How to start dating on the Internet. Reasons, rules and other subtleties
For the first acquaintance on the Internet, after the greeting, it is enough to ask the person any question in the first message. And then concentrate as much as possible on his answers …
To start something new, unknown for some of us always causes anxiety, embarrassment and even inner protest. And even more so such a delicate topic, how to start dating on the Internet.
At first glance, virtual communication is not difficult: you can sit anywhere, even in your pajamas, or without. Don't waste time and money on "shine wrappers". No, well, the avatar, of course, can be attractive. But we know that appearance is sometimes so deceiving. Therefore, the main thing is what a person has in his soul. And how to begin to understand this if only one of the five senses participates in online acquaintance - vision?..
Online dating - some choose, others choose
Online dating is often written from a consumer point of view. As if the Internet dating network is a fair, and people are a product: "A well-formed profile is the key to success!" Here are some similar tips on how to "adjust" your profile before starting dating on the Internet:
- The photo should show you your best side. (This is akin to women's makeup and is quite justified, unless, of course, overdo it.)
- It is necessary to write a list of character traits. (Well, yes, many are straight from their resumes and copy: smart, caring, non-conflicting. Not a hoax yet, but not yet true - it would be necessary to check.)
- Don't complain about feeling alone - people don't like whiners. (Except for scammers. On the one hand, there really are incorrigible whiners. On the other hand, if you constantly try to be or seem positive and entertain the interlocutor, how to understand if he is capable of empathy when you really are not in a very good mood, or is he only concerned with himself?..)
In short, if a person suddenly fills out his profile according to all the rules, a logical question may arise: so why are you here if you are so cool? Alone. About the first acquaintance on the Internet, you can directly say - "So two loneliness met."

Internet dating as a sign of species evolution
Some cite successful dating stories on the Internet - real life examples. Others categorically do not believe in these innovations and adhere to traditions. That's just for this we need dance floors, as before: eyes to eyes, heart to heart, light touches, the heady smell of attraction pheromones … He threw his jacket over her shoulders and went to see off his chosen one. But where to dance today? Unfortunately, modern clubs are not about that at all.
One way or another, it’s time to admit that in modern conditions social networks are a real two-dimensional reality - a word + a picture. Therefore, either we begin to master communication in it, or we change back to "carts with horses."
In fact, starting an online acquaintance is essentially not much different from a real meeting. The same people, only express themselves not in verbal words, but in written ones. However, there are some peculiarities.
Our subconscious mind can choose a pair unmistakably - by the smell of pheromones. This is such a complex process that we are not able to consciously manage it. This means that if a woman smells of fear, for example, a sadist will most likely approach her. And if a person is generally in deep depression, then everyone will shy away from him without words or simply not notice.
The Internet does not allow you to start acquaintance at the “animal level” - to “sniff” properly. But there is an opportunity to accurately and accurately understand the states and even thoughts of the interlocutor by his text messages using the knowledge of System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. Then the dialogue will take a completely different turn, and the rules of communication can be created by ourselves.
How to start dating on the Internet - "… read and understand …"
A person is born with a set of certain mental properties. When properly developed and successfully implemented in society, he is happy, communication with him is pleasant. If a person lacks something and he has no idea how to get what he wants (or get rid of the unwanted), his life begins to take on completely different shades - sadness, indifference, laziness, envy, rancor, depression, hatred.
Each of these states has its own special "keywords" with which we express ourselves - both orally and in writing. And whatever we say - everything is only about yourself. Therefore, the first acquaintance on the Internet is to decipher these "keywords".
For instance:
- A person with a skin psyche (vector) writes shortly, with an abbreviation. He is often laconic about himself, but tries to find out more about the interlocutor. Sometimes one may get the impression that he seems to be fussing, constantly jumping from topic to topic. Any conversations on the topic of money often indicate a lack of money in your interlocutor. By the way, scammers, whose victims from time to time gullible girls, are often just such guys.
- The interlocutor with the anal vector is completely opposite to the cutaneous one. Can describe a lot and in detail, in detail, to describe something from the past, for example. Likes to give advice, analyze, act in the role of "critic-judging", is often erudite. But with a not very successful life scenario, this is nothing more than a touchy critic. Constantly dissatisfied with something, finding fault with every little thing, a very obstinate arguer. In special cases, if his messages contain sharp negative criticism of sexual minorities or, God forbid, “toilet vocabulary” is a danger signal: an immediate “ban”.
- This is someone with whom it can be really interesting, mentally, fun - this is a person with a visual vector. He writes emotionally and about everything he sees. The lexicon is full of words in excellent form. A lot of emoticons, "animals" and other all kinds of symbols with which he expresses his superemotionality - for him this is the norm. Can listen to you carefully, show sympathy, empathy - naturally, in a relatively developed and realized state. Otherwise - constant tantrums, fears and manipulations so that you give him all your attention.
- With the owner of the sound vector, you can plunge into endless reflections on the meaning of life, especially at his favorite night time - when his most powerful abstract intelligence begins to activate.

So - readiness number one
For the first acquaintance on the Internet, after the greeting, it is enough to ask the person any question in the first message. And then concentrate as much as possible on his answers. With systemic knowledge, you will be able to understand a person better from the first phrases than he knows himself. With the beginning of their practical application, unfounded fears, mistrust, false modesty will go away. Internal self-confidence will appear.
Naturally, you should not neglect basic security measures:
- No transfer of personal data about your financial condition.
- Study the page on social networks: who is he friends with, what and how he comments, what he shares, etc.
Undoubtedly, in online correspondence you can create the strongest emotional connection and strong friendships. Online communication for many helps to melt the ice at the initial stage and create a very trusting relationship, after which a real meeting is like the final most beautiful puzzle to an already finished picture of an emerging relationship.
Do you want to learn to understand a person from the first words? Join the free online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.