He paid due attention to the issues of saving weapons and horse personnel, having achieved positive results … He cannot be assigned to staff and teaching work - he organically hates it.
The main meeting between the urethral and the olfactory took place after Zhukov's successful victory at Khalkhin Gol. There is a lot of evidence of how the future marshal did not speak very respectfully with the future generalissimo. Stalin's incompetent remarks concerning military operations could not but irritate the Chief of the General Staff. Submission is not part of the quality of the urethral, and it was not easy for Zhukov to control himself. Many memoirists accuse Georgy Konstantinovich of rudeness and intemperance. The urethral person, which was the future Marshal of the Soviet Union, perceives any remark in his address as a sign of a decrease in rank, causing him to have a natural, unrestricted reaction of the natural leader - an outburst of anger.
The ability to anticipate the development of a situation has always been a strong quality of Zhukov. He is not limited to the offices of the General Staff, but often travels to the front line in order to feel and understand the situation on the spot. This was his adamant rule, for which the staff generals, after the war, tried to reproach him that, they say, it was not the commander-in-chief of this business, risking his life, to crawl along the front line. To which the marshal snapped: "But I was crawling!" During the war, Zhukov remained unharmed, although he always walked along the edge of the abyss, and the popular rumor whispered that he was kept by a special prayer and the name of George the Victorious.

Zhukov never knew how to play behind-the-scenes political games, to understand cabinet intrigues, to build up his clans, on which, if anything, he could rely on. This was not Zhukov's weak side, as generals close to power and some modern historians believed. The urethral will not engage in tricks and intrigues - this is not his prerogative. The urethral gets everything by right of natural primacy. Skinners are capable of undercover fuss, aiming at more profitable and safe places, as a rule, near the state feeding trough, imagining themselves to be leaders, trying to imitate them.
From the first days of the war, Zhukov's place of action was the battlefield, his entourage was soldiers and officers. The commander-in-chief left the headquarters to be closer to his muscular army. The leader, as Zhukov was by nature, did not have to grovel on the sidelines of power, like many of his former colleagues, in order to get the next rank or award. Zhukov was encouraged for his victories, his talent as a military strategist, and demoted for intransigence, stubbornness and self-righteousness.
Awards,ts and famous portraits of Georgy Konstantinovich, which today reproach him for his narrow thinking, forgetting about his services to the Fatherland, are nothing more than symbols and a degree of difference in ranking.
Yes, urethral people with natural pleasure accept signs of admiration, including titles, awards and regalia, but they are not greedy for the wealth that belongs to the pack, and therefore the people. They are not skinners, for whom the position in the hierarchy is confirmed by the clink of coins in the wallet or their number in the bank account, the gold trim of latrines and the length of the yachts.
And, of course, the main and indispensable condition for the leader is his muse, the skin-visual woman - a friend or wife. One of Zhukov's daughters told the romantic story of Georgy Konstantinovich's acquaintance either with a teacher or with priest Alexandra Zuikova, whom the future commander protected from the Red Army men who were pursuing her. The story, frankly speaking, is biblical and very typical, one might say, a textbook for the urethral and the skin-visual girl. The relationship of this couple lasted more than 30 years, but was accompanied by numerous exits of Zhukov and complaints from Zuikova to all party instances with a request to influence the "moral behavior of her husband and return to the family."

In Soviet times, the party and the trade union shamelessly interfered with the private lives of their citizens, especially if they held high positions. Women do not need to try to tie to the hem and keep the urethral man near them, as Alexandra Zuikova did, using the most incredible methods. The urethral expands not only in spatial terms, breaking out, to freedom from a limited space - a room or a family. His ties with women are also an expansion aimed at the transfer of ejaculate, and therefore a quantitative increase in the flock.
There are memories of another daughter of Zhukov, Margarita, born from a relationship with Maria Nikolaevna Volokhova, a sister of mercy, with whom Georgy Konstantinovich was really ready to connect his life, but was refused. Maria Nikolaevna considered marriage a relic of the past, besides, according to the law, until 1944, registration of marriages in the registry offices was not required. Soon after the birth of her daughter, Volokhova left.

Raised by Georgy Konstantinovich together with Zuikova, who was in poor health, the daughters Era and Ella, according to Margarita, are adopted children. This may very well be true. Firstly, skin-visual women always have problems with conceiving and having children, and secondly, there are no other people's children for the urethral, "for him all children are ours."
Zhukov, not without the help of Zuikova, zealously skinny, with his "benefit-benefit" relating to her husband, often received reprimands at party meetings "for promiscuity in relations with women." Their relationship completely went wrong in 1941, when Zhukov had his own PW - a field-field wife, as women were vulgarly called - military friends of military leaders.
A skin-visual woman, military assistant Lidia Zakharova was assigned by Stalin to the marshal, later becoming his front-line wife. Zhukov, like any man, dreamed of a son. Both pregnancies of Lydia Zakharova ended in failure. Now it is difficult to determine what caused them: the natural impossibility of bearing and giving birth to a child or the intrigues of Lavrenty Beria. Zhukov, according to historians, had his own scores with Beria, but they do not agree on why. One of the versions is offered by the film "Zhukov". If we analyze from the point of view of system-vector psychology the intervention of Lavrenty Pavlovich in the private relations of Zhukov and Zakharova, then one cannot fail to see in this a deep natural meaning and naturalness in the hostility of the olfactory Beria to the skin-visual Zakharova.

It cannot be ruled out that the intuition of the olfactory person suggested to him the victim state of Zakharova, "capable of leading the leader in the wrong place." Beria, following his ancient behavioral instinct, tried in every possible way to limit Zakharova's influence on the leader, that is, on Zhukov, seeing in their relationship some kind of danger for himself and for the pack. And this is logical: Beria, like no one else, ruled out the possibility of an impending nuclear war, and maybe a change of power. In both cases, Zhukov could be useful to him. To a certain extent, the premonition did not disappoint him, because it was Zhukov, on the orders of Khrushchev, who arrested Lavrenty Beria.
Naturally, Zhukov's success haunted not only Stalin, but also all subsequent general secretaries, making him in their eyes an object of serious state danger. Behind such a person as Georgy Konstantinovich stood not only fame and popularity - behind him was the army: that muscle mass, that same warrior and plowman in one person, personifying the beginning and completion, birth and death, objectively called the people. There was no person more popular in the country than Zhukov. The army idolized him, the people idolized him, they loved him, they envied him, they feared him.
The unpredictable olfactory Stalin now brings Zhukov closer, then removes it further. He appoints Georgy Konstantinovich instead of himself to accept the Parade on May 9, 1945, for which he receives the title of Marshal of Victory, then sends him to defeated Germany, where Zhukov becomes one of the most popular and famous military leaders in Europe, receives various international organizations on behalf of the state and the second Victory Parade …
It is not excluded that Stalin remembered all the cases of outbreaks addressed to him and later nevertheless recouped on Zhukov, sending him first to the insignificant Odessa military district, and then to the Urals. It is unlikely that he remained loyal to the "presumptuous" Marshal of Victory, but he did not take more drastic measures, despite denunciations and slanderings from Zhukov's colleagues, probably because the whole world was under the threat of World War III, and Zhukov could come in handy again … The situation repeated itself and was similar to the pre-war one: Zhukov was again kept in reserve at a certain distance, away from the Kremlin.
In Odessa, Zhukov had his "dangerous tour" called "liquidation", and here the most important thing for the marshal was not to stumble, moving along the blade of the knife, which the Stalinist government forced him to walk along. However, the natural instinct of the urethral Zhukov, adamant in war, suggested to him the correct ways of behaving in a peaceful life.
The elimination of crime in the southern city with Operation Masquerade, as shown in the film, did not and could not be for a number of reasons. But to capture for posterity the legend of their beloved marshal, without coming up with an excellent artistic intrigue, Odessa citizens had no right - then they would not be Odessa citizens: every famous person in Odessa simply “had to” leave his mark on the city folk epic.
One way or another, the fight against banditry in Odessa had good prerequisites - the war of criminality covered the post-war Soviet society. It was a natural fact. The German tactics of "scorched earth" were preceded by the actions of Soviet citizens, when, during the retreat, factories and plants were blown up, and "all the hay and straw stacks, food products, etc. had to be burned. All stoves in homes must be destroyed with hand grenades to make them unusable. " There is a complete post-war devastation.

The peak of criminal criminal escalation falls on 1946-1947. and is naturally associated with demobilization from the Red Army. Returning home, many soldiers and their skin commanders, whose cities and villages were burned and destroyed, and their families died, did not see their adaptation to the peaceful field and went to criminal structures.
It's hard to say if it would have helped in 1945-1947. the experience of Trotsky 25 years ago, who successfully solved this problem at the end of the Civil War, having occupied the male population in the labor army. Most likely not already. Over a quarter of a century, and especially over the last three wars that the USSR waged since 1938, the mental state of Soviet people has grown significantly. The leatherworkers who received the skills and experience of war, who could easily handle weapons, were attracted to the gangs of musclemen, who, by the will of fate, ended up in cities. The muscular military mass always trusts its skin commanders and is ready to go with them even in the offensive, even in the gang.
Approximately as it is shown in Govorukhin's film "The meeting place cannot be changed", despite the fact that real "Black cats" began to appear throughout the country, in imitation of the capital, only in the early 50s, as, in fact, the same, Moscow, which was created by a former front-line soldier.
Later, already in the 80-90s, after the withdrawal of troops from Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, abandoned to their fate without housing, psychological and labor adaptation, Soviet soldiers and officers again faced a choice: how to live. The answer is obvious.
Having put things in order in Odessa, Zhukov went - it is clear that not on his own - to the Urals. In Sverdlovsk, the disgraced marshal will spend five long years before being in demand in the Kremlin again.
It was here that Georgy Konstantinovich met the skin-visual Galina Semenova, who later became his wife, his last muse and the mother of his fourth daughter.

In the Urals, Zhukov closely communicates with the author of the "Malachite Box" Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. In 1950, the marshal grieved the death of the storyteller.
In 1953, Zhukov was recalled to Moscow, where he took Galina. After Stalin's death, Zhukov, having received a new appointment, begins to deal with the affairs of illegally repressed officers and generals from his entourage, meeting with them, helping with housing and work. Georgy Konstantinovich, unwillingly, finds himself in the center of internal political squabbles.
After the arrest of Lavrentiy Beria and the victory of Khrushchev, Zhukov inadvertently throws a dangerous phrase: "Not a single tank will move without my order." The dropped statement will soon be used against himself.
In the meantime, while in the post of Minister of Defense, the marshal begins reform in the army, seeks to shorten the service life, improve the living and living conditions of the command staff, and restore cash payments for military awards canceled by Stalin. These payments will be increased several times while Zhukov remains in the post of defense minister, challenging Khrushchev's unreasonable military reform. Two years later, Zhukov will again become objectionable to the new government.
Having compiled a backstage conspiracy against Zhukov in 22 days, Khrushchev famously dealt with those to whom he owed his position and the post of general secretary. For the oral person there is no concept of honor; by nature, the oral person is ready to spread rumors about anyone who is pointed out to him. Nikita Sergeevich himself would never have thought of starting to see Zhukov as a political rival, a contender for the position of the first person in the state. The oral is always controlled by his fellow olfactory. Who drove Khrushchev against Zhukov remains to be seen. The verbal mind of the oralist marks without a miss, hitting the very point of his chosen target. It was possible to deceive and defame Zhukov in a short time, here the wife of Georgy Konstantinovich Zuikov added fuel to the fire with her slander.
Zhukov was accused of a disdainful attitude towards political workers in the army, but, frankly speaking, he did not even complain of them: “We got used to chatting for forty years. Lost their scent like old cats. " A similar dislike for political commissars was experienced by the urethral Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, who met Furmanov with hostility. At the same place, the urethral Nestor Ivanovich Makhno, who refused to accept the commissar into his army, "stumbled". Three identical examples of three urethral chiefs with the same denouement.
Russian history remembers another urethralist - Peter I, who, having come to power, hastened to carry out church reform and, in the manner of Western monarchs, to weaken its influence and control over the state, and therefore over itself. The urethral will never allow a person to be placed above him who will tell him what to do.
Of course, the properties of urethral leaders are complementary to anal and sound values, but only as long as both do not become a threat to the integrity of the pack or the musculocutaneous army.
For the Minister of Defense of the USSR Zhukov, who had been abroad a lot and observed the high physical and combat training of soldiers and fit, slender commanders of the middle and high echelons, it was absolutely clear that political studies would not save from the expected Third World War if the muscle army and its commanders did not have a good military shape and modern skills.
Georgy Konstantinovich was accused of abuse of rights. To some extent, one cannot but agree that Zhukov sinned with this and was adamant in a number of decisions, but from the point of view of his specific role, this is natural, because there is no one above the urethral leader - the pinnacle of the natural hierarchy.
Having played the giveaway, Nikita Sergeevich and the skin-sound ideologist of the party Mikhail Andreevich Suslov, not without whose participation was collected dirt on the "ideologically unreliable" Marshal of Victory, and later on Khrushchev himself, incriminated Zhukov with "Bonapartism" - the desire to become the first person of the state, "Apostasy from party norms", "conspiracy" and "propaganda of the cult of Zhukov in the Army", deliberately confusing the cult with popularity, distorting, and even outright slandering, inventing many non-existent facts.

M. A. Suslov, speaking at the plenum with a revelatory report, with the approval of Khrushchev and the Politburo, accused Georgy Konstantinovich of the secret creation of a special forces school, thereby ringing the whole world out information constituting a state secret in the defense of the Soviet Union.
Oral Soviet leader, without knowing it, repeated the mistakes of chatty Hitler and turned out to be a rare "find for a spy." Khrushchev himself turned out to be an invaluable informant, scolding Zhukov at the plenum for the establishment of a new spetsnaz military unit, in which “the devil only knows what saboteurs, what sabotage they will do”, thereby providing rich information for thought to all intelligence services of the world. Indeed, if the oralist is in power, then for the sake of a catchphrase he will not regret either the Fatherland or the Motherland.
Removed from all posts and deprived of work, Georgy Konstantinovich spends all his time at the dacha with his new family. The twice disgraced Marshal writes memoirs, which are subject to the strictest censorship. Their first edition will see the light of day in the late 60s, when Nikita Khrushchev, a pensioner of Soviet significance, will also begin to slander his own memories on tape.
During the Brezhnev era, the symbol of Victory will sparkle with new colors. The image of Georgy Zhukov will become mandatory in every Soviet film about the war, reminding the younger generations of the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers who defeated fascism, liberated Europe from it under the leadership of the urethral marshal of Victory Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.
Marshal! The greedy summer will devour
These words and yours.
Still, accept them - a pitiful contribution
He who saved his homeland, speaking aloud.
(Joseph Brodsky)
Proofreader Anna Sorokina