Olfactory Politics: Divide And Conquer

Olfactory Politics: Divide And Conquer
Olfactory Politics: Divide And Conquer

Olfactory politics: divide and conquer

The state should not listen to the people, otherwise they will not be there tomorrow. Power should provide people - give a sense of security and safety. The right to revolt in the modern world is tantamount to the right to collapse the state.

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Environment":

Smell is politics. Politics is neither bad nor good; it is outside these categories. The main principle of politics in relation to other states is divide and conquer. Each country pursues only its own interests.

In politics, there is not and cannot exist any friendship or good relations between countries, as well as restrictions by moral or ethical norms. The essence of politics is pursuing one's own interests for the sake of preserving the integrity of the country.


The state should not listen to the people, otherwise they will not be there tomorrow. Power should provide people - give a sense of security and safety. The right to revolt in the modern world is tantamount to the right to collapse the state.

Sound is the opposite, the opposite of olfactory politics. The purpose of sound is to consolidate society within the state. Consolidation is possible only when the idea of the supremacy of the whole over the particular reigns. This is what Russia needs most of all now.

It may seem that there are no ideas in the West, but they are. These are ideas of leadership and success. Sharing this idea, the whole society integrates around democracy. Created the European Union. In Russia, the same democracy leads to the disintegration of the state …

Continuation of the synopsis on the forum:


Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 27, 2014

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology
