Psychological Savannah At School. In The Wasteland Of Raising Children

Psychological Savannah At School. In The Wasteland Of Raising Children
Psychological Savannah At School. In The Wasteland Of Raising Children

Psychological savannah at school. In the wasteland of raising children

Perhaps every parent expects that his child will be at least somewhat similar to him: to think as he does, to do as he does, to choose what he does. But nature presents us with surprises: children are not born as angels ready to endure long educational procedures, but as small animals with a set of individual character traits.

Our children love to shock. Introduce into a stupor with actions and words. We often see how they grow from cute babies into people unlike us. Others. Often strangers and strange.

cute babies
cute babies

Perhaps every parent expects that his child will be at least somewhat similar to him: to think as he does, to do as he does, to choose what he does. But nature presents us with surprises: a difficult, uncontrollable teenager grows up in a family of kind and intelligent people, and a real genius is born among the drunks. What's the matter?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan overturns all the classical ideas about our children, about their upbringing and the role of school in their lives.

This latest knowledge confirms the guesses of many: children are not born as angels ready to endure long educational procedures, but as small animals with a set of individual character traits. So it is, people are born with this or that vector, that is, with a certain complex of psychophysical properties that help fulfill their specific role. But only on condition that the properties have time to develop.

The little person is given time to have time to reveal his abilities before the transitional age.

It is so arranged by nature that our life is divided into two unequal periods - before and after puberty. But if physically our body grows by itself, and parents only have time to make new notches on the doorframe, marking new centimeters of growth, then the development of our psychic requires much more effort! Few of the kids can do without outside help. Therefore, parents are obliged to help them.

How do you know how to help a particular child? What does this knowledge give? The ability to unleash a person's potential 100%. Understand his calling. Prevent suicides, child aggression, fighting and murder among schoolchildren. Build an ideal society? Yes, and this, but only if all adults begin to systematically feel and understand their children.

At school, children begin to work out their specific roles and life scenarios, in much the same way as their ancestors did 50 thousand years ago. Determine your place in life and develop your mental health. Alas, the approach implemented in schools often not only fails to develop vectors, but also causes visible and invisible problems.

Screenplay by Marilyn Monroe and Renata Litvinova

Do you remember your classmates? Yourself at school? Then remember a thin girl with big eyes - there is such a girl in every class. She is beautiful, gentle, funny, loves animals and plays with dolls. Likes to listen to fairy tales about castles, princesses and, of course, brave princes.

Here is a girl in tears, her favorite doll was taken away from her. Immediately on the horizon appear three "Prince Charming": the boys console her as best they can. Not every cute schoolgirl will cause such participation in maturing men, but this is already a special attitude. And it is no coincidence: she is the owner of the skin and visual vectors, thanks to which primitive ladies drove the men in the flock crazy. In ancient times, these were the daytime guards of the pack (they have keen and at the same time very sensitive eyesight), and especially developed ones were the leader's girlfriends.

And now this girl, still unaware of her power over men, has already been singled out among the entire school crowd. They help her to carry the knapsack from school, buy buns for her in the buffet, for her sake they are ready to bring the offender by the scruff of the neck - whatever, if only she showed her favor. She smiled. She laughed with a crystal laugh. Has awarded with her attention.

What will this girl grow up to be? It's good if the second is Renata Litvinova or Natalia Vodianova. It's bad if a prostitute, a hysterical woman or a victimologist - a walking bait for maniacs. Alas, bad scenarios are realized just as often as good ones - with completely normal and adequate parents, school and students.

Say a word about the white raven

Children are cruel. Sometimes they, for seemingly unknown reasons, begin to hound newcomers. Very often a handsome, sociable and sweet boy becomes a victim of such attacks. Teachers in such cases include rationalization, shrugging their shoulders: "Well, he is like a girl … he is too emotional … they envy him."

Nonsense! The reason is different. That in the primitive flock, that today people are ranked (differentiated according to the signs of importance in society) at the unconscious level. And they interact in any company according to their place in the ancient table of ranks. Alas, such a gentle boy with skin and visual vectors was not mentioned in this report card. It's scary to think, but a flock of such kids … um … ate them as useless members of society. And our children remember this - with their genetic memory. They persecute and humiliate these little ones, following the ancient program of the pack, without realizing why.

Who will grow out of such a white crow? Under favorable circumstances, singer, musician, ballet soloist, successful showman. It is good if an art critic, nurse, journalist, tour guide. It is bad if a transvestite, a crossdresser (disguised as a woman), a victim of a sadistic maniac, a homosexual.

Such people are not forgotten. Gagarin's script

Perhaps you are lucky enough to know an unusual baby with a urethral vector. Why were you lucky? How is it unusual? You will recognize him right away: outwardly, he is the most adult of the children, he always walks freely, freely. This boy is headstrong. Does not tolerate education, moralizing, restriction and oppression, for example, from teachers. But even they like this bully.

Such boys are the first in everything. Including in its puberty. These are people capable of leading (in a primitive society, leaders), adored by everyone. All the girls from the parallel dry up on him, and he … And he confuses with his adult, open and meaningful look, talking about sex, a still young but unmarried teacher. The boy fulfills his program - mercifully gives his attention to all the lame, wretched and someone not chosen by women who are still capable of giving birth.

You could have known such a character in a different guise - a bully. He became a bully in opposition to the pressure of the family and the school. For a child who is listed first in the table of ranks, lowering this very rank is akin to losing his own I. If this leader gathers a flock of the yard, he can do a lot of misfortunes: commit arson, break the windows of entrances and stops, mark the territory with urine (this is an archetypal role a primitive man with a urethral vector, who marked the conquered lands in this way).

Do not be surprised if a bully, suddenly caught by the hand, confidently looks at you and says: "I was right, it had to be done." It will be so - he clearly knows that there are no prohibitions for the one who is responsible for the life of the pack. He is the only one from birth who knows how to behave in this world, and does not need to be educated by limitation.

Who will grow from the urethral leader of the school pack? If you're lucky with the school and parents - the realized leader of a large group of people (plant-factory-country-continent) or even the new Yuri Gagarin, Fidel Castro or Vladimir Vysotsky. But if he is controlled, suppressed, forcibly forced to do something necessary - from the point of view of adults - he will turn into a criminal. By the way, these children are the least likely to survive to the transitional age - they are killed by a passion for unjustified risk.


He speaks sensing your lacks

He talks, talks, talks. Speaks, speaks, speaks. His speech apparatus never gets tired, he is positive and fits into any company - for its simplicity and "well-hung language." Lie with three boxes? It's him. Sharing someone else's secret? Also. Share the latest school news? Yes, yes, our chatterbox.

This child has the ability to cheer, convince, make people believe in their words (even if they are fantastic lies). Such a student was late for the lesson - and let's tell stories. The class is bursting with laughter, the teacher is embarrassed - her rational mind does not believe in his stories, but she wants to … And she says to him: "Okay, storyteller, sit down."

And then a student comes in, who is really late for a good reason (he translated his grandmother across the road, escorted his younger sister to the garden). But they won't believe him. He will stumble, get lost in thought - and the teacher will annoyed him: "Enough already, give me a diary."

What is this skill? Natural eloquence? Close. But it's worth digging deeper: we have a child with an oral vector. Its ancient destiny is a herald, who has a natural ability to force himself to listen. Since primitive times, his ability to persuade has not gone anywhere.

He is never embarrassed and masterfully laughs. It is he who, starting from the age of 6, in obscene expressions, tells friends where children come from. It completely frees you from this unnecessary task of teaching your child about sex. Say thank you to him: with two sentences in a swear word, he brings to the attention of your child something that you could talk about for hours, blushing and nervously confused in the testimony. But there is a problem with such young Demosthenes: if in childhood they constantly shut their mouths and beat them on the lips, instead of wonderful and outstanding orators or powerful singers, they will grow up stuttering, pathological liars and gossips, from which there is no benefit.

From genius to schizophrenic - one clap on the ears

This quiet man does not notice. Until he is the only one in the class to write the most difficult test in physics for "5". "How? This moron? And perfectly well ?! " - classmates are indignant. The teacher was also surprised: she always considered him a mentally retarded, inhibited, undeveloped child. After all, he has an absent gaze, but when asked in front of everyone, he repeats, after a long pause: "Huh?.."

Alas, sometimes his own parents consider him a moron - quiet, withdrawn, "not like all children!" And he is a kid whom nature has awarded with a sound vector. He is awarded a special, abstract type of intelligence, has great potential for development. But the risks with improper upbringing are considerable, because neurosis in the sound vector is nothing more, nothing less than schizophrenia! And who he will be depends on you.

But the school is a cruel primitive flock, and the attitude towards these children is far from the best. He does not fit into the noisy company of the main leaders of the class! The teacher, believing that such a quiet person will not be of any use, refers him to the last desk. And the merry fellow and joker with an oral vector mocks him in his sophisticated way: sneaks up on tiptoe from behind and ka-a-ak will hit him in the ears! He hits the most important place, because this child is especially sensitive to sounds.

What is born in his head after this? Thoughts that he has no place in this screaming pack. And since the school did not come up with alternatives for him (a rare sensitive parent transfers this kid to home schooling, although this is not an option), he decides to commit suicide. Or maybe he just goes into himself, plunges into the virtual world and forgets where the exit is. And he could become the second Einstein, Beethoven, Mendeleev …

Scary. It becomes scary from the realization of what can happen to a child at school, where it is not known about the specific roles, ranking in the flock, and the development of primitive programs. We, like blind kittens, entrust the upbringing and life of our children to strangers' aunts and uncles, who know so little about what they are doing. We give them to the clutches of a thoughtless system. Lucky - the child will grow up normal. Unlucky - he will become a criminal, a victim of violence, a schizophrenic, a prostitute or a person with a mass of hidden complexes and problems.

Aren't you scared?
