Depression. The path from endless emptiness to the realization of meaning
You are alone all the time. Even when someone is near, even when you have a couple, you are left alone … Thoughts are spinning in your head endlessly, and you are silent and distantly observe what your partner will do now. And you don't get a hair closer to him. You remain strangers to each other who hide behind a screen of conventions and generally accepted rules of behavior …
Empty … so empty inside that it seems a little more, and there will be no strength left to participate in this life. No strength to answer calls, wake up in the morning … Why? Does this change anything? Why does no one but me notice this emptiness? Why do others willingly participate in this puppet theater, where every action is known in advance? So tired of the meaningless existence. It is stupid to eat, sleep, go to work … What's the point?
All people live and enjoy life, but you alone suffer and do not find peace for yourself. All people set goals for themselves and rejoice at their successes, and you alone, reaching the goal, say: “So what? What's next? After all, this is not enough! Even reaching the goal, you realize that you have not become one iota happier.
And most importantly, you are alone all the time. Even when someone is nearby, even when you have a couple, you are left alone … Thoughts are spinning in your head endlessly, and you are silent and distantly observe what your partner will do now. And you don't get a hair closer to him. You remain strangers to each other who hide behind a screen of conventions and generally accepted rules of behavior.
You don't understand what you are missing. Nothing pleases. All around there are idiots. Dead end…
And then a thought comes to your mind …
Maybe it's depression?
But it doesn't make it easier for you. To the usual heavy thoughts is added another one: “Something is wrong with me. What if I'm going crazy? " We ought to do something. But, to be honest, at some point you don't care. It doesn't matter what happens to your body, because sooner or later we will all die. And that, another thing that makes your heart beat and what others call "soul" - nobody and nothing will take this away from you. Even depression.
You read about depression. You recognize yourself. You honestly try to follow the advice of psychologists. But from this, for some reason, one irritation arises. And you get worse. Life becomes even more hopeless. You feel that there is no way out of this.
I want to stop everything at once, but I don't have enough strength. And life drags on slowly, barely, almost freezing. Every movement is difficult, every step.
You look at your watch, how ponderously the second hand moves. One second … One more … It seems to you that an eternity has passed during this time. Eternity of emptiness. Slowly and loudly the heart beats, echoing in the heavy head.
Do I still exist? What for? And why?
In a state of depression, you plunge deeper and deeper into yourself and stop noticing this world and everything that is happening around. You only feel your loneliness. There are simply no other people.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that such states are experienced only by people with a sound vector. A vector is a set of innate mental properties of a person. There are eight vectors in total: visual, skin, sound, and others. If the representatives of the seven vectors are satisfied with the fulfillment of simple earthly needs (relationships, children, career, power, etc.), then we, sound specialists, can never be satisfied. It's all empty for us. And those people who live for the sake of "primitive" earthly desires, we are ready to call a meaningless biomass.
Our sound desires are much broader. In fact, only a person who has cognized the painful sound emptiness, this timelessness within himself, this abyss without a bottom - only he is given to understand why we live. Our innate sound desire to comprehend life is provided with the properties for its realization. A vector always sets both desire and the necessary properties for filling it.
Our main and sometimes only desire is to find out the Root Cause
We want to understand what is the point in all this, why this world was created. Why did we come to this world and where will we go.
At the same time, we often forget about such mundane and mundane things as eating and sleeping. We neglect the needs of our physical body, we are burdened by taking care of ourselves. It is burdensome to perform these simple actions every day - to eat, brush your teeth, wash your face, put on your shoes … This distracts us from the main thing - from thinking about the meaning of life.
The soundman's thinking is abstract. We are the generators of new ideas, concepts and theories. Therefore, sound scientists become mathematicians and physicists, brilliant scientists. In the modern world, audio engineers are often busy programming. It was the sound specialists who created the Internet, which unites people around the world not according to the principle of living in one territory, but according to their interests, at the level of common ideas.
But it is we who, despite the Internet, feel our loneliness deeper than others. We are self-absorbed, egocentric, we do not care about the desires of others. But we also suffer the most from the same thing - from our frantic egocentrism, which does not allow us to take a step towards other people, which does not allow us to express our thoughts, share our guesses with others.

Closed and lonely
Closed and lonely, we cannot fulfill our desire for knowledge of the meanings of everything that exists and happens in the world, the laws of the structure of the Universe, macro- and microcosm. And we fall deeper and deeper into the voids of sound desire, losing touch with reality. This is one of the main causes of depression.
The world cannot be cognized alone. After all, everything is known in comparison. Only by interacting with others, we get answers to our questions, which means we fill the sound desire. Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology (SVP) allows us to study the human psyche, and we learn how our I is arranged, how we differ from others. By directing our attention to another person and focusing on him, we begin to understand what desires are driving him, why they were created. Gradually, puzzle by puzzle, a holistic picture of the world is formed, where everyone has their own place and role.
Make connections
In each vector, humanity gradually creates its own connections necessary for the full existence and development of our species. At the moment, connections between people in seven vectors have been developed (in the visual vector - emotional connections, in the skin - a system of laws and restrictions necessary for society, etc.). And only in the sound vector the connections have not yet been created. Moreover, the potential of desire in the sound vector is the largest among all vectors.
Sound specialists are able to comprehend and sensually feel the world around them much stronger than others. And the task of sound specialists is to create spiritual connections that will allow people to communicate at a new level, understanding everything previously hidden behind external forms, behind the words and behavior of others.
Having knowledge of the SVP about the unconscious, we are able to focus so much on another person that we can understand his thoughts, feelings, desires as our own. This unique level of understanding is called in System-Vector Psychology the awareness of the other in oneself. This is the first step towards the creation of spiritual connections that will reveal for us what the sound scientists of all generations are looking for and only now that has become possible for disclosure - the realization of the meaning of life. This is the most powerful sound aspiration, often unconscious and non-verbal, but no less desirable from this. And it is precisely the filling of this desire for cognition of the meaning hidden behind the words, the behavior of other people, behind everything that happens in the world, that leads us to a new perception of the world and ourselves in it. This opens before us the world of eternity and infinity …
How to get out of depression? How to overcome your egocentrism? How to let another person into your life? How to get rid of the feeling that everyone is idiots? And how to find your purpose on earth? The answer to all these and many other questions is given by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. Already at free online lectures, there is an awareness of their mental properties and the disclosure of their natural potential.
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