Film "T-34". War is not a game or an adventure
The film "T-34" is positioned as a military adventure thriller and does not claim to be historical. However, a similar story was previously shown in the 1964 Soviet film "The Skylark". The director and scriptwriter Alexei Sidorov, whom we know from the films "Brigade" and "Fight with the Shadow", set the task "to tell the history of the war in such a way as to captivate young people and not cause contradictions among those who still keep the Great Patriotic War in their memory." Did the director, actors and crew manage to cope with such an important and difficult task?
The premiere of the film "T-34" in Russia took place on January 1, 2019. The director and scriptwriter Alexei Sidorov, whom we know from the films "Brigade" and "Shadow Boxing", set the task "to tell the history of the war in such a way as to captivate young people and not cause contradictions among those who still keep the Great Patriotic War in their memory." Did the director, actors and crew manage to cope with such an important and difficult task?
Film plot: legend or reality?
The film "T-34" is positioned as a military adventure thriller and does not claim to be historical. However, a similar story was previously shown in the 1964 Soviet film "The Skylark". The film "Lark" is based on the legend of the "escaped tank", recreated from scraps of oral evidence. The absence of direct witnesses and historical documents is quite understandable: all participants and witnesses of the events at the secret training ground were destroyed, the archives, most likely, too …
But is it always necessary to have accurate evidence, documented, if you know the peculiarities of the mentality of an entire nation, which is capable of mass heroism? The ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of future generations is in the blood of every Russian person. And this was confirmed daily during the war years - at the front and in the rear.
Reliable knowledge about the mass manifestation of heroism by Russian people during the Great Patriotic War allows us to assert without a doubt - it was! Our heroes are capable of hijacking not only a tank, but also a plane from a concentration camp! So, on February 8, 1945, a group of ten Soviet prisoners of war, led by fighter pilot M. P. Devyatayev, escaped on a captured German bomber plane from a German concentration camp at the Peenemünde training ground.
Here is a small excerpt from the training "System-vector psychology", where Yuri Burlan reveals the true meaning and meaning of the historical facts of our heroic past:
Game instead of history
Why, having such a rich historical material, did the filmmakers not want to use it? "Cleared of the propaganda and ideological component", the blockbuster "T-34" tells the audience not about the Great Holy People's War and its real heroes. We see on the screen just a "war game" adapted for teenagers, the computer characters of which seem to have several lives.
The picture is based on the Hollywood model - clichés follow one another. In the film, we see not the horrors of war, a brutal confrontation and a real feat, but spectacular spectacular battles. The heroes are more like “Marvel's Avengers”, but not like Russian soldiers.
The slow motion footage of the projectile flight sends us back to the Matrix. The plot is presented as a duel between two superheroes - a Russian and a German, but not as a war of the entire Russian people against fascism.
Instead of real people, we see cardboard puppets from the comic strip, devoid of personal history, doubts and complex feelings. The love line of the main characters looks ridiculous because the feelings of the characters are not revealed. The events of the film can take place anywhere, even in Star Wars. But the authors of the film chose the "scenery" of the Great Patriotic War for their game. Why? Because the theme of the Great Victory is incredibly in demand in the Russian world today, there is a powerful, not yet fully realized, people's craving for consolidation, and due to this the film “made the box office”.
Bad good movie
It should be noted that the audience as a whole greeted the film very favorably, noting the importance of preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War, the modernity and entertainment of the film. Powerful advertising, coupled with the New Year holidays, has become an important component of the film's box office success.
Professional criticism is another matter: this “candy” was immediately seen through and it turned out that behind the attractive wrapper of the film there was a dummy … The schematism of the plot, insufficient elaboration of the characters of the characters, abuse of the effect of slowing down time, protractedness (the film “T-34” lasts 139 minutes) - mistakes marked by professionals, you can continue to list.
But many mistakes would have been forgiven to the film if there was still a soul in it. But there is nothing dramatic or emotional in the film. On the contrary, through the gambling adventurous battles, stupid enemies, the demonstrative fearlessness and the incredible ease of victory shines through … the romanticization of war.

Dangerous fake
It is in the romanticization of war that the greatest danger of this film lies - primarily for the younger generation.
The plot of the film "T-34" refers us to Soviet films about the war, in the best of which the opponents were not specific Germans, but the war itself. Military classics were filmed by people who passed the real front. Therefore, in Soviet films, the war appeared as a large-scale tragedy that united millions of souls together. The viewer was shown how the holy faith in victory, the desire for peace and the memory of it helped a person to preserve the human in himself.
But the people who filmed the T-34 have different skills and ideas about war - combat experience in a computer quest. Therefore, in the newest domestic "film war" there is no author's point of view, here one cannot find a deep understanding of the global catastrophe that World War II became for our people.
Thus, the film "T-34" in form is a film about the Great Patriotic War and the heroism of the Russian people, but in fact it is not. Unfortunately, as audiences' reviews of the film show, even the older generation brought up on military classics cannot always "feel the difference." What can we say about the younger generation, which can easily take the "dangerous counterfeit" at face value.
To distinguish the empty video sequence of the "game of tanks" from the real film about the most monstrous war in the history of mankind, you need a deep understanding of the current situation in the country and the world and the processes taking place in society.
Patriotic education is still trying to maintain its position in schools, but with each reform it is weakening more and more and obviously loses to the glossy advertising of the consumer society. Our thoughts and desires are more and more absorbed by "cookies", we are imbued with the propaganda of values alien to our mentality, we lose touch with roots, history and, ultimately, with the Motherland, we cease to feel pride in our country and appreciate the feat of our grandfathers.
This realization comes at the training "System-vector psychology". We understand even deeper what this war was for the entire Russian people, what qualities of the Russian mentality it revealed, what is now happening to us in a consumer society.
To understand and feel what a real and not a toy war is, you need to watch the film "Come and See". Watching this film is almost impossible, but necessary: it is a painful but very effective vaccination against a repetition of this most terrible experience of humanity.
What kind of movie do we need today?
At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan examines in detail both global processes taking place in the modern world and the state of Russian society today.
The tragedy of the collapse of the USSR deprived us of a system consonant with our collectivist and communal mentality, ideology and community. A single organism called the "Russian people" disintegrated into separate individuals, forced to live according to the new rules of a consumer society, trying to survive alone, each on its own. We continue to reap the bitter "fruits" of this tragedy until now in the form of ugly social psychopathologies - manifestations of mutual hostility, theft and deception, nepotism and corruption.
Moreover, the situation in the world today is tense to the limit. To resist both hostile external pressures and internal problems, it takes social cohesion. Since today in Russia there is officially no single ideology, an association based on our common history - the memory of the Great Patriotic War and the Victory of our people over fascism - can help to consolidate society.
Therefore, every year on May 9, we walk through the streets of cities in the Immortal Regiment, carrying portraits of our grandfathers and grandmothers who won the Great Victory. And it is no coincidence that the initiative to hold this procession in many cities of Russia and abroad came not from the authorities, but from the people themselves. Therefore, we are reviewing Soviet films about that war and are waiting with bated breath for new films that we will watch together with our children and grandchildren.
And there are such films! Thus, the film "28 Panfilov's men" was filmed on the initiative of the people and was recognized as the best modern film about the war. An episode of the heroic defense of Moscow not far from the Dubosekovo junction shows the audience the heroes of the beginning of the war, whose strength lies in unity. In the film, we see how individual people unite in their main and only desire - to save the Motherland at all costs! And this desire to defend the Motherland and defend Moscow turns Soviet soldiers into an invincible community capable of crushing the vastly superior enemy forces!

I look forward to the release of a new popular project - the film "Ilyinsky Frontier" about the feat of Podolsk cadets in October 1941 - Russian boys, at the cost of their lives, holding back a well-trained and equipped enemy army advancing on Moscow. I will definitely tell you about this film too!
Our history requires careful storage. Our society today is waiting for unity and consolidation. This is the condition for our happy future. Come to the training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, and you will easily learn to distinguish the real from the fake, true values from shiny tinsel. Modern knowledge about the mental as an individual and society allows you to better understand the world and make the most correct decisions. And of course, you will easily and accurately choose which films are worth watching with your children and which are not.